>pretty much be the greatest scientist of all time
>spend most of your time on theology, alchemy and ancient history, finding "prophecies" in the bible
why didn't his friends tell him he shouldn't waste his potential on this shit
>pretty much be the greatest scientist of all time
>spend most of your time on theology, alchemy and ancient history, finding "prophecies" in the bible
why didn't his friends tell him he shouldn't waste his potential on this shit
Why didn't his friends tell him to get laid?
I tried telling him but he'd never listen.
>why didn't his friends tell him he shouldn't waste his potential on this shit
It was the 17'th Century. What do you think all of his friends were doing?
>why didn't his friends tell him he shouldn't waste his potential on this shit
Because alchemy is fucking cool. Only pity is he couldn't pull it off. If anyone could, it is Newton or Einstein.
>tfw Newtons Kabbalistic work is more significant than his scientific work
>tfw no one knows this because his work is locked up in Israel
the OP is correct, the fact is he had so much potential in science and squandered it
>squandered it
You cannot be serious. "squanered?" You're out of your fucking depth Danny!
>Why didn't his friends tell him to get laid?
Is it just a meme or was he really a virgin? How can you tell?
He was a God fearing christian and he never married, so you can guess. Also, he was the purest personification of autism there has ever existed.
buttmad atheists are buttmad
>STEMlords criticizing Newton
He would've probably destroyed his work and stopped writing altogether if he had a conversation with your average /r/atheist.
You should not listen to advice. People always say
>lol, what's that weird silly thing you are working in? that's never gonna work
for everything that has taken us forward.
Dunno man, good physicists are rarely autistic, that's the trait you would expect from a mathematician. Most of the irrational God fearing christians you meet today are dumb,which Newton clearly wasn't.
Newton was a turboautist, he didn't accept direction and in fact as soon as people started trying to tell him what to do, he went back to his swamp-basement.
Well that was socially acceptable for the time
was he autistic?
Prolly somewhere on the schizo spectrum, like many other scientists.
At least he was wise to not go against the religions of his times. Darwin had enough of a ridicule going against christianity and that was like 200 years later.
Imagine anyone trying to go against fb and G. They would be socially marginalized in a heartbeat.
>wasting his potential
The dude had a life of his own, get your own life buddy.
Don't forget the A fruit.
The guy experimented with mercury by drinking it.
I think he wanted to end his no-gf misery.
But mercury is safe to drink
Not the kind he drank.