Average IQ per country

Why do some countries have so low average IQ?

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Because IQ tests are prepared by racists to target those people to score low while they score high.

This is not science or math related.
Fuck off back to /pol/ or /int/.

On a non-biased test like BITCH: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Intelligence_Test_of_Cultural_Homogeneity whites score LOWER!

>Rascist whites rig tests to ensure that gooky asians will do better than themselves

What did he mean by this?

IQ tests for the following:

>Fluid intelligence (Gf) includes the broad ability to reason, form concepts, and solve problems using unfamiliar information or novel procedures.
>Crystallized intelligence (Gc) includes the breadth and depth of a person's acquired knowledge, the ability to communicate one's knowledge, and the ability to reason using previously learned experiences or procedures.
>Quantitative reasoning (Gq) is the ability to comprehend quantitative concepts and relationships and to manipulate numerical symbols.
>Reading and writing ability (Grw) includes basic reading and writing skills.
>Short-term memory (Gsm) is the ability to apprehend and hold information in immediate awareness, and then use it within a few seconds.
>Long-term storage and retrieval (Glr) is the ability to store information and fluently retrieve it later in the process of thinking.
>Visual processing (Gv) is the ability to perceive, analyze, synthesize, and think with visual patterns, including the ability to store and recall visual representations.
>Auditory processing (Ga) is the ability to analyze, synthesize, and discriminate auditory stimuli, including the ability to process and discriminate speech sounds that may be presented under distorted conditions.
>Processing speed (Gs) is the ability to perform automatic cognitive tasks, particularly when measured under pressure to maintain focused attention.
>Decision/reaction time/speed (Gt) reflects the immediacy with which an individual can react to stimuli or a task (typically measured in seconds or fractions of seconds; it is not to be confused with Gs, which typically is measured in intervals of 2–3 minutes).

-t. wikipedia


Evolution drives populations to be adapted to their environment. If the above facets are not evolutionary advantageous in a specific environment, they will be selected against. If there is environmental pressure to evolve the above facets, they will be selected for.

Remember that the brain is an incredibly energy-intensive organ, so in areas where abstract thinking-ability is not a necessity, it may actually be evolutionary disadvantageous to have bigger more complex brain. It wouldn't be fuel efficient to run a chainsaw with a 200hp, 12 cylinder diesel engine for example, and it would be cost efective to put a 4.4 gHz processor and 16G RAM in your toaster.

Some facets such as Grw and Gc are education specific, while others like Gf and Gv are certainly genetic.

IQ is also partially environmental/ nurture not nature. Non-whites living in 1st world countries tend to score 1 Standard Dev (~15 points) higher than those living in non-1st world countries. This doesn't account for the entire iq discrepancy, but it does mean that things like proper nutrition can vastly change how a person's brain develops.

>white privilege is why whites score higher IQs
You could have summed up your desperate bullshit like that. Would be easier to see how retarded it is.

maybe it is not an advantage in these countries to be intelligent.


Bad educational system

These numbers are from the work of Lynn et al. many of which are nothing more than guesses since no actual testing ever took place. Incidently, and by the same name, it has been demonstrated that IQ has been increasing progressively over the years making it necessary to redfine the '100' average. This means that, if you are to blindly follow scores and interpret it hierarchically, you are also led to believe that people in the early 20th century were mentally handicapped. But does that make sense or does it instead to careful interpretation of what a raw number means?


>People of other cultures, who got little or none education score poorly in test suited to the western system of though and education
Don't know what you don't like bout that

bad education, bad healthcare, bad nutrition, bad environment as a whole

Why is Italy so high up?

This test is 100 word definitions.

That doesn't relate to IQ in any sense.

If you asked a venezuelan to define 100 words in chineese, they would score a 0/100.

That doesn't mean the venezuelan is retarded.

IQ tests measure visual puzzle skill, which is not related to language.

Why wouldn't it be?

Sicily and Naples bring the IQ down a bit, so northern italy's IQ is actually probably >102

>he reads the word "racist" as "white racist"

Holy fuck the persecution complex is real.

I know it basically comes down to the different education systems, but funny how you have to go down to 90 until you see the first muslim shithole.

muh colonialism

Understanding visual and memory cues - western system and education. so they are better at science then? Thats your point? So you support his reasoning? Why argue?

How does language knowledge stipulate mental reasoning skill, problem solving or any other mental faculties other than memory?

because we're actually Jews
or, more accurately, Jews are actually Italians

>tfw country average 93
shit, I'm probably even triple digits then
this places I full of retards

on Veeky Forums, we're all geniuses

Chart is wrong. South Korea should be ranked 3rd then Japan and China 4th equal ect...

