W-what now, Veeky Forums?
I tried to calculate it on my own and I failed.
And now Wolfram failed.
What am I even supposed to do in this situation?
W-what now, Veeky Forums?
I tried to calculate it on my own and I failed.
And now Wolfram failed.
What am I even supposed to do in this situation?
Other urls found in this thread:
Chances are, there's no analytical solution to this.
It means no function can describe it. If you really want an anti derivative solution you need to define it and study it's properties.
You can use Riemann sums to an arbitrary number( use a shitton for better accuracy)
or put it into mathematica or whatever program you wan to use.
That's fucked up because it's on my textbook and you're supposed to do it with U Substitution. And no, they do not give away the answer.
I couldn't crack it. I could be possible that it's an error with the textbook, but maybe we both just suck at basic calculus?
you sure you copied that one right? Cot instead of Tan or Cos instead of Sin and it would be peaches.
Straight from it. I don't even know anymore. I checked more recent versions and they haven't changed it.
Use Implicit Integration.
you all suck
OP said U substitution, so i tried that.
That shit is not even differentiable, it's asymptotic at pi/2+pi*n
No, you can u-sub it. I'm surprised Wolfram can't do it, but it's definitely possible
shut up brainlet,
Anyways OP if you're still struggling use this
[eqn] \mbox{Ei}(x) = \int_{-\infty}^x dt~\frac{e^u}{u} [/eqn]
dt should be du
That doesn't mean it's never differentiable - only that it isn't at those points.
Bet the NSpire CAS will do it. Better engine than Wolfram.
u = sin(x)
du = cos(x) dx
[eqn] \int \frac{\tan(x)}{\log(\sin(x))} dx = \int \frac{\sin(x) \cos(x)}{(1 - \sin^2(x))\log(\sin(x))} dx = \int \frac{u}{(1 - u^2) \log(u)} du[/eqn]
The rest is trivial.
fuking kek'd
Then do the rest
Do it
Then it's just the integral of du/u.
More like
[eqn] u = \frac{1}{\log(\sin(x))} [/eqn]
[eqn] du = \frac{-1}{\left(\log(\sin(x)) \right)^2} \frac{1}{\sin(x)} \cos(x) dx = \frac{- \cot(x)}{\left(\log(\sin(x)) \right)^2} dx[/eqn]
You have to learn the chain rule.
Ask it on stackexchange. Cleo will provide an answer.
Wtf is sen(x)? And where is the infinitesimal?
i got it to pic related.
can it be solved?
you could try expanding 1/(1-x) into the sum of all powers of x
If only we could see a sign.
Wolfram isn't giving you an answer because the indefinite integral of log(sinx) can't be expressed with elementary functions. Try redefining the entire thing as a hyperbolic trig and then take the anti derivative it might be possible then.
It appears to be Spanish sine.
It's a lie. Can't be done.
Many integrals cannot be evaluated on W|A in terms of elementary functions. An example is the integral of ((x^2 - 1)/(x^2 + 1)) * (1/sqrt(x^4 + 1)) dx
I'll leave this as an exercise. (Should be easy.)
>and study it is properties
>W-what now, Veeky Forums?
Stab ur fucking prof. Now. Not even fucking kidding.
holy shit sci
I thought I found a closed form solution using li(x) and W(x) but i made an error.
idk user, go to stack exchange and ask cleo, tough one. There is 0% this isn't a typo.
substitute [math] u = sin(x) [/math] then [math] du = cos(x). [/math]
leaving the integral as:
[eqn] \int \frac{u* du}{(1-u^2)*ln(u)} [/eqn]
since [math] u = sin(x) [/math] we can assume quite safely that [math] sin(x) < 1 [/math] and then make the series substitution
[eqn] \frac{1}{1-u^2} = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} u^{2k} [/eqn]
this in turn leaves out integral as:
[eqn] \int \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{u^{2k+1} (u-1)^{k} (-1)^{k+1}}{k} [/eqn]
which mathematica tells me has beta function solutions
shoot, i mean [math] sin(x) = u \implies u < 1 [/math]
I did it. Now where is my 300k starting salary?
You did it wrong.
Do a U sub and you'll get, u/log (u), then integrate by parts.
Functions with asymptotes can still be differentiated and integrated, just consider y=1/x.
Also, even if it wasn't differentiable, it might still be able to be integrated.