ITT: suicide-tier food/drink
ITT: suicide-tier food/drink
When I first moved out I practically lived on this garbage. Just seeing it at the store or in someones house brings back shitty memories.
Even thinking about it makes me want to puke and hang myself.
my friends diet consists of 1 hungry man a day, a pack of marlboro reds and Milwaukees best.
He's 25 and looks like he's 45
Same here except with unfiltered Camels and Colt 45.
When it's going to an educational institution.
Pitchin', Catchin''s all the same game: fast food is shit.
>bite into this
>chip tooth on cow cornea
Public school was hell
What in the fuck is that
"pink slime" hamburger patty.
I was that fag who always had packed lunch. Laugh at all the plebs.
Slurried meat thats been shaped back into a patty.
anyone who has dabbled in the world of Mad Dog 2020s can weigh in on these. All I can think of is freshmen year of college
It's not that it's so bad, but it was the principal flavor source for my food for a year when I was really, really poor and suicidal, so tapatio and valencia or whatever it's called aren't welcome.
Why I got pizza every fucking day. Though thankfully I wasn't there for Micheles atrocity
I bought the snack sticks version when I went down to MD, was kinda nasty without anything on it. What did you eat it with??
I put that stuff on pasta, a'la Cincinnati chili
Seeing that strawberry kiwi triggered flashbacks of some very dark times
You mean Valentina?
wht does suicide tier food/drink mean?
something so awful?
or something you'd eat and drink when you're suicidal?
pigeon as meat
If you're talking about the texture, it's just grease bubbles.
It's not intestine or stomach or whatever the fuck people say it is.
Where the fuck do you find meat like this?
American public school.
why did you nail your burger to the ground?
could you stop it already? i'm trying to eat over here
Did michele really fuck it that bad with her school lunch program or what? I don't remember meat being that shitty when I was growing up.
How has there not been a NATO summit to stop this.
Nah the burgers were this shitty long before obama. I specifically remember passing on the burgers because they looked like tar pits.
jesus christ shit like this is why I skipped lunch in high school
this one is Burger king, not school
Wow, we had those same kind of burgers, the sad thing is they switched to some kind of fake grilled burger that was twice as bad/disgusting.
Might be because I went to a decently paid school district. Though I wouldn't doubt I'd get that back in North Carolina. Their elementary food was a shit
hehe pidge
i make this with angel hair pasta and store bought alfredo
bought this when I was suicidal and living in the dorms. was cheaper than spam and I figured it couldn't be any worse. I was wrong.
Only thing suicidal about beans is posting their picture on a suicide tier food thread, risking the invasion of the Brits
Yeah I'd want to kill myself too if I was black.
Ohio was a mistake.
I love grape soda go fuck yourself.
It was pretty bad before but it got significantly worse when Mobama got involved. What the fuck does a black tranny know about nutrition anyways?
>Not liking canned mystery meat
Are you some kind of a pussy?
First tip is dont cook it.
It actually tastes better cold.
Cooked treet tastes bland and nasty like some kind of extra greasy bologna.
Cold treet still has detectable seasoning and flavoring it in.
The smoke flavoring adds a nice touch, kind of makes it taste like a kielbasa.
Tip two is you put that shit on a piece of toast or a cracker.
I didn't cook it. it tasted like what I would imagine chicken ass to taste like. I mean thanks for the tips and stuff but I don't think I'll be buying it again.
Looks disgusting.
I want to lick it.
i kek'd
you just reminded me of some shit I used to do in boy scouts. We would drink "suicides" made out of ridiculous amounts of various kool aid powders mixed into our nalgenes. Syrup tier thickness in some of them. Only the strong survived.
Shut the fuck up, I actually gagged imagining doing that.
lol did they have to write "dinner for one" on there? just write turkey dinner or w/e lmao
These are fucking disgusting
>Pack a day
Christ almighty and I thought my smoking habit was bad
This literally looks like a bunch of assholes on a bun
Don't have an image but the store I work at has pre-filled bags of produce that sell for a dollar or two. I swear to God, I'm not sure if I'm more disgusted at the almost-compost they put in there or the people that buy them.
Like I've seen people buy lettuce that was starting to brown and produce that nasty ass liquid that it does when it rots.
I need a drink to clear that from my mind now
I bought one of these at a dollar store once and felt like a nigger for the rest of the day.
oh man I remember US public school food
thank god my school had little italian subs you could buy
it really is insane how disgusting of food they manage to sell to kids
I didn't think someone would stick a hamburger in a can, coat it with weird meat juice, and sell it to people, but after seeing this shit on a shelf I realized that this this is actually a thing.
Who in their right mind would eat a whole soggy goddamn hamburger out of a can.
>"I'm a fucking terrible parent": the meal
If you can't be fucked to make your kid lunch for their next day at school, you don't deserve them.
Wait, there's everything in there? Bun too?
that's why if I go to any fast food that serves them I'll usually get the veggie burger even though I'm not vegetarian
way less disgusting than grade C meat that's been kicking around for a while
Burger King's veggie burger is dank af
As a kid my sister and I would ask our parents to buy them because kids want things like that, not a sandwich and shit.
microwaved, store bought carbonara I ate while a student. the meat was hard as fuck and the sauce was incredibly salty. I also used to eat some chili that looked and tasted like literal shit. See if I can find that picture.
I got these MAYBE once a month, and looking back I'm glad it wasn't an every day thing.
This is back when I lived much closer to my grandparents so I always got things like barley soup, fried crepes, schnitzels and things like that because they brought it over, and they gave my mom shit if I had a really processed lunch.
I should really thank them for that.
Most smokers smoke a pack a day or more, user. Anything less than that is medically considered "light" smoking.
Yes, the whole goddamned thing. And it's all greasy and soggy as hell, no doubt.
Pizza ones were good desu ^_^
>Mfw remember school lunch mcrib
>the little hotdogs
From the thumbnail, I thought that was a still from an anime. I was disappointed when i saw the full size version.
Fugggg the school lunch mcribs were delicious as fuck
I remember when Ashens and his friend tried one and were horrified to find a bun inside
Look up Jim Nduruchi in YouTube and tell me this shit don't look just like the stuff that crazy nigga finds
I work at a nursing home and all our shit comes from Sysco, shit looks so fucking awful it's no wonder these old fucks refuse to eat then drop dead.
The saddest part about this is that there are microwave instructions but at the same time part of me has this weird longing to be alone in an apartment in a new city on Thanksgiving, no family or friends to spend the evening with, and then just sort of resigning myself to eating one of these by myself.
It's not the best, and it certainly doesnt help me feel less lonely, but at the same time at least it's something, and it's actually not as bad as it could have been
My sides
Pigeon can be pretty good. A couple of years ago we ate wild pigeon, that had been shot and butchered that same day. It's just game-y chicken
> it isn't even prepped in any way just a whole fruit bat