Please google IQ

>words used in black ghettos
>boogie woodie doggie loogie
>aga bongo tonga wer day women at
Is this a joke?

Their educational systems fail to challenge children sufficiently during critical developmental phases - would be my guess.

You mean, "How does 'linguistic' knowledge 'stimulate' reasoning [strike: 'mental, skill'], problem solving, or any faculties [strike: 'other, mental'] 'besides' memory?"

You could also say, "How does language stimulate reasoning, problem solving, or other faculties - aside from memory?"

Even with these changes, it isn't a very good question, user.

For starters, an answer would require a complicated, technical dive into neurology.

Put simply - it's all connected.

And by "it's," I mean, "your brain," and by "connected," I mean, "interconnected."


>The test consisted of a multiple-choice questionnaire in which the examinee was asked to identify the meaning of 100 words as they were then used in black ghettos.[1] Examples of words used included alley apple, black draught, blood, boogie jugie, and boot.[1]
> Out of the 200 students who participated in the original sample the 100 black students answered 87/100 answers correctly and the whites answered 51/100 questions correctly. In the other samples the results were similar with the black students' scores being drastically different from those of the whites.

It's almost as if those who learned proper English cannot understand improper English!

The test is called bitch, of course it's a joke.

But asians and jews score higher than white people.

Because IQ isn't an established scientific concept and the test doesn't localize perfectly.

The amount of IQ denialism and gene denialism on here is fucking disgusting. And yes, everyone here denies genes, which is why you are so desperate to just ignore them and say "no no, the IQ differences are clearly being caused by environment". Objectively speaking, you have no proof that environment is caused these differences, but there is far more for the genetic side. Poor African countries do depress intelligence, but that's only because their low IQ create such nations in the first place. Genes influence behavior, it's why certain animals, like beavers, evolved the type of behaviors that they do. A Beavers genes influences the type of environment they create with their behavior.

Wrong. IQ is not "education". Education cannot increase IQ. Poor Education is created by people with low IQ. Not the other way around.

Wrong, IQ is one of the most statistical rigorous test out there. All thanks to leftist who still deny the fact that genes influence intelligence.

Thx for the strawman /pol/. Nobody denies certain intelligences can be genetic. Merely that IQ is a flawed measurement, and the differences across cultures are overstated in both results and significance.

There is no strawman. IQ is not a flawed measurement. That's the point. It's not a flawed measurement. It's one of the most statisticaly rigorous test out there.

>Nobody denies certain intelligences can be genetic.

Yes, you are. ALL intelligence is influenced by genetics, not "certain". You are denying the fact that IQ differences among nations and races are due to genetics. Every time you try to explain it away, you keep denying genetics. You are also denying genetics, because you say IQ is a flawed measurements and that differences across cultures are overstated in both results and significance (they are not), because it easier for you to say the latter then to admit the former, that it's down to genetics.

no iq isnt that statistically rigorous at all and it is affected by both culture and education.

IQ clearly has both environmental and genetic input to its variance. you haven't proved your point about low iq nations.

>IQ is perfect and 100% reflective of genetic intelligence, not affected by socioeconomics or culture
Yeah, back to /pol/

I don't think overall average IQ properly portrays how smart people generally are in a country. It's dragged down by all the neanderthals in the ghettos and rural areas. If they did another study on "average IQ of highschool graduates" I'd accept that.

Surely its dragged up too?

Wrong. IQ is statistically rigorous and has been found to affect culture and eduction, not the other way around.

Yeah it is. It's seems you are behind the times, but IQ really is not affected by socioeconomics or culture. Gene amplification of IQ is such a replicated finding that it debunks the idea that socioeconomic influences IQ. You would know this if you ever opened up a book on behavioral genetics. But you won't, because you are a leftist.

now this is an undergrad post

Dumb olivenigger

Daily Stormer isn't a book, brainlet.

>Education cannot increase IQ.
>implying increase awareness of the elements involved in the design of the questions posed on an IQ tests does not provide an inherent advantage

You do know why mathfags and physicsfags consistently score high on these tests right?

Where exactly do you think these questions are inspired from?

were the tests made by Asians?

On that note: time for some real questions.

Why is it that East Asians have contributed less to academia and science than Anglos, even though their IQs are significantly higher by 5-7 points?

Modern tests are partly inspired by Imperial Chinese exams so in a way, yes.

Research money. Society just isn't set up for it. It's getting better though. It's not all about IQ. Cutting edge science needs top-tier laboratories and stuff.

