Food related terms that you hate or makes you cringe.
I'll start:
>Our famous[...]
Food related terms that you hate or makes you cringe.
I'll start:
>Our famous[...]
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"picky eater"
Just because I don't eat nasty shit (like eggplant, for example) doesn't mean I'm picky.
Alcoholic..some dude drinks 5 beers a week and thinks he's on the brink
Very, very specific example: when The Hairy Bikers use the word 'unctuous' incorrectly, which is about five times per episode. Drives me completely mental. No, Dave: it doesn't mean 'delicious.' No, Si: it doesn't mean 'nice.' Just no. Stop that, you northern monkeys.
Other than that, they're among the best food personalities to ever grace television.
Boozy. Why does every single thing need to be made boozy just because it's December?!?
Yes it does, child
What does this even mean anymore
What's wrong with umami? It's a real flavor discovered by a scientist.
Calm down princess, you won't get fat from the handful of extra calories.
seeing "hubby" in restaurant reviews or some fucking blog post before a recipe
Eggplant isn't nasty shit, you're just a pain in the ass to anyone to tries to cook for you
This is how you can tell a picky eater. If somebody says "I've tried it but I just didn't like it because..." and gives a reasonable explanation, that's a preference. When somebody says "omgz it's the most disgusting thing ever! I can't even eat a dish with it in ever! EWWWWW!" that's a picky eater.
> nasty shit like eggplant
Yeah like that.
I've never heard anyone use "hubby" in real life, ever.
calling a beverage made from corn & rice "BEER"
>seeing "hubby" in restaurant reviews or some fucking blog post before a recipe
lol yes. This is the biggest red flag for me.
>craft beer/whiskey/wine enthusiast
>limited release
>IPA, IBU's, Imperial-Double-Barrel Aged-Dry Hopped-Ultra Rare-Exclusive-Fuck Me In the Ass-Chocolate Muffin Infused-Stout
>beginner whiskey/wine
I've only seen it typed online fortunately
>go to popular restaurant's yelp page
>cntrl+f hubby
>tfw it worked the first 2 restaurants I tried
Anybody who writes a food blog will tell you it's not just about writing about food! Sometimes one of your readers will "throw down" a challenge and it's up to the food blogger to meet that challenge.
About 8 months back I was challenged to eat all my meals one day with utensils and any one who knows me will realize that as a busy Mom, there's going to be a "take out" meal that day especially when I'm picking up my hubby and my mixed brood from school and getting them to their after school activities.
Well the fast food that day of the challenge was one of your more well known hamburger places and darn it if I didn't eat my "burger" with a knife and fork. The kids couldn't stop laughing (you know how kids are) and I did draw more than a few amused stares in the hamburger restaurant including a gal from my Yoga class!
The verdict? Hamburgers might be meant to be finger food, but you can just as well enjoy them with a knife and fork. And you also learn that the term "blogger" sometimes entails teaching your kids a lesson about keeping to your word when you lose a wager.
So good eating to all!
Fucking dumbass
>sous vide
better yet google: x restaurant "hubby"
Calm down, my butthurt bitch.
say that to my face fukr
*lowers brim of hat to cover my cursed left eye*
Feh, don't do this to yourself.
you hate the word "cheese"?
Stop samefagging kid.
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it...
because it's just Nip for "savory"
Buffalo mozzarella shit.
Yeah, I've never understood this. On a similar note, I don't know why we suddenly switched to calling emotes/emoticons to emojis. It was literally within the past two years and by the same people who've been using emotes for the past fifteen.
U mad Grandpa xDDD
I just find the way that word sounds unappetising.
Emoticon is when it's made with symbols like :)
An emoji is the animated picture as if you posted :) on Facebook. It would turn it into a yellow smiling face.
>I don't like spicy stuff
you're wrong
my family is full of picky eaters and they have novellas written of their autistic excuses
mostly "i like the taste but not the texture" and other garbages
u fuckin mad granpa lmao
Maybe they want you to stop making them have to excuse themselves from not liking something. The fuck does anyone need a reason for?
