If you don't live in New York City or Los Angeles, you are a flyover and are culturally, and culinarily, irrelevant. You should probably commit suicide as well.
If you don't live in New York City or Los Angeles, you are a flyover and are culturally, and culinarily, irrelevant...
>'go 'za
Both of those cities are very overrated.
t. Houstonian
I bet you think Louisiana is "flyover"
>culinarily, irrelevant
lol wut
What about SF
Grace is that you?
Flyoverland is definitely a thing, but it's not just everything between LA and NYC. Other medium to large cities like Miami, Chicago, Houston, San Fran, Seattle, etc. are not flyoverland but when you get to little shitkicker towns in Pisswater County, Okiedokie you are absolutely in flyoverland.
>lives in a big flyover town
>picks on the little flyover towns to feel relevant
What about D.C., faggot? LA is irrelevant af.
LA has shit food senpai. SF is the true food town of west coast.
these posts made me go look up the populations for all the big cities
god damn. i didnt know new york had 8 mil, la 4 mil and chicago 3 mil. i didnt know there were so few 1 mil+ cities too
And you can piss & shit outside after you eat.
>no Boston
I refuse to believe all those nights watching phantom gourmet where a lie.
Also Boston cream pie
I got you breh
Also the god damn roast beef sandwich
The whole way of looking at the inland United States as "flyover country" is flawed. Whether a given city will have its own distinctive cuisine and local culture is highly dependent on the age of the city since settlement and the size of the native adult population (people who were born there, not including transplants).
Many of the newer cities and towns that have never gotten very big, or at least which weren't big until "booming" in the past 15-20 years, ARE indeed full of chain stores, chain restaurants, and really do lack their own distinctive surface culture. However, there are plenty of inland cities with their own distinctive cuisines and cultures.
For example where I live, Salt Lake City, Utah, is pretty big when taking the metro area into consideration. As a result, they have a very distinctive culture: the religion and lifestyle of Mormonism. Unfortunately, the city and entire metro area has gone through a boom in the past 15-20 years, so there are a lot of transplants living here. The city is also fairly new, in terms of being settled and then built up into a civilization with a viable future. Compared to St. Louis, Missouri, where I grew up, I have a lot of trouble finding distinctive cuisine in Salt Lake, much less anywhere in the state of Utah. Oh, I can find good Asian food, good burgers, great Mexican, passable barbeque (OK, that last one's a lie), and so forth, but there's not really anything here that just screams "Utah food." Give the area time to mature, though, and people here will develop their own culinary traditions, just like in every other older or large city.
Why such intolerance? Sometimes (a lot of the time) I just want carrots or squash or mashed taters or green beans with chicken, what's the problem with that?
didnt meme guy mainly rely on rural flyover shitholes (red states) to secure the presidency though lol
>live in large coastal city, have good food on hand at all times, but everything is overpriced
>also you have to live in a big fucking city
>live in flyover, learn to make good food
>less variety in ingredients, really good restaurants are less common
>but I can still cook for myself and I also have peace and quiet
gosh, it's almost like each has its pros and cons. hmmm
I've lived in big coastal cities as well as in smaller towns and I honestly feel bad for people from LA, NYC, Boston, places like that, who come visit a Midwestern city maybe expecting to be able to walk to a five star restaurant from their hotel or at least hail a taxi and they realize that they really should have learned to drive a car when they were 15 and a half like the rest of the country did - if they even have the self-critical ability to realize that. Usually they just blame the Midwestern city or the entire Midwest for not being more like LA.
People drive a lot in LA. NY is another story though.
Yes. He conned them. I really don't know why flyovers are allowed to vote, they just get taken advantage of.
>unable to walk anywhere
i shiggy diggy do; that's just poor land usage
source: i live in chicago and even it kinda sucks
>culturally and culinarily irrelevant
your cheese sucks, your beer is watery, and your brats are mediocre.
1/10 try next time
That's a lot of text to defend your cornfield, Cletus
Bold words. Where do you live?
The other side's done the same by pretending to value diversity.
>not even in office yet
>thinking that he's already "conned" people
Go back to plebbit and circlejerk other lefties. Veeky Forums is a conservative website.
Nah, only /pol/ is your safe space on this website trumpet
shoo now
Did the comment about you not being able to drive strike a nerve? Even though you're over 30?
Veeky Forums is a contrarian website. This place hated Bush. Then it hated Obama. It will come to hate Trump as well.
Not an argument.
>This place hated Bush
If you were on Veeky Forums during the Bush presidency, you'd know that politics was a very minor facet of /b/. That you'd even mention this is evidence that you just showed up here within the last year, maybe 6 months, and don't really know anything about Veeky Forums.
Jesus, not even Veeky Forums is free from this idiot and his cult
it's gonna be a long 4 years, friends
How does it feel to be part of the problem?
So just fuck all of WA and AL, only the best seafood in the nation? Essentially all BBQ, and the awesome Mexican food in AZ and NM? I'd argue Seattle is the best damn city in the country, easily passing NY, and in my opinion SF as well.
Oh come off your high fucking rocker, you and I both remember the slew of anti-Bush jokes that were thrown around. Or maybe you don't, considering you're throwing around accusations of mewfaggotry and everyone knows only a newfag calls others newfags.
Pretty much. His new faggotry is showing.
And Veeky Forums never really got into politics, trumpfags and feelfrog faggots just spammed it everywhere.
Dunno, how does it feel to be a nazi?
AK*, not AL. Sorry, typo.
no one wants to eat over priced food two feet away from a piss soaked homeless junkie...... bro
Boston, although unfortunately in the midwest temporarily
>spelling newfaggotry as two words
>implying anti-bush image macros equates to "political discussion"
Fucking cancer.
Cletus lives in swampland. Norm owns the cornfield and eats Kringla, potato salad and pork chops.
He didn't even call it political discussion you twat. He said "hated Bush". And he was right.
your clam chowder is overrated, your clams and oysters are rubbery, and your lobster is frankly shit
Name one thing that a person on Veeky Forums has never expressed hatred toward. That's not the same thing as the kinds of discussions that occur on the website today.
And he never said it had to be those kinds of discussions.
Do people from NYC, LA and other big American cities generally not get their licenses?
Im from nyc in my early thirties and never got a license. My understnading about la is that you need a car there
Everything here in LA is spread it out so a car is very necessary unless you enjoy shitty public transportation.