As we're approaching the critical amount of photo posters, I present to you chicken fillet with caramelized violedt onion and carrot. Juicy and crusty!
Cooking every day
Why would you have EVERY fucking thing EVERY meal? Better to eat meat at dinner and then potato at supper, for example.
so much samefaggotry
looks like a dry pile of puke, op
that's burnt
it looks like you threw it in a fireplace for five minutes and then pulled it out
you don't know how to cook
get off the food and cooking board immediately
the whole setup of this thread was bait
Here is what I made for dinner tonight.
Roasted sweet potato "noodles", sautéed spinach, and grilled chicken skewers. It was fucking delicious, I'll probably make it again next week, too.
Carrot looks a little burnt around the edges, but I'd eat it. I love meat and veg.
Looks delicious, but the chicken looks almost too uniform, for some reason that bothers me. Never tried those vegetable noodles that are trendy now, but that looks good, I may have to try it.
not saying you burnt the shit out of that, but you burnt the shit out of that
Nice paint edits bruh. Also thanks for announcing your samefaggotry.
Shut the fuck up retarded underaged bitch. The only person who doesn't know how to cook here is you and that's probably because you raped yourself with too many dicks to be able to think clearly. OP's food is always top drawer.
The only thing I burnt the shit out of is your mom and she's recovering from anal canal burns. Got stitches too.
Frozen greens are shit and it shows. Minus points for pretentious lime. Overall decent, but you gotta step it up man.
Anyway. Double omelet burger with Ukrainian bacon slice and garlic. Original and fulfilling!
Astounding! Simply astounding. Marvelous meal bro.
Haha I agree. Is that your girlfriend? She's amazing.
Nope, that's my sister. I still fuck her, of course.
You must have a penis the size of a 9 year old to post that much bullshit. Take note of of pic and GTFO.
It must be comfy back in 2004. Now go suck some fresh dick.
Your food is disgusting. You should feel ashamed of yourself.
It IS comfy back in 2004 (is that supposed to be some kind of insult?), and stop obsessing about dicks.
HAHAHA the only disgusting thing in this thread is your loser virgin breath. Try stopping eating your unwashed mother's cunt before criticising others. This is literally the most appetizing picture I've seen in 2017 on ck - maybe anywhere. Stupid retarded cuck.
KEEEEEK nice presaved macro britbongian faglord. Don't stretch your ass too hard - you know what they say.
Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook sht that was perviously in cans. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking phaggot
HAHAHAhahahahahhahah what a funny piece of shit cocksucking dickeather. First of all you're clearly jealous piece of underfucked kid because there's no photo obviously suggesting you're full of fucking shit.
Then your grammar sucks big old dicks and saggy balls. Maybe if not for your alcohol addiction you would actually see his incredible meal for what it is - a piece of culinary masterpiece.
And CANNED? It's not fucking canned you moron. Get a clue you fucking mongoloidal tetraped.
Go to bed, you're drunk. And stupid. And bad at baiting.
xDDD. Meta-baits are so transparent. Next time post a food photo to go with your shitpost.
I like the shitty photography in this thread because that's really what most people who cook a lot eat in their day to day, not their super staged shit.
So sick of this
> vitamin bullshit
Dr. Kek.jpg
Literally faggot.
Chicken is undoubted dry. You can't spell vidalia, and those appear to be burnt red onions. May pick at the carrots and mush things around to look like I ate somethings Shit meal would not eat/10 and would openly ridicule you in front of your mom and/or old lady by saying out loud what they're thinking.
What the fuck do you even mean dry? Are you retarded?
It's not vidalia it's violet fucking onions moronic shitfiend.
You're a dumb fagmaster bitch who can only eat ass and shit does comes from it. I wouldn't let you eat my carrot if my life depended on it, cause you're a piss drinking scum.
Not to mention it's not even my pic, since I'm not OP.
[Real] oatmeal with home-made caramel. Healthy and sweet!
Too bad amerifags don't eat actual grains any more, just processed sugary shit from carton boxes.
>What the fuck do you even mean dry?
I'm sure he means overcooked and no longer juicy inside. How he can claim that without seeing the interior of a piece is beyond me though.
>It's not vidalia it's violet fucking onions moronic shitfiend.
OK, so he was half right. OP still fucked up the spelling. It was just a different word.
How fucking retarded do you need to be to not understand what "violedt" is a misspelling of?
Who knows? I've never heard of a "violet" onion before and I've been cooking seriously for over 10 years. I've always heard those called "red" onions even though "violet" is closer to their actual color. OTOH vidalia is a very well known cultivar of sweet onion. I knew what a vidalia onion was before I ever started cooking.
I'm sure other people have had the opposite experience though.
Rate my breakfast.
Did you just pan-fry an entire cheese, beef smokies, cook two eggs so poorly that some bits are overcooked and the others are runny, and top them with half a slice of raw bread? Accompanied with a nice hot cup of nothing?
Is that cheese or some 50 yo zucchini? Eggs look like used bed sheets in a brothel. That red sticks thing looks like cow ass meat. Ultra pleb tier bread.
Overall: poor faggot trying to look fancy. Nice try, faggot.
He was rushing it so much with his shaky faggy hands that he forgot to even brew the fucking tea - the bottom of the cup is clean and dry as his boi pucci on a bad day.
Amazing. I wish I could eat that right about now. Do you have a gf or?..
Looks good. No nonsense, I approve.
McDonald's serves breakfast all day friendo
Thanks! Too many shit-lovers used to eating shit apparently haha.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Also enjoy getting cancer, I'll certainly enjoy knowing unhealthy fags suffer.
The red stuff is fresh Hungarian kolbász made by my grandfather(something like polish kielbasa but 100 times better), the cheese is grilled camembert and sorry for the shit looking eggs but I never manage to make them right. Also there is coffee in the cup, only here we drink real coffe, not some 2 litres of water/ coffee bean stuff.
But dinner and supper are the same thing.
Because there is no question thread, so I will ask here.
I just made mayonnaise (first time, I'm surprised it actually looks like mayo), but it's kind of sour-ish/salt-ish as I added about half teaspoon of salt and some citric acid(didn't want to cut a whole lemon for that) for one whole egg, besides that it's kind of bland. I added a bit of black pepper as well.
Question: what should I add to make it have gentler and richer taste?
dry mustard, maybe garlic
the types of oil and acid you use have a pretty big effect too, vinegar instead of lemon juice, etc
i made fried chicken with a pickle juice brine
im normally not a very good cook but this stuff turned out great
my first time deep frying at home too, its pretty nerve wracking lol
I added some (deli?) mustard (half teaspoon) before, but I forgot to mention it, maybe it's not enough? I like the garlic idea and I have garlic smasher, so I may will try it out.
The only vinegar I have is alcoholic one, 10%.
I'm open for more ideas.
there are a ton of different ways you can flavor mayo man
try putting in some chopped dill, or some horse radish, or mix with sriracha, some sun dried tomatoes
possibilities are really endless, thats kind of the point of the condiment
True, but I just look for a way to make it taste more like normal mayo, for now it's just a bit too sour.
Thanks for ideas, anyway.
Chicken Rogan Josh with baby potatoes and
Looks vert good, but who the hell eats fried chicken with a side of rice?
Das you in a wig bro
Basic sausage gravy. This was my second time making it. Yesterday I made a fancier one with mushroom/onion/chives because my friend wanted to add to it, meh. I just feel like its better when it tastes simple.
Heres the one with too much added. Also hurr durr lets throw in random sausages we bought. Chicken and spinach and beef and cheese. Jesus christ.
Are you looking at my post?
>Are you looking at my post?