Remember when you could smoke in restaurants? I did it years ago, seems like only yesteryear here in Michigan, ate my food and smoked right there after inside the joint
Remember when you could smoke in restaurants? I did it years ago, seems like only yesteryear here in Michigan...
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>nicotine toddlers stinking up everything with their cancer pacifiers
Glad those days are over.
Most states you can smoke in, they their ask you to go on the patio or in the place requiring a separate ventilation.
I guess any user that responds "kys" you are already doing it
Yes. Donut shops have never been the same.
>smoke cigarette
>smoke gets into donut
>donut forever tainted
>customer buys tainted cancer donut
People like you should be rounded up and shot.
You're so edgy AHAH AHAHAHAHA
give me one valid reason for smoking.
It makes you look cool.
are we in the 90's again?
can i spend the weekend playing smash and mario kart like when i used to have friends?
I'm French and I'm glad it's over here too.
In some places you'd have some chain smoking addicts that would get through a whole pack over the course of a meal and it would form a little smog
I sincerely hope you die soon.
>they their ask you
you w0t?
>like when i used to have friends?
right in the feels
Smash Bros came out in like 1999, hardly 90s, really more 00s
>give me one valid reason for smoking.
Keeps me from killing people like you, heh
i was thinking 95-05
That has no place in restaurants.
The smell interferes with the palate.
Now bars, real bars, people smoke and it clings to you like rain. If you have never been to a bar where you can smoke, you missed out on going to a real bar.
>nicotine toddler throwing a fit
I used to hate when they started mandating no smoking in restaurants, then I kicked my nocotine habit, and couldn't stand the smell of cigarette smoke. I still refuse to support government mandates on private property and only ask that smokers be polite if i ask them not to come into my personal space.
I remember going to truck stop diners and spending nights smoking cigarettes with friends in high school. They banned it in Illinois in 2008.
You can still smoke in some bars in Indiana and in casinos in Michigan. But fuck Illinois. There's one bar here in Chicago that still lets you smoke illicitly. It's kinda an open secret.
When I was in 6th grade the other kids in my science class created a petition to ban smoking sections in local restaurants and on weekends went to popular locations to gather signatures. I was the odd one out as I didn't care.
It passed a year later and now you can no longer smoke in restaurants in my town. It's been like this for over a decade now
Same here. Non-smoker but if a private establishment wants to allow it they should. Just make sure they have to pass more stringent fire safety or something and I would be ok with it.
>yes good goy, listen to the anti smoking lobby, smokers are just angry children, good goy, nice goy... you want to smoke pot instead, you don't need energy to do things like question the government goy, you need a chill drug like pot to keep you calm and in place spending your money on worthless garbage, nice goy.
t. ass mad smoker
Or maybe just don't smoke at all, fucking moron.
>Ohhh goy you suck my cock so good, practically the best goy I know
>If you have never been to a bar where you can smoke, you missed out on going to a real bar.
Non-smoker here, but there was something kind of cozy about walking into a smoke filled dive bar. They passed a restaurant/bar smoking ban in my city the year after I turned 21 though, so I didn't get to experience that too much. I'm sure I'm better off health-wise, but there is a little pre-smoking ban nostalgia for sure.
I kinda feel this. Closest I've come is frat basements
As someone who had to grow up around it I'm glad it's finally becoming the norm to not taint the air we breathe in confined shared spaces.
Ya, I member.
I member how awfully shit it was that I would sit down for a meal then someone came and spread smoke throughout the establishment and they sit there thinking no harm was done.
If you want to smoke, I say more power to you if you want to slowly kill yourself with no beneficial trade off, but keep it to yourself. I shouldn't have to suffer the ill effects of your bad habit.
You're so edgy for smoking.
Personally I think it's retarded to make it banned by law. Why not leave it up to the establishment?
Muh edgy m-muh edgy
I'm a smoker and I'm glad it's not allowed anymore.
nicotine is a noot, so there is likely benefit to mild supplementation
Back when I went to school, there were the designated smoking areas that were great to hang out in and meet people.
Apparently they banned smoking on any campus property now, not just within 15 feet of buildings or whatever. Fucking shame.
>smoked right there after inside the joint
if i can't smoke a joint in the joint then what's the point
How could you possibly have your argument any more ass backwards? The alcohol and tobacco industry have been in bed with the US gov almost since inception, theres next to no such thing as an "anti-tobacco lobbyist". Cannabis on the other hand allows for less patenting or market monopoly and as such is lobbied against heavily by big tobacco, alcohol, and pharma as it would greatly cut into those industry's profits should it be legalized.
Someone who truly believes the things you posted and sees the world through those eyes would be a victim to government cuckery of the highest level
Wow, addicts really will reach to the farthest depths to justify their pathetic behavior.
They've only been in bed with the US Gov as long as the US Gov has had regulatory power. If you want to read up on an interesting case, check out the Big Tobacco and the ban on tobacco advertising in the US. It was actually a huge win for Big Tobacco, as they discovered through research that ads really only made people switch between brands and not make people want to smoke more. But if they all came together and made a "no ad" cartel it's clear that one would have cheated sooner or later. So they collaborated with themselves and the government to save them some money spent on advertising. This also cemented the largest name brand companies as the industry leaders/oligopolists becaude smaller tobacco companies were simply unheard of due to the advertising ban.
Pipe smokers have a longer average lifespan than non-smokers.
>cannabis lobbied against
It's made for some pretty strange bedfellows. In Mississippi, for example, the alcohol brokers, corporate prison industry and evangelicals have formed a lobbying alliance against it. It would be humorous if it wasn't so sad.
