Starcraft 2 AI research environment coming soon

DeepMind and Blizzard to release StarCraft II as an AI research environment

will be open and available to all researchers next year

StarCraft II team to develop an API that supports something similar to previous bots written with a “scripted” interface, allowing programmatic control of individual units and access to the full game state (with some new options as well).

>Create Neural Network for research and put in in a combat-war environment for its evolution giving it the need to kill those it deems not one of itself
Nothing can go wrong.

Enders Game

oh shush. pass the popcorn and lets watch. surely this will never end badly.

If you guys knew anything about neural nets you would realize how silly you're being.

>look at me I'm commentating on things I don't know anything about

Perhaps it will see that the only winning not to play.

Neural nets are lazy and gay.


Have you ever trained one?

Do I look like a fucking faggot to you? [spoiler](Yes)[/spoiler]

like those quake 3 bots

"I'm here in the shadows"


Oh, hey, look Deepmind wasting its potential playing games again. What a fucking joke

I'm sure you have a much better idea of how DeepMind should be directing its research, you dumb undergrad.

Google is here to save us once and for all.
They are here to give the ultimate proof that Protoss are actually OP which the community has said ever since 2010.

So, when will deepmind protoss face against deepmind zerg??

Yeah, but if it means Google burns off resources pursuing mundane irrelevancy and is ultimately superseded by a far more magnanimous paradigm, so be it. The predominant technologic narrative is a vapid mist of futurist vaporware; the endless chain of jerking off to VC money on the back of a rounded contour or a DudeWheresMyCar apk. Good fucking riddance to that shit stain on the map of history.

Someone get this man a fedora STAT.

I prefer cowboy hat. I like Texan pussy

Hate Starcraft, but this does sound interesting. I hope the research into intelligent A.I. will tell us something about intelligence itself. What really is intelligence?
IQ doesn't satisfy this question of mine, when more experimental research as this could.

>intelligent artificial intelligence tell us something about intelligence

Well, I am not intelligent.

>AI esports will be a thing soon

you could have stopped this

Here you go, kid. You earned it.

Shit, I just broke the mold, son. Prime them bitches 'n hollar

I remember that thread.
Good thread.
I think it would be interesting to watch.
Didn't say I didn't want it to happen.
Twas a funny. Fuck off.

You watched the zerg vs terran final yesterday right?

i liek it.

lol, the most epic meme ever.

Why is it that bots stop doing anything after long time?

Here I', thinking of old games such as:

>Empire Earth
>Warcraft 3

they just stop.

16-bit integer overflow?

I don't know shit, you tell me

I wonder how the real time aspect of the game will effect things. Simulating millions of games is much harder.

I think most game engines spend a fair bit of time waiting between frames in order to stay in real time, in reality they could be run much more quickly.

True especially if they don't have to render anything. It would still take more time than GO though.

>Enders Game

Just make sure that you let the psychopath Peter take over the world after Ender saves it, whils shitting on Enders life, right?

>thinks s2 is sufficent depiction of war
go outside

>Koreans will be the first nation that can be replaced completely by computers
serves them fucking right

>Empire Earth
>Warcraft 3
Because they run out of resources or reached pop cap

Probably some internal overflows. But the story where somebody forgot his Quake bot server and they stopped fighting, but followed him with their sights is fake.

>Twas a funny. Fuck off.
Much original, how funny, wow.