Maybe you're more autistic than you assume everyone else is.
Just quit dude.
This is a very specific type of hobby and when people put this in the title of a video on youtube, it's a good way to know what not to click.
It makes a lot more sense in the context of Japanese food because they use so damn much miso and fish broth in everything. Just a good way to describe that component of the flavor, since it's so prominent in that food. Now when people start using it in the context of Western foods, I get annoyed and start to think that the person is some kind of weeb who doesn't know he's a weeb.
>I've never heard anyone use "hubby" in real life, ever.
Kind of like how you'll never hear a white person say "nigger" in real life..... unless they trust you enough to know that you won't judge them. Women don't want you to judge them either, even if they're just being cutesy. If they think you are a stuck up prick who will tease them for using girl language (and really, almost all straight men fall into this category anyway, so don't feel too bad about it), then they will just use standard English when talking to you.
>say "nigger" in real life.
It's quite common for whites talking to other whites in the south to use the term "nigger" when referring to blacks. Happens with me on a daily basis. In fact they look at you rather strangely if you use the term "African American."
My neighbor built a separate workroom with a bathroom, but he painted a door on one wall and hung a sign reading "Coloreds Only" above it.
I'm from Missouri and people say "blacks/black people" unless they are old as fuck boomers talking to other boomers, then they might slip in a "nigger" as part of a joke or a word like "nigger-rig." But when blacks start marrying into the family, that usually stops. Two of my relatives, cousin and step-sister, are now dating or have kids with black men, so no more saying "nigger" for us.
And it sounds like those people trust you pretty well, which is was all I was saying.
>cousin and step-sister, are now dating or have kids with black men, so no more saying "nigger" for us.
But that's an actual thing, user
>(like eggplant, for example)
is that you neptune
In Eastern Washington, there are people who use "nigger" freely still. Same with "spic", "beaner", "kike", "dago", "whop", and all kinds of other shit.
Most of them are transplants from the Idaho panhandle or white nationalists, but I mean, most of them don't care if you judge them or whatever. Some of them are legit preparing for racial holy war tho, so I don't think you can count them among the average white population.
lel eggplants are fucking gross
More expensive than normal. Using a handful of ingredients that really don't go together. e.g. Meat and raspberries.
I literally choke a bit when i read or hear this (yes, i've had the misfortune of HEARING someone say it)
I used to work at a rustic Italian bistro
I used the word rustic to describe plates that look shitty. Everybody started doing it and the chef and owner got so embarrassed that they took the word rustic out of all our social media.
For me a picky eater is someone who has decided on a conscious level to not like something for a reason other than the taste. Like someone saying "I don't like onion" of course they like onion, they eat tons of shit with onion in it, many people who i've heard say this even eat onion rings.
fuck you, OP.
I just watched LA Beast for the last 2 hours because of you
i don't. i literally don't give a shit
they just love to talk about how picky they are. it's like a contest or something
>the boyfriend ordered...
I want to fucking choke someone after reading that
emoticons and emojis are different dude :^)
a lot of Italian chefs use the word rustic to distinguish italian cuisine from french, they should embrace it
To me, a picky eater is anyone who either physically picks shit out of their foods and doesn't eat it even when they've finished the rest of the dish, or is the type of person who makes requests to other people when they are guests at a lunch/dinner party. Yes, that includes vegetarians, vegans, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and anyone else who makes their eating disorder into a lifestyle. Doesn't include people with genuine, diagnosed food allergies.
I dislike croutons and will generally pick them out of my salad because I just don't like crunching on rock-like crackers when I'm eating soft vegetables (I'll never understand why ANYONE likes croutons on a salad), but I still end up eating them when I'm finished with the rest of the salad. I dislike octopus and the fattiest, chewiest steaks, but if that's what I'm served, I will finish every bite on my plate (or at least make an honest attempt to do it... sometimes it just takes too long to chew the bullshit and everybody else at the table is already done, so I pack it into the fridge). There's a difference between having preferences and having an eating disorder.