Actually, East Asian IQs are largely overestimated, in that they selectively pick certain districts, after testing, with the highest IQs, and then prop those scores up as national averages. That, and cheating is extremely prominent in their cultures.

In reality, I'd estimate their IQs to be 98-102, that is, higher than Eastern Europeans, South Americans and Negros, but lower than Whites. This also explains the severe lack of creativity, which is necessary for furthering a field.

Geneticist here. Explain 'gene amplification of IQ'

As people age, the heritability of IQ increases. This has been consistently observed, and the reverse has never been observed. That seems to be paradoxical because if anything the heritability of IQ should be at its highest at young ages, instead of older ages where the accumulation of experiences would be much larger. That is not the case and goes against "socioeconomic" explanations for IQ differences. No one is sure why this is the case, but Robert Plomin hypothesizes that the genes people inherit are "amplified" as we age,

Kek where's America. Now I understand why people vote for Hillary because their dumb as fuck.

This sounds like bullshit and does nothing to debunk how socioeconomics affects IQ.

It's in the 9 group

>muh creativity
spot the butthurt liberal arts major

>This sounds like bullshit

Well as a "geneticist" you should know better, because this is a proven phenomenon.

I'm not that geneticist guy. Provide your sources.

God damn there are some dumb fuck shitbrains in this thread.

Literally talking about IQ and genetics in a Veeky Forums thread when you haven't read studies on it and don't know about the age-related correlation change.

Just kill yourselves fuckheads and stop asking for sources. You should be asking for Source on how the fuck to use your fucking shit brains. Stop calling out people who know their shit because you are a fuckhead.

for the low IQ subhuman dirt-eating monkeys infesting this thread


You should have made it clear that you were talking about heritability then - 'gene amplification' is a pretty nebulous term. Also, going back to one of your earlier points - IQ, like most complex traits, is almost certainly influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. The idea that socioeconomic status does not influence IQ is specious. We can't have a serious discussion if you're going to set out your case in such black and white terms

It's pointless though

Any high IQ group is going to necessarily achieve a better environment on average than a low IQ group.

At that point you just begin to argue chicken or egg, aka Environment or IQ. Everything is relative so the relative shitty environments of low IQ people is EXPECTED and necessary given relative IQ differences.

theres studies that contradict you.

education might affect your brain which might make you better at doing IQ tests.

please explain to me why changing heritability over time means anything unless you know what caused it, or how that even discredits any kind of socioeconomic impact on IQ or its variance.

most basic presumptions on the subject guess that the higher IQ genetics allow for better neuron health overall or higher concentration.

At young ages the brain is still developing in everyone and at different rates. It's similar to studies into head start education. Head start education (pre K) has a big effect on early test scores but goes to zero effect by 2nd or 3rd grade.

The genetic influence on intelligence is likely harder to measure when comparing 5 year olds to eachother because their brains are in such an early stage.

It's likely you would find this with anything you tried to measure, for instance lebron james was probably closer to average at age 5 than he was at age 15. The same thing that allows high neuroplasticity or neuron health probably isn't as clear when everyone's brains are still developing.

Anyway, the inheritance of intelligence and genetic architecture of intelligence are two subjects that are pretty much "pseudo" solved at the moment.

Discussing this subject with low IQ liberals who seek to push an ideology is pointless. How about you show some studies that prove average 18 year old sub saharan africas reach an avg IQ of 100 with the right environment.

Nutrition is a huge factor, possibly the biggest one

Not really
If we could just feed some sub saharans and they get 100 IQ, there wouldn't be any problems in Africa right now.



Damage done in utero and in early childhood can be permanent

Also other health issues such as malaria can result in permanent loss of cognitive function

I know you want this to be all about race, but this is proven stuff, all the race stuff is speculation

Let's just imagine that environment primarily determines IQ

Why would we not have systemic environments that create 150+ IQ people?

Basically you have to have low IQ to not understand the reality of the genetic basis.

Getting shot in the head also can cause loss of IQ.

Guess that's what we should focus on right? Great post shithead.

