How often do you go out and dine with your significant other?

Maybe once every two week at a nice sit down place where you tip. Often im strapped for money so I like to avoid sit down places whenever possible. Also my girl is picky as fuck when it comes to food so it tends to work out most of the time.

Boyfriend lives 1,500 miles away.

Thanks for the tears, OP.

He's cheating on you

>having a gf
>going out to eat
>going out anywhere


i can be your girlfriend baby

please respond

We like to stay at home.

I used to go out every night with my ex.

She offered to cook, but I don't typically like people cooking for me or having to agree on a dish.

I eat out just about every night as a single guy - if I do eat at home, it's generally something quickly made.

I dine out with my boyfriend more than my husband. I legit cheat multiple times a week. I know I am a terrible person.

i hope you're cheating on him because he is most certainly cheating on you