New Survey Shows Around 26 Mln Americans Own - And 8 Percent Plan To Buy - Cryptocurrencies

> New Survey Shows Around 26 Mln Americans Own - And 8 Percent Plan To Buy - Cryptocurrencies
> 26 Mln

We're still early adopters r-right ?

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That's like 10% of the US population... crypto can easily make it to 50%

26m is about 7-8% of the US population right? Think how many people used the internet in the 90s compared to today.

US population is around 350m IIRC

What the fuck? Definitely not that high.

Less than half of americans own stock.

Link the survey fs.

Yes faggot Bitcoin is meant to be used as medium of exchange even if fucking gov doesn’t want to you can still buy or sell things with bitcoin. So based on that we are still in early stages. Just compare this shit with personal computers and windows. Everyone uses a computer today. Near future, everyone will use crypto. For savings or money. Or asset. Whatever.

>Finder’s survey was answered by 2,001 Americans adults using Pureprofile,
>a site that gives cash rewards to users that participate in its surveys.

Even when online surveying, a method that over-represents computer savvy Americans, we are at 8%. True adoption is MUCH lower. Think 8% of Americans who regularly use computers.

>USA is the only country in the world

Well it's based on result from people on pureprofile, which pays you to answer surveys. So the respondent might be more into internet money than the general population

Buying stocks is way too complicated. Bitcoin is not. As easy as buying it from third party or just signing up to an exchange and click buy.

I honestly doubt it's that much. and even then how many of those own even one whole bitcoin?

Sounds totally false numbers, there are not that many individual accounts even globally

Attached: loe.gif (500x211, 939K)

You can buy stocks online too. Nothing complicated about it. And most people have a general idea of how stocks work as opposed to bitcoin.

The numbers don't surprise me that much for bitcoin actually. If you look at the alts though the numbers are much lower, ETH is 3% and ripple et al. are sub 1%.
There's not much growth left in bitcoin (compared to other alts obviously, not stocks), people who think we're going to 100k are delusional.

can't be bothered. should be in here tho

>the absolute state of cryptocurrency "journalism"
It's based on a survey of 2000 people who were much likelier to be familiar with cryptocurrencies as mentioned. It's just about useless.

If you asked 2000 people from the streets the same questions you'd probably get completely different results.

Does this not prove the alt boom is the next millionaire maker? Look at that chart—a pathetic amount of people that bought crypto have any alts.

They bought all of the MSM paid shill coins. Imagine if rory starts using marketing money.

>USA is the No 1 economy in the world, and has been for about 100 years.

typical american delusion

>From Investopedia ranking of global economies.
1. United States
The U.S. economy remains the largest in the world in terms of nominal GDP. The $19.42 trillion U.S. economy is 25% of the gross world product. The United States is an economic superpower that is highly advanced in terms of technology and infrastructure and has abundant natural resources. However, the U.S. economy loses its spot as the number one economy to China when measured in terms of GDP based on PPP. In these terms, China’s GDP is $23.19 trillion exceeds the U.S. GDP of $19.42 trillion. However, the U.S. is way ahead of China in terms of GDP per capita in nominal terms as well as PPP; GDP per capita (PPP) for the U.S. economy is approximately $59,609 versus $16,676 in China. In nominal terms, China’s GDP per capita further falls to $8,480.

2. China
China has transformed itself from a centrally-planned closed economy in the 1970s to a manufacturing and exporting hub over the years. Since it initiated market reforms in 1978, the Asian giant has achieved economic growth averaging 10% annually (though it’s slowed recently) and, in the process, lifted almost half of its 1.3 billion population out of poverty and become the undisputed second-largest economy on Earth. The Chinese economy has already overtaken the U.S. economy in terms of GDP, based on another measure known as purchasing power parity (PPP), and is estimated to pull ahead of the U.S. steadily in the following years. However, the difference between the economies in terms of nominal GDP remains large with China's $11.8 trillion economy. The Chinese economy has long been known for its strong growth, a growth of over 7% even in recent years. However, the country saw its total GDP growth go down to 6.7% in 2016 and is projected to slow to 6.6% in 2017, and further decline to 5.7% by 2022. The country's economy is propelled by an equal contribution from manufacturing and services (45% each, approximately) with a 10% contribution by the agricultural sector.

The nominal GDP for the U.S. and China for the year 2022 is estimated at $23.76 trillion and $17.71 trillion respectively, while the GDP in terms of PPP is projected at $23.76 trillion for the U.S. and $34.31 trillion for China.

Lmao right.

Fake news folks.