What is Veeky Forums drinking today?
How are you drinking it?
What is Veeky Forums drinking today?
How are you drinking it?
Drinking dilmah bagged shit someone left in my house. Very bitter.
Been drinking a ton of yancha, got a few 50g bags of a few different kinds/roast levels from yunnansourcing, still wasnt able to make the brewing super consistent but I assume thats due to cheaping out on the amount of leaf a few times, best sessions been on a 50ml gaiwan with a bit over 4g of leaf (pretty much filled all the way with leaf)
bulk green tea I bought off amazon.com
What kind? How is it?
I'm drinking some cheapish oolong. It's okay.
Pretty good, I'm sure there is better quality available, but I'm a cheapskate. If I had my choice I would by white tea, but quality white tea is expensive.
Some green lose leaf tea warm from Teavana. I know that place may be a meme, but I don't care, it tastes good to me.
Cheap oolong is worse than the other varieties you can get for a low price in my opinion.
Gunpowder seems like one of those things that's kind of hard to fuck up, so it's usually at least decent.
Teavana is mostly just overpriced and sells a lot of "tea" which is basically trail mix. Their pure teas aren't really that bad.
I want to get way from drinking soda. what brands of tea are good? or should I just make it with bags at home?
I could tell it's overpriced, but I only get some every time I pass through this one city out of my state. I just got some emperors clouds and mist, pic related. That's just a straight up green as far as I'm aware, you can correct me if I should be looking into something else for a plain green tea.
I've been drinking bigelow's oolong for the past few days. As my first oolong tea, I think it's good. It has a nice, strong roasted smell, and it feels smooth when drank. It tastes similarly to how it smells, which makes me think it would be accurate to call it a medium roast.
Anyone have any recommendations for some higher quality medium-to-dark oolongs?
There is only one kind of tea
>visiting rich aunt and uncle's house on vacation
>she commutes between houston and chicago and has houses in both; doesn't keep the kitchen well-stocked since she's rarely home long enough for anything to keep
>since I'm visiting we need to go to the store
>asks me to make a list
>put 'tea' on the list and she asks what kind
>very British uncle pops his head around the corner
>I buy twinings at the store
still cracks me up thinking about the way he said it
>1 litre boiling water
>3 orange pekoe bags
>1 cup sugar
>1/3 cup kemon juice
It ain't good unless it is neon orange pekoe in colour
I just got a decent haul in from Amazon. 6 boxes of yogi honey destress tea, and from 'Positively tea' 1lb of lychee green tea, 1lb of vanilla caramel rooibos
I also have some local honey that I will drop a dollop into the tea. Also, fuck Amazon. If you don't have prime, your shit is not getting to you in under a week even if the warehouse is a 2 hour drive from your house.
Used to greenfield
Now ahmad
Just had some Darjeeling this mornin, however it was very bitter. I think my water to tea ratio is a bit off, too much tea and such little water will mess up the flavor and make it extremely tannic.
Higher oxidized Oolongs are very unique in flavor, many describe it as an old aged wooden aroma.
>tea earl grey, hot.
this stuff is the bees knees
Some loose puerh, smells a little rank but it tastes fine.
It never fucking fails! I put some green tea in to brew, note the time, and tell myself to check on in it 3 minute later. By the time I remember, its been 15 minutes and its a bitter mess not even honey can save.
The only tea worth drinking.
I drink Bigalow Green Tea. I recently replaced it with coffee, and now i'm more regular with my shits.
It also gives me the energy I need like coffee did.
I use a keurig for the hot water, and I add a few squirts of lemon juice to it. Nothing fancy, but I highly recommend it to anyone over normally drinking coffee.
>mfw every thread now is full of soulless retards making up meme flavors they think is in their drinks. whiskey, wine, beer, water, tea it doesn't matter, it's the same fucking shit everywhere I go
>MFW this fucking sperglord that has an undeveloped pallete pops up in every coffee/wine/beer/whiskey/tea thread that people detect notes of flavors that he cannot.
go back to your fucking mcchicken thread.
I bought a bag of loose tea on a whim but then I remembered I don't have a teapot
How do I consume it
basically what you want to do is this
put it in a bag
put the bag in hot water
let it soak
then stick your nose in the cup and make some shit up about floral notes and wood notes. make up some more shit about vanilla, toffee, tobacco, oak, and coconut flavors. make some even more shit about how the aroma is BIG and STRONG and then take all that nonsense you just fabricated and post it on here so you can circle jerk with the other morons that thing tea tastes like anything other than shit water.
thats how you consume it
>put tea in cup
>add hot water
>pour into other cup through filter to catch the leaves
Oh fuck off. Hipster shit. Sorry, wannabe hipster shit.
