My hipster brother and his SJW boyfriend came round for dinner last night.
They left behind pic related and I'm wondering whether I can cook with it.
I hate being wasteful, do you think it would be ok to use in shepherd's pie?
My hipster brother and his SJW boyfriend came round for dinner last night
Probably, it's a hoppy beer, so maybe taste first to see if that's the flavor you want added to your shepherds pie. Or just drink it, you can't really go wrong with that.
Slap your faggot brother in the mouth
Just drink it.
Pour it down the sink OP
It will turn you into a hipster faggot like your brother if you drink it
>I hate being wasteful,
So leave it for them for their next visit. It should be good for the next 24 months. Will they be back?
I have bad luck with flavorful stouts in shepherds pie. I think it overpowers the flavors to use more than a 1/4 cup...and that's not even a strong stout, but it is quite hoppy, bleh. It's not worth opening unless you want a larger quantity. Or use what you'd prefer to use.
For leftover beer, I like to make a "beer bread" to go with my main. It's on the line with quick bread, irish soda bread for freshness, so make it at the last minute, and take it out of the oven and serve it immediately. A leftover pumpkin beer is as good as a Bud Light in beer bread. That'll be fine. Think about a honey butter or putting some zest into your butter to kick it up a notch. Both improve beer bread.
I saw this same exact thread about 3 years ago.
>hates being wasteful
>continues to let faggot brother the quintessence of human waste exist.
Kill the faggots then kill yourself for being a fag enabler.
Is it summer?
>SJW boyfriend
Sounds like the typical IPA drinker to me.
I can almost smell the vape from here.
Pasta/10 EABOD, DIAF, sage
Posted ~10 p.m. Sydney time.
I'm so used to drinking their 7%+ abv dipas that when I bought a 12 pack of their ipa on sale I was surprised how watery it tasted. It's still a good widely available ipa. Just give it to a homeless person if you're too much of a bitch to drink it.
haha nice
love the lets bump respond to pasta shitposts seriously meme
I came here to post it. Do not cook with expensive beer. All of the alcohol cooks off with the heat and leaves you with just beer flavor. Get a 6-pack of Busch or something. Lagunitas IPA is actually pretty good.
Came here to post this as well. Lagunitas is good shit man
Why is this thread being made again? I don't understand.
Jack uses it all the time so why don't you?
you can't really cook with a hoppy beer. drink it you collosal faggot
Its actually a pretty decent beer. Just drink it.
>Lagunitas is good shit man
what y'all drinking? I'm having depth charge Knob's Creek Rye in Asylums
I agree, man. I don't drink anything below a 10% these days.
I think you should return it to your brother unexpectedly thus catching him having sex with his SJW bf. Aroused by the display you join in and give his SJW the 2 brothers for 1 experience.
The sjw will be delighted he spread his aids to both of you and wiped out the male siblings of a family like Jew Passover
>a family like Jew Passover
What did he mean by this?
>tfw they got bought by heineken
It's not an expensive beer though, at least not in my country.
Enjoy your estrogen.
IPA is the worst kind of hop shit beer.
It's not a true IPA, user.
>hipster brother and his SJW boyfriend
Run them over with the lawnmower.
No you didn't.
Are changing timelines again?
Hi image.jpg, did you finally buy a computer?
New iOS devices don't default to image.jpg
>brother...his boyfriend
what the fuck, dude?
did you mean your sister? and you just got the pronoun wrong, or what?
This is what Drumpff has bought to the world.
no, none of trump's children are brainless retards, as far as i know
They should've mercy killed it when they had the chance.
Use it in a beer batter on something fried
what? they're happy healthy girls :)
jebus is one hell of a drug
So do you disagree? Or did you just come to shitpost?
my two cents
If I had to associate neckbeard "culture" with an existing group of people, I would put money on it that Lagunitas is the most favored craft brewery amongst that collective group.
Why? Lagunitas is undeniably the most entry-level brewery that purports that "counter culture" aesthetic. Their label art and text is home to a concentrated amount of memes, and to Bud Light drinkers, Lagunitas drinkers are as geeky about their beer as one could be.
Which is incredibly silly. It's just the ok option I go for when it's the best beer the venue has. Brown Suga season is great since it's so high abv for 6 bucks. Not bad.
I've visited the Chicago brewery and everyone working there came off as a chill stoner, which was nice, since they're nice people. Got a shit ton of pint "samples" on the tour. Really generous guys of you connect with them. Some people thought I was part of the tour. Silly shit. I just work at a large, very well run liquor store, which nets me free rounds of beer and industry discounts sometimes.
But yeah, lagunitas brews mostly ok beer, with their one hitter series being their real good, surprisingly cheap beer. 12.99 for their fantastic barrel aged stout? Fuck yeah. They're bros.
Same. I love getting a buzz off one beer.