Should I move my entire ETH stack into XLM?

Having doubts about ETH right now, I'm technically DOWN from about a month ago. I had $1,400 in ETH once, pissed that I didn't sell, now I have half that. What should I do? I keep seeing eth FUD threads. I'm on the verge of panicking and need serious advice. Do I HODL the eth stack or dump it all Into XLM? Or just cash out and be lucky I didn't lose any more?

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Like in 2 weeks will ETH be up or down even more?


Why is no one responding .. baka board is dead

It might be up it might be down

Why am I not getting any quality advice.. holy shit .. forget it, I'm dumping everything cutting my losses

Buy high sell low.


Please don’t waste server space with this poorfag amount. Either way, you’re not going to make it.

a cheap hooker and some blow. Or maybe a handful of ChainLink and just sit on it.

Bro - NEETs aren’t awake yet. Come back in a few hours.

Are you still deluded enough to believe you're going to make millions off the crypto bubble?

Jeez. I'm up at 8 every day for class

You haven't lost anything until you sell. Either HODL for the long-term, maybe a year, or sell at a loss. No one knows anything, they just guess, and they can't tell you if ANY crypto will go up or down.

I'm in the same boat, I've bought ETH on 3 different "dips" and I'm currently at -31% to -56%.

All in XLM user
Many ICOs are considering moving to stellar

Way I see it close to botom in USD, 40-50k sats is when it becomes a good buy on BTC. But other people may be waiting for that and it never needs to get there. XLM has its own issues so make sure to spend a lot of time reading that FUD as well. I would certainly advice against going 100% out of something to move it into a different coin, more so if it's an important chunk of your portfolio. Sell some if you want, see in a while what you want to do with the rest, sounds good?

>sell low
Good plan

You might as well just hold at this point considering how invested you are. I'm just not sure if i should move all my ETH into XLM, probably just going to wait and see


Make your own judgment
But shoving it all in XLM is better for the Long term,
esp now that we are close to Apr/May

I know but I would cringe selling my entire stack this low

>almost every alt coin this year is based on ethereums platform
>Casper hasn’t even been released yet
>whole market is down 30-50%
Yea OP go ahead and sell I’ll take your bags off you.


I hold both of them and believe both of them have reached their bottom. Of course, my biggest holding is LINK.

You should move your entire ETH stack to powh io.

You can hodl it while getting money and get back to bullmarket with gains

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Should I love my bnty into xlm?

I bought that xlm at .64 I think. Bought .5 eth worth of bnty at .13

Think I missed bnty, lesson learned sell when it hits x8.

But now I can greatly increase my xlm stack, or will bnty recover?

I'm poorfag now

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What kind of random shitcoin is "bnty"

Post buy in prices

>selling the bottom