Buy a tea infuser (tea ball) for $3. If its decent quality and you're not full retard, it'll last many years. Available online or in the gadget section of many grocery stores (where you might find measuring cups, pans, etc.
Alright, I'll check them out.
Same here, but I usually just drink it anyway as it never seems to get too bitter. Keep in mind, all green tea I've drank is supermarket-tier.
Care to explain why?
>meme flavors
You mean all the bastardized teas with chamomile, mint, and jasmine; with chocolate, caramel, ginger, or peppermint flavored additives, right?
This is probably a stupid question, but where does one find a good quality tea-ball? The last three I've bought all had an issue with the metal clamp breaking or deforming.
Just stand there for 3 minutes. Its not a long time.
Did tea rape your family
Some celestial seasonings piquante safari spice roobios. Not bad for mass produced bag tea.
Does anybody know how epazote tea compares to normal tea?
1 bag of black tea per electric kettle of water (a bit over 1 liter of water, I think) + 4-5 tablespoons of sugar, drank in 0.5l aluminium cup.
How much tea? How much water? For how long?
Depends on the type of tea and how you want it.
help! was recently gifted a lovely little (
Looking for a place to buy puerh irl but most of the tea places I've checked just have one thing with no details about what it actually is or nothing at all. Would I have better luck with asian supermarkets?
Using NYC as an example, I can find plenty of ripe cakes in Chinatown but I can only think of a 2-3 places in the city where I can find sheng.
Hell, my local tea shop owner didn't know about raw puerh and has asked me to bring him a sample to try sometime.
Good luck w/ your search
If you want it to take up flavours you're gonna have to make a whole lot of tea so you're either doing it with the tea you drink the most of or it's gonna take years before you can notice it.
Stupid question -- why do I want it taking up the flavors?
Drinking pic related.
It's ok, pretty bland. I want to try different teas but I don't know if I'm expecting too much from them. Some people make tea seem like it's a gift from god.
Can anyone recommend me a really good earl grey? I don't care how much it is, I just want to try whatever is considered a "top" tea.
shit forgot the pic
What the fuck is this aint no tea thread.
what's a good oolong tea that i can buy online?
no where near me carries it, they only have poo-erh
My favorite tea is the Turkish Tea.
Eh, they're all mass produced chinese shit nowadays, even the expensive micro-mesh or whatever.
You can buy paper or "silk" bags for tea, but they're disposable and wasteful. I just got some of pic related from amazon for $10; 3 pack. I haven't tried them out yet, but each infuser will require a little tweaking on your end to get them to seal right. All the negative reviews are saying the top of the infuser is easy to come off. Well, there are little metal tabs to can bend and adjust to get them tight which most housewives aren't willing to do.
Some of us have shit to do and don't want to sit in the kitchen for 3-4 minutes staring at the clock.
>Some of us have shit to do
like shitposting on Veeky Forums?
No I work from home, and sometimes I have emails to send or phone calls to be on. Likewise, if I make tea on my tailgate, I might occupy my time with something else and time flies when you're doing stuff.
Get loose leaf from the same brand
>buy pic related
>actually full leaves unless the other teas I've bought from Twinings which are chopped up
>sane weight uses more volume as a result
If I was using 1tsp/6oz before, anyone know how much to use of this for 6oz? Don't have a scale to figure this out
Also after googling it, people are using 3-5g/1 tbsp per cup? That seems excessive
Also after googling it seems like people are using way more tea to water than I am, can someone weigh in on this?
4-5g/6oz seems a bit much
Make it in a pot and take the pot back to your desk with you. Alternatively use like four times the amount of leaves and give it 20-30 seconds. Alternatively you can take a saucer or something back to your desk to put your strainer/ball/whatever in.
You could just tell us you're a literal retard and not waste our time
You can literally apply that pathetic logic to anything in life.
Pick a hobby or any sort and anyone can say the same thing.
I use a french press. I intentionally don't take it with me so it forces me to get up every 30 minutes to get away from my desk.
>Some of us have shit to do and don't want to sit in the kitchen for 3-4 minutes staring at the clock.
Are you trying to mow the lawn of something while making tea? What do you mean you don't have enough time? If you seriously can't spare 3 minutes in a day for some tea then your life is seriously fucked.
