Hypothetical scenario, imagine if the earth was sure to be fucked. Like super fucked...

Hypothetical scenario, imagine if the earth was sure to be fucked. Like super fucked, an undeflectable asteroid will hit at the same time that all major volcanos will explode and a terrorist organization will blow up nukes everywhere and deploy a terrible grey goo nanovirus. This cannot be stopped BUT

given this scenario, how much time would you need to create a self sustaining civilization in space and how would it look like?

you have the use of all of humanity's resources, you can do whatever you want but after the cataclycism you cannot go back to earth, ever, everything there is dead.

So how long would you need to prepare? a year? 10 years? 100 years?

the idea is to keep it as short as possible and give details about what would you do (orbital habitats, colonize which planets, get resorces from where, what choices of social engineering, what technologies for propulsion hydroponics, handling low g, etc..)

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>how would it look like?
This question does not make grammatical sense. Go back to where you belong and never come back, Europoor.

Nice tits btw

i think simple most straightfoward would be to make a couple of huge rotating habitats in space, you would have to accomodate a big portion of the population because a project this magnitude COULD NOT be kept secret.

you would surely need automation, like lots of 3d printings and improvements in self replicating machines.

just build the flying rotating habitats as fast as possible then plan how to colonize mars from there, im guessing it would take at least something like 50 years

haha implying europe isnt the god capital of total knowledge

about 5 seconds.

just kidding, about 5 trillion years

From the great and all knowing Wikipedia:
>One of Elon Musk's stated goals through his company SpaceX is to make such colonization possible by providing transport, and to "help humanity establish a permanent, self-sustaining colony on [Mars] within the next 50 to 100 years"

I'm not entirely sure we even know what the availability of certain minerals are on Mars. This might not be possible at all. Best bet is to probably build something like the Death Star, but slightly more civilian. Very good possibility of finding hydrocarbons on one of Jupiter's moons. Could run the works on fission for an indefinite period of time, but it might be a good idea to park it closer to the sun and use PV's and passive solar to supplement power and grow plants.

4-5 decades minimum if our entire civilization did nothing but that. Straight up lottery would be the only just way to award tickets.

There is a sci-fi book called Seveneves by Neal Stephenson that covers this and is rather entertaining to boot.

A good Heinlein book along these lines, too.

>Straight up lottery would be the only just way to award tickets.
yes but if most people thought they werent going to get a place in it they wouldnt work,

you have to keep political and economical balance in mind too

which one?

>yes but if most people thought they werent going to get a place in it they wouldnt work
Most ppl buying a lottery ticket are fucked, but ppl buy them anyway. Imagine the prize is literally life or death. Nearly everyone will be on board save a few wingnuts.

Political balance can be resolved by Rochambeau once the craft is underway. No fucking fascism on muh Death er... LifeStar, capice?

"Orphans of the Sky" is the name of the Heinlein book.


It's an idiomatic way to ask. Maybe you like
> how would it look
> what would it look like
I don't see a grammatical error, just a nonstandard way of asking. Prove me wrong.

Of the three options you gave, 100 years is closest to the mark, but even that may not be enough.

The main question is whether we put the colonies on the moon, on mars, or in orbit. We don't yet know if humans can survive (for generations) at 1/6 or 1/3 earth gravity. If they can't, it has to be orbital space stations with artificial gravity. But we'd want them to be in orbit around a planet (moon, asteroid) which could be mined for resources, and earth has already been excluded.

Realistically, we'd want to start building stations and/or bases immediately and get them up and running, in order to figure out the "unknown unknowns". We'd want to have entire generations born and spent their lives in space by the time that access to earth is finally lost.

The biggest obstacle would be wasting the first 50 years due to most of the population thinking "who cares, I'll be dead by then".

I doubt humanity would survive, but we'd at least learn just how much we don't understand about our own existence in that time.

It's not even a grammatical error. It's just plain wrong. He's using the word "how" incorrectly. The statement "how is it like" has a different meaning form "what is it like." The former isn't even complete; it should be continued to "how [i.e. in what ways] is it [some object] like this [some other object]?" The other one is asking "what [particular other object] is it [some object] like [i.e. similar to]?" Different questions, which will get different answers.

the premise looks good, but the humour seems aimed at retarded 12 year olds

I watched a documentary on Netflix about a year ago with a similar premise.

The idea was a disaster (I think a rogue neutron star) was headed into our solar system to completely fuck it. With 70 years notice the goal was to build a generation ship that rotated to create artificial gravity through centrifugal force. The ship would utilize an Orion drive or a solar sail or some shit to reach an appreciable fraction of the speed of light, which would allow us to reach Proxima Centauri within 50-100 years.

Can't remember the name of it, but it dealt with a lot of hypotheticals and was pretty cool.

And somehow everyone's understood

language isnt objective
like an art

it goes trough subjective artistic interpretation

not my fault that im a jimmy hendrix of the tongue and youre more like an uneducated billy bob

with all of humanity collaborating and ensuring they don't conflict with one another in this pursuit, as well as putting all of their resources into it. probably at the minimum, 8-12 years. We'd need to invent and mature a lot of different tech in a short space of time.

Some things just take time.

E.g. we can't say we really understand the medical aspects of space until we have 3rd generation space-people: i.e. children born in space to parents born in space to grandparents born in space. That'll take the best part of 30 years. And if we find problems, it might take another 30 years to test any solutions.

The same goes for technology. It's not a case of research, design, manufacture, and we're done. That just gets us to the point of testing space habitat version 1.0 so we can get feedback to use for the next version. We'd want as many iterations as we can possibly get before we reach the point of "this /has/ to work or we're all screwed".

>E.g. we can't say we really understand the medical aspects of space until we have 3rd generation space-people:

yes but we understand almost all aspects, we could just over prepare and take care of every contingency,like the worst part of it would be low g, and thats solvable wiht space habitats

we could have a space habitat in orbit around say, the moon or mars, and when its determined that we can live in micro gravity then we could go down and make lots of caves

really made me think

If you have all the resources on earth, probably not that long.
Every single research lab would shift to study something related to self-sustenance in space.
Less than 100 years and you'd have some pretty fantastic stuff

Who is Elon Musk ? Isnt he the guy who created BMW?

Please leave and go back to Nazi Germany immediately.

100 million years, Eco-systems are too hard to be duplicated by anyone .

Asking "durrr, how is it like???" is a worse artistic expression than a child smearing paint all over the walls of my house.

Why didn't you stay where you belong?

noice bait m8

Evacuate Earth was the name.
Fairly entertaining, although I still maintain that civil unrest and general retardation would ensure our fate. Unless the countries that matter went balls out brutal dictatorship and crushed any opposition to the project.

That captions in that pic should be reversed.

I'm disinclined to acquiesce to the premise of your domicile ownership

writing shitty concepts using fancy words

typical european

being objectively superior to all in things like the moon race which you cannnot even begin to think to consider to be at least 1/100 of what we are

typical american