I'll drop this here:

I'll drop this here:

that blackboard is dope as fuck, how they called?

>watching a video by a guy who can't even spell asymptotes properly

Where did his eyebrows go?

>he doesn't know about ayysmptotes

A pity that your mother didn't drop you from a really tall building

I watch his epsilon delta proof video. He's a pretty cool guy.

No fucking way i know this guy kek

gay as hell, but gets the point across


Fucking pussy destroyer 2.0

pls respond

This shit is gay as fuck, but I'm digging it, even though I can't see casper's face.

It's a regular blackboard with overpriced chalk pen

>ASS Hmm tote

like he's really annoying but at the same time i'm learning shit really easily in the way he's doing it. what the fuck is happening

>plus n' miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinus.

>whoop whoop


>AAAAAASS mmm Tote

>how much does it rise? It rises THREE U-NIIIITS

holy fuck dude

Those chalk sounds are making my skin crawl.

The Pauly Shore of mathematics.

>the intro music

Kek, I would kill myself if this guy was my professor

>"How much does it rise? It rises THUREEE EUUUNIIITSS."

Fuck this guy.

Would way rather take a class from this guy than from some autistic chink.