Staying productive while NEET

What do you do when not wageslaving to stay productive? I've just quit my job in finance because it was boring as fuck, and this is the daily routine I have planned:

>Study an hour for Series 65
>Study an hour for CFA
>Job Applications and networking emails to jobs that actually interest me (very few do)
>Read any book on finance/crypto/investing/trading for 2 hours (aiming for 1 book per week)
>Spend an hour or so reading any news or educational articles on crypto/investing/technology

This is all on top of "managing" my crypto investments, which is fairly passive right now. Once I'm more educated on TA, I'll spend time trading futures with 10% of my worth. All that said, I still feel like I'm not doing enough. What do my fellow NEETs do besides playing video games and jerking off all day?

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Jesus Christ so many red flags fuck. You only have plans, have done literally nothing on your list stop implying you're not one of the useless NEETs beating it to anime. You're going to start being less passive with your "investment" and lose all your money to scams, you'll give up all those items you have listed after 3 days tops. You've made the biggest mistake of your life my friend. Wake up

if you're registered for lvl1 stick to shweser notes and memorize ethics and professional code of conduct. do multiple practice exams.

I have a "checklist" of different things to do during the day set in tiers.

Tier 1: Clean, quick bodyweight workout(5 min), 5 min yoga, 10 min meditate.

Tier 2: Major exercise(Weights/Cardio), 10k words read from book.

After that I usually get bored and start drinking. Need a social life, fuck.

Within a week I guarantee your schedule will be:

> Wake up at midday feeling exhausted
> Masturbate
> Eat
> Masturbate
> Go online to look at jobs, get distracted by porn
> Masturbate
> Eat
> Surf Reddit, Veeky Forums and Youtube
> at 2am study for an hour because you feel guilty about wasting the day
> Go to sleep feeling like shit

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This has literally been my life for the last 3 years. How do I fix it user?

It's time to be less boring, I'd suggest taking up knitting

Le read book make me smart and also me study xD! fuck off

All of this except Reddit

Kys redditfag

Stop masturbating. Just go cold turkey.

>turned NEET and had so many things planned
>all I do is smoking weed 24/7 and browsing youtube while waiting for my coins to moon

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Workout and pickup chicks

>tfw NEET
>wake up anywhere from 2pm to 4 pm
>mom makes me some waffles
>hop on the computer and browse Veeky Forums for a couple hours
>jerk off
>get some snacks and candy
>play WoW for the next 3 hours
>mom usually comes home with the mcdonalds or taco bell at this point
>enjoy some fast food while watching anime for a couple hours
>play some more vidya or browse Veeky Forums again while eating icecream, chips, and candy
>end up going to bed at 3am-5am
>wake up at 3pm and do it all over again

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pretty much this except instead of weed it's klonopin in the morning, xanax in the day, cocaine at night, percocet and xanax on the comedown and then clonidine and remeron to fall asleep. Have to ration reasonably and strategically because if I'm out of money before my folio moons it's time to an hero.

youre a foul creature

how obese are you

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Stupid people shouldn't go into neet mode. You need to have someone, an employer, to tell you what to do, to guide you through life. Unfortunately soon you will not be needed by the capital, so it will be /NEET/ life for you for ever, I guess you will rot in your room sustaining on UBI

6'3, 270 pounds

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Moved scripts and bud for 3 months and SAVED $21,000, not made. Coming from $800 saved wageslaving, I went a long way in a short time and earned experiences learned lessons I would never trade. One of them was that I don't actually need to be some sperg behind a register swallowing the boss for a 5% pay raise.

feels like home, which fucking sucks

2 Year NEET here;
>Drop out of college
>Invest in bitcoins, after a year or so I have enough money to support myself but not enough to rent my own place(at least I wouldn't be this comfortable)

Usual routine;
>wake up 9-10 am
>go for a walk, watch wagecucks stuck on traffic, have a coffee read some books(mainly about dystopian futures right now)
>Come back home have a brunch
>Go to gym for 1.5 - 2 hr
>Come home watch some animu, check the market, look for the news
>Play vidya games

You made money dealing weed ? I don't know your jargon. If that is so, I don't think leaving your job and starting to deal is a progress user

literal manchild, youll regret it one day...

