What would your strategy be to accomplish this in the shortest amount of time?
Asking cause of a bet.
What would your strategy be to accomplish this in the shortest amount of time?
Asking cause of a bet.
Probably blackjack.
Start begging on the street or play music if you can
buy a coffee for the 2€ and fucking go to work
sorry I have to ask but what does that kneepad meme represent? having to buy kneepads because of sucking cock?
he means crushing grapes in a french winery
oh I am french, thats not how it works...
I've done this but it takes time.. Buy old junk from flea markets and sell it online..
In once bought 10 old vinyl records (all the same record, all old unsold 30 year old factory stock. Mint condition) They were 1 euro each at a thrift store..
I sold all of them the same day for 100 euro each..To some specialized record shop in France. 990 euro profit in 1 day.
I wasted it all on some hookers and coke, but still.
not trading K7s
Check story from paper clip to house in 14 trades maybe u find out something usefull ^^
I have no clue what a K7 is to be honest.
gambling would be the fastest and easiest way
> being this new
>stalk the guy you want work for
>hire a hobo with some donuts and coffee to assault him
>kick the shit out of the hobo
>guy so grateful that offers you a job
>Being this new
>How to Turn 2€ into 1000€?
>What would your strategy be to accomplish this in the shortest amount of time?
A job.
Buy 1 chainlink and a cheeseburger
>some hookers
pics or it didn't happen
the one ugly chick is the only one watching the game
spot the retard
The one in the Alpha Chi shirt? Eh... gimme a few beers, I'd fuck it
>Go to local internet cafe,
>Pay 2Euro for 1 hour of computer use.
>write resume
>Apply for jobs
>Work literally any job you can find for an month
>Easy 1000E+
Yeah that one. I'd also fuck it.
that's a simple, just buy sky, hold till you're older
>duh I is cryptic, say meaningless thing lol
Not surprised by this. Baseball is a shit 'sport'
its a metaphor