Where I live you can still smoke in pretty much every single restaurant and bar. It's nice to light up a cig after a hearty meal. I usually don't do it if the seating arrangement is such that people are very close to me since I assume they don't want smoke in their face whilst they are eating.
ME: I used to smoke, but just a taste, just a tassste
The one thing I really liked about my trip to Germany last summer was being able to smoke outdoors of a cafe or restaurant (and I usually don't smoke). I'd get a cup of coffee/beer respectively, break out a pack of cigarillos I had bought, and just fucking enjoy myself and my meal if I had one. No rush to finish and leave. No waiters bothering you every five minutes. No naggy shits forcing a cough or complaining about the smoke. It was wonderful.
>knowingly be an obnoxious dick in public
>throw a tantrum when people don't like you
I told you I don't usually smoke, dumbass. Go back to grammar school.
Just go to a casino, it's not as comfy as you remember
Friendly reminder that smokers are literally duped by decades of tobacco company shills and propaganda that they aren't even aware of existing.
Or maybe they just like how nicotine feels, DAREkiddy
I remember smoking in bars when I was 18.
Then they banned it when I was 19.
Now people stand in -30 to have a smoke.
I also member there was smoking in food courts.
Or maybe they were once stupid kids who gave themselves a lifelong addiction with a shitty drug and will do anything to defend their literally cancerous habit
the bar i frequent lets you smoke after 9 and has a cigar menu. shit is cash.
>tsfw you go overseas and can't go to clubs or bars without having to wash your entire outfit twice because your clothes are drenched in smoke at the end of the night
Its nice not having to wash expensive jeans constantly when you live in a place with sane smoke laws. I can only imagine how bad my lungs are because of those fucks
Have you ever tried to clean the tar out of a building that smokers lived in? It's a nightmare. It gums everything up and slowly creates a fine yellow layer that's nigh impossible to get rid of.
There's a reason that property/vehicles owned by smokers can't be sold for as much.
Richards? I used to go there now and then. This thread makes me wanna go back. Especially in these colder times. This winter has been tame, desu though
Denying hard science and caving to degenerate addiction is some deep bluepill territory.
Cigarette taxes are a huge source of government funds to help Tyrese and D'Shaboonda feed their keeds and have more. Seems like Shlomo would want you to smoke more for this and his big tobacco holdings.
Almost everyone who smokes pot also smokes cigarettes. People who hate cigarettes but smoke pot are an extreme minority.
??? Most pot smokers dont smoke cigs. I feel like the odd one out cause I like cigs but hate pot.
>Almost everyone who smokes pot also smokes cigarettes
I'll take lies out my ass for 500 Bob
They hate that shit
Smoke-fags are the worst. Even worse than tattooed people.
Yeah, I'm sure it's the smoking that's holding you back, not the whole being a giant pussy thing.
It was kind of obnoxious, but I wish government had solved it differently.
I think a minimum wage hike for employees who work in smoking establishment would have been far better than the mandatory ban.
That doesn't solve the problem of smokers ruining my meal with their stink.
That wouldn't work. It would basically cause owners to ban smoking in their establishment so they wouldn't have to pay their employees more. The end result would be the same.
I don't really mind it and I think restaurants should allow it if they want to but I never really understood why anyone would do it with non-smokers around. It would be like going to a restaurant and blaring music on your phone while you eat.
>nicotine jew deflection
Haha, no.
>playing smash
is that where you dry hump your stuffed animals
>literally paying too fuck up your teeth, throat, and lungs
>not edgy
>worked for pc repair shop
>all those desktops and laptop completely caked in yellowish grime both inside and out
>Even worse than tattooed people.
k lets not go too crazy here
>like when i used to have friends
>remembering that those same friends are no longer in my life
fuck you user
what's your arbitrary limit on paying to fuck up your teeth, throat, and lungs?
because anything good in life ruins you, is bad for you, is unhealthy and wears you down. even whole fresh foods and water aren't good for you, they just keep you going
>fan the fire
>fuel the addiction
that was dried jizz
Serious question, how to quit debilitating smoking addication??
We got plenty of dried jizz too, nothing like all the yellow caked tobacco computers we got.
People are a bunch of god damn animals.
Good riddance
pace yourself and don't try to just quit instanlty
if that doesn't work on its own then start doing something else (something more benign, not something worse) as a replacement
Yes. Thank god it ended and my clothes don't smell like shit after going to the bar.
Cold turkey. Crush any remaining cigs you have and toss them out. Avoid gas stations and other easy tobacco access areas. Fight through the withdrawals and you'll emerge addiction free and mentally tougher.
The worst part is the first month.
Yeah no. Cig smoke is horrible, I prefer my pot. Literally none of the other people I know who smoke pot touch cigs.
Pot smoke smells like rancid skunk corpses. Nothing clears a party faster than some dumb pothead who couldn't wait until he got home to light up like the drug addict he is.
And yet it dissipates very quickly and doesn't leave the tar buildup everywhere it touches.
Your parties must be shit.
>And yet it dissipates very quickly and doesn't leave the tar buildup everywhere it touches.
You keep telling yourself that, you delusional idiot.
I found e-cigs to be incredibly helpful.
I'd been smoking for more than 15 years, two packs a day. Switched to e-cig, at first with a little nicotine added.
Haven't touched a single cigarette since, and it's been three months. Still have an unopened pack of my favorite smokes around in the house.