How does that make anyone a dumbass?
Thread's about food-related terms.
'Unctuous' is a food-related term. user gives a very specific use of that food-related term that's particularly cringe-y. Unless you're Kingy himself, there's no reason to call anyone a dumbass over it. You daft cow.
I've never called anything like that 'beer' nor would I ever, but what am I supposed to call it? Corn wine? Rice wine? Grain liquor? I've honestly not a clue.
dumb shit but because im a Britfag when people call pasta "noodles" i freak the fuck out
yes, but he hates it.
>white chocolate
>craft beer
>Hot Pocket
>"For me it is the [...], the best [...]"
>"Bone app the teeth"
>"Bone apple tea"
>"Joan crack the meat"
>"No refugees"
>"Seem-seem Sala-beem"
This shit irks me beyond belief. Who the fuck invented the shitty ass name for a delicious food as fucking noodles. Noodles are asian fucking rice or egg or wheat strands and they're great, but don't fucking call pasta noodles you fucking autistic ameritard. Anybody who calls pasta noodles needs to get fucking chopped.
Shitting on my boy Heston Blumenthal. His spaghetti bolognese is the best I've had
I'm in eastern WA, too. Go Cougs.
You mean over-priced bullshit?
No it's not. Corn used to be grass; never forget that.
paleo is the only one that triggers me desu
I agree with this man
um honey pepper is spicy ;) x
It literally means "savoury" in japanese.
>le this xD
Go fuck yourself.
There has to be a better word for this state of being than a kindergarten-tier portmanteau.
I say "furious". It's (f)amished + f(urious).
>On a similar note, I don't know why we suddenly switched to calling emotes/emoticons to emojis. It was literally within the past two years and by the same people who've been using emotes for the past fifteen.
It's worse because normies use it as a replacement for entire feelings and phrases. It was already bad enough when people were typin lyk dis lol. Now they just put in some weird autistic emoji sign language.
I'm not a professional chef or anything, but here's an opinion from a normal everyday speaker of American English.
"Noodles" specifically refers to the kind of food made of some kind of dried dough, usually stick-shaped, and then boiled until it's soft as a part of other dishes. It can refer to the uncooked item that is used as an ingredient in pasta. It's rarely used to refer to an entire pasta dish, and usually only in limited contexts. Some speakers may not associate the word with non stick-like pasta (ex. bowtie, penne, ravioli).
"Pasta" refers to the entire dish, including all of the ingredients. It can also refer specifically to pasta noodles, but not exclusively.
Here's an example of use: "If I'm going to make pasta, I'll need to buy noodles and I'll also need to buy sauce, meat, cheese, vegetables, etc."
On the other hand, I don't refer to all Asian foods as "noodles" at all. If I'm going to make Asian food, I'll talk about the specific dish I plan to make, for example ramen or pad Thai. I don't even refer to instant ramen as "noodles," even though there's nothing else in it. It's still instant ramen. However, the stick-like things I put into the Asian food, whether it's made out of buckweat dough, rice dough or eggs, is called "noodles," same as pasta noodles.
>On a similar note, I don't know why we suddenly switched to calling emotes/emoticons to emojis. It was literally within the past two years and by the same people who've been using emotes for the past fifteen.
Yeah, I don't understand that either. The weird part is that when I went to Japan in 2011, people were still saying "emoticon," but sometime not too long after I got back in 2012 or maybe 2013, people switched to "emoji." Kind of like Japan followed me back to America. I'm assuming there was a change in the iPhone keyboard labeling for those characters.
In anglo commonwealth countries there's a handyman franchise called 'Hire a Hubby'.
For me, a picky eater is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich
Chicken sandwiches can't eat, so you failed in your analogy.
I love me some racially insensitive names for people but I've never heard those. East WA must be magical.
I can't help but cringe when people say "mouth feel"
These are terms for Italian immigrants.
They very very rarely offend anyone and a hamburger made with purely sausage is often called a "wop burger"
chill out grandpa