Pharmaceuticals made me the most money, there were several days I made over $1,000 just from them. Made less money selling weed, but a lot of people smoke, still made enough to sell it. I'm not content with this life and have come close to death twice and realized I didn't care. That was another of the aforementioned things I learned. So if my portfolio busts and I become broke, it's not gonna be a challenge to neck myself desu. I wasn't happy when I was able to live lavish and the way I wanted, so I aim for the real riches. If I don't make it, fuck it I tried.

How did you come close to death twice? Dealing or od'ing?

This, OP.


i browse Veeky Forums /pol/ /tv/ Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums, and cook for my wife sometimes.
basically i do nothing

we are literally brothers user. Except I go to the gym at 12am and wake up at like 11

How often do you masturbate?

I really wish I didn't need to wageslave just to survive.

One month NEET here.

>Wake up at 10am after a full night's rest. Sleep schedule completely readjusted, so instead of an average of 6 hours I now get 8. Feels so good.
>Make a wholesome breakfast with potato, onion and pepper hash that I meal prep and just add scrambled eggs.
>Browse Veeky Forums for an hour out of boredom
>Run an errand
>Hit the gym for an hour
>Make dinner
>Stay productive compared to my fellow NEETs but still waffling through life without making progress toward new goals outside of amassing crypto wealth.

I need to keep to a schedule like yours OP. Most important thing is to have your vision, and stick to it as if it were necessary. I've also found it helpful to have people you can trust to tell you when you're fucking up by just floating through life or dreaming too hard without putting plans into action.

I also post my NEET day:

>wake up at 3PM but roll around in bed til 4PM browsing biz on my phone
>feel bad because my 40k chainlink still didn‘t moon
>mom already made dinner
>get high as a giraffe pussy
>eat my brunch while browsing youtube and Veeky Forums on 2 screens
>third screen ALWAYS has muted porn on it
>jerk off a bit and download some rare JOI clips
>get high again and play vidya til I get hungry again
>eat a pizza at 3AM
>go to bed at around 7AM
>repeat ad infinitum

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Are you me?

>unironically recommending reddit
You do know we have nofap threads over at /r9k/ right? Without the circlejerk or subhuman IQ that is reddit, right?

Figuratively and literally kill yourself.

You're complaining?

I used to live like that when i was 18-21yo and it was the best time of my life compared to now 28yo fucking wagecucking.

If you guys stop masturbating you would have even more time and energy. Maybe you would even get motivation to improve your worthless lives.

>no series 65
>no cfa
>be 22
>2.6 gpa
>get job on trading desk

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You're likely to end up like .

If you insist on it consider these
>you need a good sleep schedule
>you need regular exercise
>you absolutely need regular socializing, cocoon-mode is a self-destructive meme, it's how you'll turn into a meme that plays vidya and masturbates to chinese cartoons all day
>it's easy to do things that make you feel like you're being productive but you're not (like reading endless news and articles or self-improvement instructions)
>daytrading is terrible and you'll fuck yourself up

just want to make enough money with crypto to start my hustle with cars
after that crypto will be my safe bet while i get to enjoy working with cars

Actual NEET here.

Wake up 9am.
Open up all the windows, let the air flow through the house.
Have a nice relaxed breakfast and coffee for an hour.
Read some of my book. Just finished American Kingpin about the Silkroad. Was an enjoyable read.
Make lunch around 12.
Head to the gym, spend about 1.5 - 2 hours here 4 days of the week (literally in the best shape of my life, now that I have actual time and energy to spend on myself, instead of slaving my life away).
Recently met, and am now dating a hot, tiny Russian girl visiting my country. She Aupairs, so after dropping the kids at school often comes to my house and we have a lot of sex.
Afternoon rolls by, I do some minor part time work for an ex colleague of mine, and offer some business advice to friends that ask for it.
Shit post on Veeky Forums/play videogames with my friends in the evenings.
Taking everything very slowly, but looking at importing various machinery to sell to make some money to support this lifestyle.
Sleep at 1am.

Met up with old colleagues on Saturday (from the job I quit). One of the hot sales girls literally said I look better than I've ever looked before. I told her, its because I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Planning to go on a roadtrip this week on Friday with a friend, then will go away for 4 day holiday with the Russian girl next week.

