Help a retard. I've never seen the small 5 on question b. Is this a misprint or is it 3.2*5??

Help a retard. I've never seen the small 5 on question b. Is this a misprint or is it 3.2*5??

fuck knows. the only retard is your teacher or whoever formatted that

bump for interest

are you like 15

What the literal FUCK is up with that typesetting

I wish. 21 and in community college.

So does anyone know what it's supposed to be?

>So does anyone know what it's supposed to be?
Some type of OCD screening?

Basically I assume it's 3.25. Treat all small numbers as normal.

"Professor" should have used LaTeX.

Not gonna lie if I ended up as a CC professor I'd do shit like this just for the keks.


Its 4(2.25x + 3.25) = 2(4.25x + 4.5)

Same goes for that 12 in question d

captcha: getting pancakes tomorrow now

LOL. I probably would too.

But seriously, the best prof I ever had taught calc II and statics at a community college.

How the fuck do you do c?

this typesetting gives me nosebleeds

you're pure evil

OP, ignore the font size differences entirely. And please show this to the department chair if possible because your teacher should be reprimanded if not fired for this trash.

solve for x you dummy

Same, kept a professor for Calc II and Statics at UNCC

Trivial b/c none of the equations contain x, only chi.

How's that probability and statistics 101 course treating you?

I have never taken a Stat course.

looks like you've also never saged a homework thread

Yeah! You have to be vocal about it though. DEMAND that the teacher is fired.