Use a french press that holds one cup?
Gunpowder green from tealyra. It's OK. Smoky, whipser of a floral top note. Big problem: tea didn't stand up to a 2nd steeping very well at all. I took 2 sips of the 2nd steeping and had to reconsider my life up until that point, it was so weak. Good afternoon tea, but I won't be buying it again.
You serious? Gunpowder Green is one of the most potent teas out there, just 10 seconds in the gaiwan and my face goes bitter. I'd wager for 5-7 second steep times.
I apparently have no sense of taste when it comes to teas, and most the ones I've tried taste exactly the same, with none of the hints of flavor I've heard so much about. Is this a problem with how I've been brewing them?
>be me
>look and dress like a hobo because I am cheap and lazy
>it helps keep the real hoboes and vagrants from accosting me
>gotta fit in where I live
>also sometimes good samaritans just hand me bags of food for free, cause they think I am homeless
>Anyway, there's a buncha benefits to that I won't get into
>So, I've been drinking tea for a decade or whatever, I know more than the college kids at the local tea store working for the summer
>I walk in there with my bag of rusty cans(the salt rusts them) and hobo beard and they always treat me like I don't know anything
>I buy hundred dollars or more worth of tea and don't show up again for three more months until I run out and it's time to turn in my cans again
>I forgot where I was going with this story
Anyway, uh, they have this nice peach tea I like.
Your taste buds might be shot if you consume sugary beverages, you have to train yourself to point out the subtle flavors of tea.
Well shit. How long will that take?
I kinda wanna know about everything else. Why are you so into looking like a hobo? what are the other benefits?
>I know about tea
>nice peach tea I like
pick one.
It's good. It's called "Peach Paradise" and it's Black tea, citrus peel, calendula flowers, and peach fruit essence. Smells great.
Live in the bad part of town, need to look worse than anyone else so they don't bug me. When I sit on the bus, it keeps the girls from sitting beside me, which is great. I had shaved a while back and I had guys trying to fight me at the 7/11 though that was a misunderstanding, and girls were sitting next to me on the bus even if the damn thing wasn't full, which never happened before. Vapid people.
Plus, it's an instant disguise if the cops ever come looking for me again. I can shave a beard and look unrecognizable, but I can't just grow one on a whim.
Pick up something with a taste that's very easy to place. Pu erh and lapsang souchong would be a place to start.
But honestly, see:
Little boy, you need to grow up.
Its a french press that holds about 1.5liters
The most significant features on the face are skull features of eyes nose and brow. And I mean the bony protrusions not the actual fleshy organs. Shaving your beard won't do jack shit for disguise. This might save you from a life of prison. Giant douchy sunglasses are the best for disguise. This is why ugly girls wear enormous sunglasses.
Buy a cheap, recently pressed ripe puerh and will literally taste like shit. There is no way anyone can't taste that.
>t. armchair detective
Will anything bad happen to me if I drink too much herbal tea?
Tisane is no joke, one of my friends ODed on chamomile.
It could take years. Start only water is a start, and don't eat super processed foods or junk food, eat more natural/organic food types where the ingredients are simple.
How many words can you come up with with only the letters T-E-A ?
Ate eat tea eta teat at tee taa
And a by itself is a word too
I got some cheap genmaicha the other day and it's pretty good.
The roasted rice smell is pretty strong though.
Dayi ripes are usually pretty harmless even when young, they let them rest a bit before selling usually
Anyone ever had tea rice before?
I just heard of it while playing Way of the samurai and I am intrigued but it sounds pretty memely
>make rice
>dump tea on it
Why tho. It would taste much better to eat the rice and drink the tea.
scorched rice tea was Kim Jong Ils favorite kind of tea
I made it the other day hearing of it somewhere around here. It's ok, though I lacked the fish to make the recipe I found proper. I mean if you want some soup right now, why not?
Bit more than that.
All day, Erry day.
It's your head man, I don't give a shit. You'll remember this in prison.
So I'm trying to get into tea.
I bought pic related and a tea ball at the grocery store and I love the smokiness compared to cheap green tea in teabags.
Where do I go from here? I know this can't be very good quality loose leaf tea, but it's sold me on loose leaf teas being better than tea bags.
Sampler packs. Alternatively buy some stuff to throw into your gunpowder, like rose hips, ginseng, jasmine, eggs, hibiscus, other fruits/flows/poultry.