I don't get how anyone doesn't enjoy this life. If you don't, you're just literally wasting the opportunity of a lifetime.

If you went to bed and got up on time you'd probably be normal.

Why do NEETs all stay up so late?

Good for you user! not even joking, enjoy it!

>Why do NEETs all stay up so late?
This is true, and staying up late is true poison.

desu i like sports betting and nba for me goes on deep into the night and i like to watch the games i bet on...

The problem here is that there's two kinds of NEETs. There's the basement dwellers staying home with their parents on the $25k they've made and then there's the real NEET goal of $1M+, living a luxurious and free life on passive income. Most of you are NEET type 1, the bad type. Get out of your goddamn parents' house.

Studies have shown a correlation between intelligence and being a late night person fyi.

>I don't get how anyone doesn't enjoy this life
Some people are afraid of freedom and actually need a higher man than them to command and instruct their life. They complain about imprisonment, but they actually crave for it, fearing taking their own destiny into their own hands.

honestly that sounds so horrible

My routine for the last four years has been nice and autistic:
>wake up 8AM, have breakfast, 10-15 minutes of meditation
>go gym/go for a run
>shower, an hour of study of something new in programming or market things
>do whatever I was working on for the rest of the day (programming or crypto related)
>play games/watch tv/see friends at night, occasionally smoke weed

Simple, been doing this for years ever since after high school. Thankfully I didn't have to go to uni because I was autismo in high school and learnt programming better than a uni degree will give me, and I came across bitcoin many years ago.

Moderate amount of fapping (few times a week, no porn), meditation and exercise is the key. Everyone I have ever talked to who is good at this shit has told me this.

7yrs NEET
>Wake up
>Make breakfast and lunch for me and parents
>Give mom her meds
>Do laundry
>Try to browse the web for work from home bullshit
>Wake up, lunch
>Make mom tea
>Veeky Forums
>Shitposting on my insta hoping it will go viral one day
>Cook dinner
>Hear parents tell me how useless I am and how I need a job
>Give mom her meds
>Workout 30-40 min
>Fap, sleep

Also check blockfolio 200 times a day

>Also check blockfolio 200 times a day
Are you new to crypto? This tends to be a new to crypto thing. I suggest paying for a Coinigy account and setting up SMS alerts for different prices of different coins, so you get notified when you actually need to check shit. Reduces stress and stops wasting you time, so you can do more, fapping, I guess.

>Give mom her meds
You are a good son. Take care of her.

>usually a productive software engineer who works on side projects in his spare time
>have spent the last 2 days depressed out of my mind because i know I have to break up with my 9/10 loyal gf because she's always making me feel guilty with her jealousy

How do I pull the trigger on this breakup, even knowing that i'll be horribly lonely afterwards. it's giving me anxiety that i've never had before

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Don't know how long I can do it. She has breast cancer.

Sorry to hear it. Fucking Cancer. Spend time with her. Be strong, user.

Yea man. Maybe my 600 LINK will really become 600k and I can get her stem cells or something.

Send your eth address that has your 600 link. I'll give you 100.

>her jealousy
Yuck. You needed to be more alpha from the start of the relationship my friend, and stop that trait from EVER being acceptable.


This is my offline wallet. My binance has the link.

Thanks man. Give me your kik or something, if this moons I'll pay you back

You are a good user.

I did, user. I did.

But then one of her roommates moved out, and I filled the spot because the apartment was GORGEOUS(crown molding, incredibly cheap rent, my own shower/bathroom, 2 minute walk from the train station).

After that it became a really clingy relationship obviously

'productivity' is a meme


Send the link from your binance to your wallet. Sort of validates your story a bit more, don't want to be helping a larper. Plus, don't keep funds on exchanges.

If money isn't 100% necessary right now, you can spend your time learning enough for the next bull run to make you enough money for many years.

>After that it became a really clingy relationship obviously
Hmm... True. Its hard as time goes on and the cling creeps in.

Well. If you've decided to break up, you might as well try an ultimatum that if she doesn't quit her shit you will leave. Unless you want to leave, then I suggest going over seas for 3-6 months

where do you pick up chicks at 2 in the afternoon on a tuesday?

