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No one, it's going back down.

i seriously fucking wish it would go down, but its only going up

short at 2300 and want to sleep

Made a 17% gain on a trade as soon as I woke up, was a good day family

Looking for a sweet dip to buy. Afraid if I fall asleep I'll miss it.

maybe if ETH itself wasn't justed id be happy about this

Eth will go up.

reminder to not be salty because you're missing it out in EPY
just sell my man and go for the memes

Nope, retards like yourself sold the bottom

Yes sir user sir.

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doesnt this shit need like 4000 more eth to 2x again?

>doesnt this shit need like 4000 more eth to 2x again?

>doesnt this shit need like 4000 more eth to 2x again?

Correct - token prices went up 10,000x within the first 50 eth.

It then took the next 150 eth to merely double.

The next doubling took 650 eth

From here, you need about 4000 eth in order to double. That's not taking account of the 20% you lose, as well.

This will never get big/smart money because those guys aren't brainlets and know how a pyramid scheme works (hint: it's like a pyramid)

Not I. But I already cashed out enough at the start of the year that I don't even care. The remainder is just funny money that I can HODL until the end of time.

bearfag like ether fags

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>tfw Bitcoin will NEVER be under $8200 again

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Kek....so what? People will get bored and dump - and I get divs and buy more. Fucking winning.

What illegal content? I'm not a burger, and it's not clear that this IS a pyramid. Ethphoenix.io for example uses the volatility as backing to mint a token to be used in other games, and PoWH could easily implement something similar (and probably should).


>tfw made some nice gains a few weeks ago on a bunch of short term alts
>was going camping for a week with /notech/ so pulled out, collected profits, and stuck most of it in good ol' reliable ETH, which was coming back slowly form a good drop.
>come back from camping
>down almost 20%
>it keeps falling
>gainz gone
>wake_me_up.mp3 this morning
>down almost 50%

user's right. Thus bull run is over. Sell to tether and buy again at the new bottom

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>it's going back down
What did he mean by that?

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Market is extremely overbought +all the volume is going away fast

You really believe that, don't you. We're only getting started my friend.

I am, holding QTUM

8000 soon...prob within 12 hours or so. After that, freefall to 7800 where it should hover for a day or two.

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>RSI is like 38
>Market is extremely overbought