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>So far, the market is undervaluing its potential.

I'm so tired of reading this over and over again. When is this coin going to catch up to its "potential"?

Why are you trying to lose people money to bag your bags. LTC burned SO many people in the past, hopefully they learnt from it.

>LTC burned SO many people in the past

What? You'd have to be an absolute brainlet to actually lose money with LTC. It's one of the most stable and consistently growing coins around

Umm no sweetie, LTC was like $60 bucks in November.

Show proof you faggots got in at $60 and not over $200.

Pro tip. You can't.

What potential?

Its a bitcoin copy pasta, he only changed blocktime.

And 50% of all ltc is owned by the top 100% addresses. Its the least distributed coin of all

Well meme'd. Now go and read the article

LTC will overtake Bitcoin Cash EOY

mining this shit for like 1 year now and i dont have to prove shit.

>And 50% of all ltc is owned by the top 100% addresses
I'm no math whiz but I am pretty sure that 100% of all LTC is owned by the top 100% addresses


Lol Charlie lee dunked bags on your head and you still HODLing what a bunch of spineless deluded idiots you LTC faggots are

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How fucking new are you

kek i remember when LTC was like $4.00 after crashing from fucking $50 and I made fun of you idiots incessantly.

I don't really care what coins Charlie Lee is personally holding. Why do you?

He probably shouldn't have posted about it on Twitter, at least not immediately after doing so. It would have been best if he had waited a year or two from his date of sale to tell everyone about it so that it wouldn't impact the market, but the man is clearly still heavily involved in LTC. He said that he was selling so that he could continue to work on LTC without being accused of playing favorites, and while that's something that should be initially taken at face value, I would say that he has proven himself in the past few months. He still tweets about LTC on daily basis, and is actively working on and pushing the major LTC developments that have been and are coming out in the near future.

I know you kiddes like your memes about Charlie selling, but for someone that you claim to have sold because he no longer cares about LTC, Charlie still seems to be doing a lot with it

You really are fucking retarded for believing in someone who sold at the very top. Of course he'll still show 'support', do you know how many people would be pissed at him if he didn't?

I bet you'd lay down and let him fuck you wouldn't you?

its fuckin equal with BTC you dumbfags!!!!!!

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keep on buying your shitcoins, you will learn it afterwards and buy some at 3k.

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>You really are fucking retarded for believing in someone who sold at the very top.
I want you to read my post again... slowly if necessary. To be completely honest, I don't buy into the "celebrities" or "figureheads" of the crypto world at all. If I'm invested in LTC, it's because I believe in the coin, not that I somehow "believe" in Charlie Lee.

That said, the man explained his decision to sell as wanting to continue to work on the project without being accused of playing favorites. As I said in my post, that kind of talk should always be taken lightly, but as far as I'm concerned, Lee has backed it up in the past few months.

>Of course he'll still show 'support', do you know how many people would be pissed at him if he didn't?
This makes no sense. The man already sold and is almost certainly financially independent. Why would he care if people are "pissed" at him?

>I bet you'd lay down and let him fuck you wouldn't you?
lol. Pathetic. For all of the ACTUAL shitcoins that get shilled here on a regular basis, I sincerely cannot understand why Veeky Forums has such strong feelings against LTC.

to be fair you can shill as much as you want - but you cant manipulate the price through Veeky Forums,...

anyway all good projects arnt really discussed or shilled here,
are ther any BTC ETH XMR LTC shill threads, yes sometimes ....
but I would say less then 5% ... then look at the performance graph what coins lost the most... .> BIZ shilled shit.

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>Nice Rottweiler

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as ltc is preactically btc with one variable changed ist only difference is kinda lower fees
and people (normies) will prefer to buy into ltc because its just cheaper.
If they have 1000$ to invest they can either get eg. 0,1 BTC or 5 LTC

and you think normies drive the price up,

its like someone saying the stock market prices depend on normies

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the only reason LTC and BTRASH is retaining its value is coinbase > that jew exchange is so legit people think they can cash out anytime ... of course they can but it will hurt once these assets are worth shit including boomercoin

crypto currency scams as a whole are just shitfucked - blockchain in its worst applications is here to stay faggots

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