Look at these delicious white castle burgers and buns cooking
White Castle is a love it or hate it thing but I must admit, I'll never understand those individuals who possibly dare to hate these luscious oniony steamed sliders
Look at these delicious white castle burgers and buns cooking
White Castle is a love it or hate it thing but I must admit, I'll never understand those individuals who possibly dare to hate these luscious oniony steamed sliders
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so, do they drill holes in the meat so they can charge you for a full patty, but save money by ripping you off?
They aren't charging you for a full patty, they are charging you for a patty with 5 holes in it.
The holes are to allow the patty to cook fully without having to flip them. It's an efficiency thing.
they are speed holes
Is that trademarked? God I hope it is
>trip to St. Louis with friends from a city west of the Mississippi river before white castle was ubiquitous, to have a farewell dinner of white castle for the first time in our lives before my embarkation to korea for the military. Ate eight of the fuckers. Midway through the 15 hour flight, a strange gurgling starts in my stomach. I spend the last half of the 15 hour flight shitting my guts out. Korean street food served in tents called pojangmaja never did that.
Fuck white castle.
White Castle shits are pleasant to me, I can imagine it's problematic on a plane though
That's why they're called sliders, user. They slide right in and they slide right out
not funny
Worked at white Castle during high school
Used to eat everything
Favorites were cheeseburgers, clam strips, and onion chips after they sat under heat lamps and semi softened and onion almost tasted like caramelized
Used to get stoned in basement with friends
24 hour drive thru for always free food when wasted years later
Mfw they closed all white castles in NE Ohio a few years back
Mfw haven't had white Castle in years
The m8criwave store bought ones are lacking too
I'm not going to pretend it doesn't happen, but I only eat them at home for a fuckin reason. I gorge myself on them in the privacy of my own home with nice reading material in the bathroom.
They are delicious addicting and the perfect shitty food.
Most people who claim to hate White Castle never actually tried it. I hardly ever eat fast food, but I gotta have my White Castle at least once every month or so. The secret is not to over do it. I usually just get a couple of double cheeseburgers & maybe a chicken with cheese if I'm really hungry. No fries or soda. I don't think I've eaten McDonald's in 9-10 years; Burger King maybe once every 2-3 years.
I get physically ill if I eat more than 3 of those
If you steam them at home they're just as good as the real thing, but it takes forever compared to going through a drive-thru
My favorite White Castle order is usually as follows
2 double bacon cheeseburgers
2 double jalapeno cheeseburgers
medium fry
medium coke
If you wrap them in paper towels when you microwave them you can get a steam like effect. Just gotta be careful not to put them too long or it fucks up the bread.
I could eat that, but wife would definitely be on the couch in the morning because my gas would be horrific.
why are the buns touching the raw meat???????????
Humorless German cunt
>be me
>be fatass kid growing up
>always enjoy the microwave white castle and got made fun of by family
>15 years later
>business trip to midwest
>my first experience trying it was at around 5am hungover as fuck
>puked afterwords
>no longer crave white castle
why do we do this to ourselves
no wonder it gives people the shits
Oh man thanks!
They are meant to be microwaved in the bags they come in. They perfectly steam themselves. I live by a whitecastle and the store bought ones made like this are almost as good. Try it dudes.
Love the bastards, but hate having all my farts, burps taste/smell exactly like my food for two days
Literally the best part.
Hey it's an adult website here! How did you enter here? Can you kys in order to let adults talking together? Thank you.
I hate onions. Will they be good if I specifically ask for no onions?
They are just as good most times. They still have onion flavor but no onions to get stuck in your gap teeth
They're great but they employ too many negroes. I stopped going because the sheboons grossed me out.
Everyone else just skipped the instructions I guess. It is weird putting plastic bags in the microwave though.
The frozen ones come out shockingly close to fresh ones.
As Eurotrash who doesn't have acces to a white castle. How exactly does one make one of these?
Anyone have a recipe that's close to the original?
USA dominates you in the asshole yuropoor
>How exactly does one make one of these?
I have no idea why you'd want to since they're beyond awful, but the principle is easy:
Put some onions on top of a thin beef patty. Cook them by steaming.
Put in a bun, eat. Add processed cheese if you want.
The buns are soft and steamed, it has a very thin patty, tastes like onions and pickles
the last time I had white castle was after a night of binge drinking. I had 12 sliders, some fries, and 3-4 Hawaiian punches. I proceeded to puke in this trash can while waiting for the train
8/10 would do again
I don't think there was ever a White castle anywhere close to me in Maryland but we did have Little Tavern. I remember going there with my dad when I was very young. My mom never wanted to go because she said it was dirty.
Some of my earliest and best memories of my dad were of us sitting at the counter in there eating burgers. Even today when I smell onions cooking I can close my eyes and see the inside of that place as clear as it was yesterday and I think they tore it down around 1978.
There's a white castle on my drunk route between bars/friend's houses and my dorm, I've only ever had it drunk but it's pretty good.
Jeez son, I knew where that was the second I saw it. At least you made it to the trash can.
Logan Square has better places to hang, btw.
I went to northwestern, it's the closest location you can get to without drunk driving. We walked too because the purple line stops running at that hour which was pretty retarded since it takes you through Rogers Park and part of Edgewater
>Logan Square
I lived in Bucktown for a couple years but this is before it turned into Wicker Park 2.0. I'd probably live in Logan Square if I still lived in Chiraq but don't you guys have a hipster problem?
I had a class taught by the cmo of whitecastle, she would bring us free food all the time, even the obscure stuff I would never spend money on, good class
Learn English first.
White Castle is horrible. Why would anyone want a soggy steamed patty and bun. A burger that hasn't been charred and seared is basically the same as if I put some ground beef in the microwave.
The fact that people can prefer this over an actual grilled/pan seared patty is beyond me.
Their fries are pretty good though
>typo in LITERALLY the first sentence
fucking women