It is, after all, a form of degustation.
Are vapes Veeky Forums?
*tips mouth fedora*
go green
vape naaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyshyaaaallllllll
vapes are more of an thing
Is tobacco in general Veeky Forums?
How is pic related anime?
How is pic related gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender?
Fucking jesus.
>he thinks cigarettes are better than vapes
>hollywood degenerate
So is sucking a cock, with which vaping has a lot more in common
No, but pic related is
your chemical syrup still contains nicotine which is a carcinogen. The vapor you exhale still contains traces of nicotine. Your shitty e-cigs are still dangerous to yourself and others you dumb fucks.
Mmm cloves taste so good. I remember smoking these when out drinking in college.
>from a pipe shaped vape
Nicotine isn't a carcinogen
>your chemical syrup still contains nicotine which is a carcinogen
>not making your own nicotine free
Except they aren't
The whole "le vapes r 4 neckbeardes maymay" was just started by the tobacco companies to stop you from vaping. Think about it, the tobacco companies are the ones forced to pay for and make the anti-tobacco ads. They know what works to get people to stop and what doesn't. That's why the focus on vapes is them being lame, not them being unhealthy.
I would like to vape for diet purposes
I don't want nicotine or anything
would it be acceptable to get a good sweet flavor and just puff on it when I feel like snacking?
nicotine suppresses your appetite tho
but I don't want to be addicted to nicotine
douche floute
Kind of what I always figured, it feels a bit like a concerted effort.
>The addicted to nicotine meme
I smoke just enough to take the edge off the day to day drudgery and can quit whenever I want. When summer comes I usually stop for a few months to go biking or hiking. It's not hard have some goddamn willpower.
its incredibly gay
mouth fedora suckin faget
>contains nicotine which is a carcinogen
the actual fuck are you talking about dude
either pick one or give me some evidence that proves otherwise
Yeah, by the majority of normal people who aren't children or indecisive faggots with an oral fixation. There's a reason the stereotype persists, and examples are constant. You're not fooling anyone. It's not about the neckbeard on the outside anyway, it's the neckbeard on the inside.
>neckbeard on the inside.
>Yeah, by the majority of normal people who aren't children or indecisive faggots with an oral fixation.
Hey there's this really popular consumable called gum, have you heard of it?
This, I chew for months at a time on and off and as long as you have some self control it's not an issue
Nicotine is not a carcinogen. It's an alkaloid stimulant. It was once theorised nicotine itself was a carcinogen, but research has discovered otherwise. The real danger of nicotine is its cardio-vascular effects, though it's similar to caffeine in that regard; it increases heart rate and thins blood (which can be good or bad for you based on context).
I do it. No nicotine, never smoked, I just use a vaporizer when I want snacks.