This is quite possibly the most retarded semi-serious post ive seen on Veeky Forums

Nutrition and health are solvable problems and are probably the biggest factor resulting in africans being dumb fucks

>are probably the biggest factor resulting in africans being dumb fucks
>75% heritability
nice try brainlet

even if you had 100% incontrovertible proof of how stupid those niggers are, what are you going to do with it?

we don't live in your fascist anime technocratic fantasy land. we aren't genociding anyone, we aren't having "camps", we aren't stripping anyone of personal agency or their legal rights.

so until we come up with some star trek tier gene modification, IQ research is pointless circle jerking designed to make whites and asians feel smug.

low IQ post detected

Have you even read what those figures mean? Height is even more heritable than intelligence but the average height of native guatamalans is inches lower than the average height of their genetically identical relatives who fled to the US


again shitfuck

low IQ subhumans are not going to create a good environment for themselves

Whites will know what to do once we invalidate the moral constraints

guys look

if you take a subsaharan african and put him in sweden his life outcome goes up 10x!

It's obvious that means subsaharan africans are equal to swedish in terms of genetic value right?!

hint: economists use this same obvious effect to claim world GDP would double instantly with open borders.


I love how you know jack shit about anything but spout off like a fuckhead.

avg GDP per person in africa is 1800
>if only they had __________
median black household income in USA is 43,000
>if only they had ___________

It's strange huh?

If only we had some way to determine what was going on using some sort of method... like a scientific method.

Oh wait, we did that and every fucking result ever recorded showed genetic causes for the low IQ.

But nah, I'm sure you liberal fucks random assertions with no proof somehow overturn all evidence.

>we did that and every fucking result ever recorded showed genetic causes for the low IQ.
No study as far as im aware has ever shown this

sure, shitposter

t. greek olivenigger

lel It's like arguing with a fucking retarded robot programmed to deny genetics.

Do I have to go and find sources for the avg IQ of 85 in blacks in America?

>Do I have to go and find sources for the avg IQ of 85 in blacks in America?
Correlation is not causation. Thats literally the first thing they teach you in statistics.

Only a moron would deny that IQ correlates with race because it clearly does. But I reiterate, no study I am aware of has demonstrated that race is the CAUSE of low IQ.

If such a study exists then by all means post it

So the across the board low IQ score of black people across the world in every environment known, through twin studies, and through adoption studies, and the 75% inherited factor for intelligence isn't enough for your pathetic little fuckheaded brain?

This is basically as proven as the fact that the earth is round.

I'm not answering meme tier bait so once again, if you have a study demonstrating that race is the primary cause of low IQ then post it

right wing people are trying to push an ideology just as much or maybe even more so. those age arguments are convincing to why kids have less heritability but it isnt relevant to racial differences in IQ. Im sure you could do that. IQ has been shown many times to be open to environmental effect. It clearly has genetic variance too and it might be alot within-populations but right now there isnt really anything convincing that parcels out heritability in between-group(race) differences. im just being skeptical. you could be right, but i wouldnt give you any credit because your prior presumption was based on faulty reasoning.

Heritability does not mean what you think it means

no one in this thread or any other iq thread here has ever said that environment primarily determines iq

Because those countries have cultures that value intelligence. What if I told you money attracts pussy and you can improve your money making skill with higher level math? What if I told you you can attract pussy by being an excellent liar and being an excellent liar or story teller can be made possible by practicing thinking on multiple levels to keep track of your lies, improved mental organization?

What if you live in a country where it's easier to just rape women because your government won't hold you accountable because they're idiots just like you?

It's the culture m80.

My age arguments are of course faulty

What we do know is that correlation between age 5 and adult IQ are not perfect. This is not to disprove the heritability of IQ, it is simply a point that anyone who looks at age 5 IQ studies should understand. That a fluctuation in IQ score between age 5 and age 18 is perfectly expected and proves nothing. It also means you should not use AGE 5 g scoring as a concrete example of anything.
Also, yes, if a child is shot in the head, it will lose IQ points, hence I do agree environmental effects can matter. No fucking duh. It's stupid to use them as people use "epigenitics" in many cases to explain arbitrary things. Yes Environment has a small effect on IQ, but if you want to put all your eggs on environment you should realize actual scientific studies and agreed upon correlations puts the genetic factors at a minimum as 50%-75% of the reason for any given IQ score.

Yes, you can trump up a case of some kid getting his head cracked open or starving in in a cage. That obvious edge case doesn't disprove the reality.

The idea that "races" or genetic pools wouldn't have intelligence difference is almost impossible. Just like there are height differences, testosterone differences, various disease susceptibility differences, and many many other differences, there will be avg IQ differences.

>Yes Environment has a small effect on IQ
Environment can demonstrably have a large effect on IQ

Yes, I fucking wrote getting shot in the head would probably, maybe, effect someone's expected IQ score if you looked only at genetics.

Oh fuck off, environment not specific extreme trauma

Education, motivation, nutrition, various diseases, even fucking stereotype threat have all been demonstrated to significantly affect IQ