'sup Veeky Forums. /hm/ here.
What food can I eat to raise my testosterone? I'm a total sissy and I've even started thinking of asking my doctor for estrogen to transition. I want to stop being a fag so I want to raise my testosterone.
'sup Veeky Forums. /hm/ here.
What food can I eat to raise my testosterone? I'm a total sissy and I've even started thinking of asking my doctor for estrogen to transition. I want to stop being a fag so I want to raise my testosterone.
Other urls found in this thread:
>black olives, anchovies, fresh tomato slices
>cottage cheese, kimchee, chicken feet
>mug, vodka
No food will raise your testosterone. Eat a balanced diet with a bias for protein and adhere to a lifestyle that prevents you from being sedentary. Ideally, lift weights but anything works. The goal is to be healthy so you can restore your natural test levels (if you even have any). Other than that, test injections is your only chance
You eat meat?
I already eat olives and tomatoes. Cottage cheese is my breakfast every morning. Am I fucked?
I think my levels are just naturally low. Can I take test injections rectally? :3
You're already a huge faggot if this is how you post. I'm a power lifting woman and you make me sick. Even if you have naturally low test it's still way higher than mine. Lift heavy weights, drink lots of water, and get 8 hours of quality sleep every night you dumdum.
If it's absolutely necessary you can very easily buy test online. But for your own sake research the fuck out of it and get blood work fine before, during, and after cycle. You absolute moron.
>capcha "KILL CLOSE"
>no food will raise test
but that's objectively fucking wrong.
OP. There are no foods with naturally occurring test, but there are foods that will bolster test production/eliminate estrogens/make you more sexually potent
from the top of my head, in no particular order:
cabbage, raw
tuna (expensive is better, avoid mercury in cheap brands)
red meat (steak)
sesame seeds
non-fat milk with vitamin D
garlic (raw is better)
red grapes
pumpkin seeds
ricotta cheese
non-fermented soy
tap water
plastic containers/food touching plastic
water bottles
too many carbs/starches
weight train
long distance running
quit porn, reduce masturbating to once every 2-3 weeks at most
if he should only masturbate every couple weeks why do doctors ask people with very low testosterone to masturbate more often?
Because it stimulates test production. Testosterone peaks after a week of nofap but then returns to normal.
There's so many ways I can tear into this but I don't have the energy. To start with, the "estrogens" from plastics thing is very silly and a little bit if research into it will set you straight. The potassium that bananas provide is minimal. Red grapes are sugar bombs and you're better off with red cabbage purple carrots and other dark veg. On top of that, sweet potatoes contain the "plant version of testosterone" so if you're buying into this shit then eat loads of them.
But really just follow this It's what's actually going to get you results. But hey, this is just a massive shit post thread in the making.
Tea lowers your estrogene input, maybe this will help you.
Actually he just gave you a list of estrogenic foods, you are probably better off that way anyway, as long as you are a cute little fucc boi
Ironically too much test might turn you prison gay. Go read up the accounts of guys on ridiculous amounts of tren and shit. Pretty funny
Women "need" a lot less test though. Even the lowest test man is gonna be 10 times highest natural woman. Low test will still cause him serious problems
Long distance running absolutely destroys test production lol
Just become a tranny.
Post pics of your faggoty self.
Pls no bully. i.imgur.com
Whoever that is was/is already on estrogen.
Tits don't just grow on men.
Mom used to give me her birth control pills while I was growing up. She told me they were candy.
you are cute as hell. stay like that
I remember a UK lad warning a few us of tren. Said it fucked up his training partner mentally during his cycle. At first it started with his training partner wanting his wife to finger his ass, then it was getting his wife to buy a strap on and finally he started showing pics of tranny escorts asking the UK lad what he thought. UK lad stopped working out with him for a few months because of this talk. Meets him again and asks if he is still into his wife pegging him. Training partner says no those thoughts when away as soon as he stopped the tren lol
Accept trapdom. Go to Veeky Forums and look for a daddy
Veeky Forums thinks the highest test is dominating and penetrating a fuccboi
what. the. fuck.
Tits do just grow on men if they have a hormone imbalance. You can have a hormone imbalance without inducing it with drugs - for instance, growing up fat.
I'd be really mad if she didn't commit suicide by arson, leaving me with a small fortune in insurance fraud money. As it is, though, I want to stop being a sissy faggot that drools at the thought of cock.
more testosterone won't make you stop feeling the way you do. you'll just feel worse and worse
live your truth, girl
>tfw your doctor is a cuck who won't write you a test script
Never gonna make it
Foods don't raise your test levels. Genetics and stress factors determine test production. Eating a healthy and varied diet will help as far as providing enough nutrients to make your bodies testosterone.
>all this unironic broscience
literally the only way you can raise your test legally is if you get a blood test and your doctor prescribes test (very unlikely if you're young)
Pound good boipucci with your benis.
Would raising my testosterone allow me to grow a thicker beard?