Ok I'll have to go back home for that

Here's a pic of my mom, in hospital rn for chemo

Is my kik if the thread 404's

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jesus christ

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dude dont. now with dating apps every roastie has thousands of suitors. its hell

Btw can you just teach me about crypto, that be cool,

My kik is seddes091

Sorry for being weird, thanks for all the advice

Can you make a telegram? Don't even have kik lol

job centre

Im a finance major and graduating soon. What're my possibilities with 0 work experience/empty portfolio and 2.6 gpa?

I'm fucking jealous. Solid gains user.

Why the fuck are you still playing WoW though? Shit went south during WotLK and I stopped in Cata. Tried again recently - holy fuck, it was a ghost town. Tried making conversation, getting random parties going etc - nothing. I miss the old WoW but it's never going to be the same.

I downloaded the app, but it doesn't have any code or username to share, do I just give you my number?

When you make an account you create an @ username, give me that.


I put this in the username, sry, Ive never used this app before

Redpill me on Big 4
inb4 u

>wake up to an alarm at 8am
>wait for circadian rhythm to hit a peak before crawling out of bed to make the neet trifecta of eggs, brown rice and frozen veg. >This will keep me fed throughout the day.
>Sit down to do some work on my crypto startup.
>9:30am in an office chair triggers a panic attack due to when I tried to become wage cuck for a fight or flight cultured company.
>Can barely think straight through the anxiety but managed to update a css style or something.
>Round about 5pm, memory is fucked from burnout but live in denial saying its not permanent brain damage.
>Call dad thanking him for hiring me even though i've done fuck all.
>Discord friends dropped me because i wanted this too much.
>Still believe im gonna make it some day.
Almost kms a couple weeks ago shit is not cool atm.

Establish your sleeping pattern first.
For now, what you do in-between doesn't matter, just try and wake up the same time and go to bed the same time every day.

When you've established this, you can introduced your tasks 1 at a time or at a comfortable pace.

I work on average 40 hours per week. Been listening to music and hitting the gym. I'm preparing for EDC Las Vegas in May.

I feel sorry for 90% of you. You have no skills, schooling, or social lives.

Do you even know what NEET stands for you fucking retard!

>work 40 hours per week
>think you're in any position to feel good
HAHAHAHA you are literally a wage cuck. Yeah you're better than most NEETs, but otherwise you're a fucking pleb.

Why are you so proud of wagecucking? Some of us NEET work that much too (Internet based business shit in addition to cryptos), except that we do it for ourselves, so it's different. Fucking slave mentality is disgusting.

>When you've established this, you can introduced your tasks 1 at a time or at a comfortable

Stay woke broseph, this is very good advice as a whole but this part in particular... bellissimo

I create memes and stuff for staying in shape with my photoshoppin skillz. I'm trying to migrate all my 3d design knowledge to open source alternatives when I've got free time from all the vidya and masturbation

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ive bought a whiteboard and i made jobs that i have to do each day

walk my dog twice atleast
read to be a better trader
shower (lol i need to be reminded to do it daily)
take my vitamins
drink a lot of water and stuff

it keeps you occupied and you become waay more productive

funny enough i have more time for everything else after all these jobs than i did before i just laid on my bed and jerkd off

good luck user i love oyu

Yeah a to do list type thing increases productivity so much. Also feels satisfying as fuck crossing things off.

neet life wouldnt be that bad if u could maintain an actual social-life while doing so

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Your quotes on the right side are cute.

t-thanks i wanna fill the entire board, not because i dont know them but it sticks better if you read them every day also if you become rich as fuck its easy to lose touch with reality and u think that it will never crash etc

Best advice in the thread.

Also, OP is a fucking faggot.

Yeah man it's good. What do you reckon of meditation and working out? I find it's a fucking great combo to help with the rest of your day.

show darwin pls

yeah its awesome together, i actually feel more energetic when i work out

also i dont meditate only for a few minutes at a time when i feel like i am not doing anything

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You're a big guy.

absolute 10/10, what a masterpiece of a dog. Seems loyal, athletic and the right amount of silly. Congrats dude

thank you :)

>I've just quit my job in finance
Why would you quit a stable job because it’s boring? Don’t tell me you’re trying to “find yourself”, user?