>Pretending cinnamon sticks are cigars
Pretending cinnamon sticks are cigars
I carry a baggie of clove buds in my purse because I like to eat a few at a time. It tastes delicious and makes my gums tingle.
This is probably bad for me.
Anyone else eat whole spices?
Why not just an actual cigar?
I eat whole star anises. Their delicious, I don't give a fuck
looks like a grown up zika baby
>my purse
Real mature, kid.
Will try this.
how much chad cock have you taken up that gash of yours darling
Dumb frog poster
huh, i eat star anuses
small world
A grand total of zero!
I've had more Stacey gash in my mouth than you've had hot tendie-less dinners, though.
>cant even properly link to other board
Back to r*ddit or whatever shithole you came from.
>Pretending cassia is cinnamon
> make kompot
>throw a cinnamon stick in it for flavor
>eat the fucker afterwards
Best fucking snack ever.
Try eating three whole nutmeg seeds and report back in twelve hours if you're not too pic related.
Because having cancer sort of sucks.
More like puking your guts out.
> I pretend to have a cigar in my mouth with only the finest Ceylonese cinnamon
This is an adult website how did you enter here? Can you go back to kik or snapchat in order to let the adults talking together?
i believe you.
are you a super butch lezzo? cause i always see super butch lezzos with hot girlfriends.
Why do we have reddit tier white knights here? Go back.