Why the fuck do they add sodium to bottled water?

Why the fuck do they add sodium to bottled water?

idk, but I'm not convinced the pic supports the idea that it was added

one would have to know how and where the water was collected and treated prior to bottling, and to have knowledge of the treatment process

Why the fuck does op not know how to google?

>“If you had pure water by itself, it doesn’t have any taste,” says Bob Mahler, Soil Science and Water Quality professor at the University of Idaho. “So companies that sell bottled water will put in calcium, magnesium or maybe a little bit of salt.”

to make you drink more

Assuming it was actually added, it could be for softening the water.

The dasani website says it adds sodium along with other minerals as part of the purification process, but the FDA considers the sodium nutritionally negligible. Negligible or not I dont want fucking sodium in my water

That would be L-theanine which is present in most bottled water

>If you had pure water by itself, it doesn’t have any taste
Oh, opposed to the rich bold taste it usually does?

because otherwise your tongue would swell up and you'd suffacate


Jews unironically

Water has sodium in it naturally and there's nothing harmful about it.

Distilled water would lower your salt concentration to dangerous leveles.

it interacts with molecules in your brain, making everyone more docile and controllable by the Jews


lol that's fucking nothing

tap water sodium where i live is routinely 150ppm and above, tastes like diluted seawater sometimes

shit killed all my vegetables and forced me to buy a reverse osmosis filter

fucking kike water companies

>Water has sodium in it naturally
nigga there aint no NA in H2O

what's A?

water that is too pure fucks up your cells because they all lyse since the concentrations of water are different

thats high school biology

humans have survived for hundreds of thousands of years drinking boiled river water. using electrolysis to make 100% pure H2O couldn't be farther from natural.

because in some stores bottled water is on a hot floor for months

Why is there sodium in river water?

pure h20 doesn't actually exist naturally

and besides drinking pure h20 would be quite unhealthy

Gotta get to the oceans somehow.

>pure h20 doesn't actually exist naturally
Ill give you that but if you include vapor it's iffy at best
>and besides drinking pure h20 would be quite unhealthy
Nigger wtf

no, pure h20 just straight up does not happen outside of a lab, and even then it's really just a good enough approximation.

If you had pure h20 that could be bad because of something called hypotonicity, the water would end up drawing salts and other minerals your cells need to survive out of your cells. In reality this probably won't be fatal because the water would be cotaminated before it starts interacting with your cells.

But beside that, there is nutritional concerns, you would have to get the needed minerals in your diet by some other form, so there is a greater chance that you will unbalance your nutrient intake.

I'm not sure if people like you are deliberate trolls, or just retarded.
The other day I saw someone writing it as h[math]^2[/math]0 and I thought that I couldn't get it more wrong, yet recognizable, if I tried.

It's H[math]_2[/math]O, capital H and capital letter O at the end. Not the number 0. The 2 in the middle is subscripted. If you can't do that, that's fine, write it normally, but don't superscript it.

>allowing your water to grow microorganisms

shit, so if I drink 300 bottles of water il go over my max sodium intake per day?

If you drink that much water you have bigger issues mate.

There are other sources of Na though

Do you like to chew on little sticks of sodium or what?


That's not how tonicity (Or osmolarity) works.
Water is the thing that does the moving, not the osmotically active particles.
Which means that what's actually going to happen is that the water streams into the cell.

Drinkable water must have mineral content.

Drinking pure H20 will make you sick.

This is to do with the osmilarity of your body's fluid compartments.