It's over folks, they killed it. Node operators may face prison time. You've been warned. God speed, anons.
It's over folks, they killed it. Node operators may face prison time. You've been warned. God speed, anons.
And what? Do you know how many bankiers are pedos?
How can I download this files ?
this COULD be huge to be honest. there's permanent CP on the blockchain, i wonder how they'll crack it down without tearing everything down.
How does oyster pearl plan to handle this? Does anyone know?
>i wonder how they'll crack it down without tearing everything down.
There is no solution.
Deleting these images would require constant hardforks and scans every single block. It's unfeasible.
A few months ago I remember a thread was created where anons tried to crack the code of some wallet sending transactions to himself with some code embedded, of course the amount of fees paid were what made this stand out.
Is this what in OP?
Can anyone remember the user that found a funky wallet that just sended transaction with gas but not anything of value?
Hasn't this always been an issue/obvious/reality of DECENTRALIZED network?
Yes, yes it has. So why are you autistic fucks only panicking about this now?
>your face when its podesta fucking a kid
whenever you use a random number generator you risk generating an illegal number.
nothing will happen, no jury/judge would find a person possessing the blockchain, without extracting the CP, guilty of possessing child pornography, even if a federal agent would want to ruin you. can you imagine the public outrage.
yes i need some red candle ;)
Because our congressmen are boomers who don't understand technology
I dont think there will be any public outrage once news of this gets out, it’ll just reinforce what the normies already see crypto as.. something shady and probably illegal.
We all just gonna ignore this underrated comment?
Yes. They won't handle it.
Information should be free. Anything will be allowed to be posted
How does bitcoin's blockchain store data files? I thought it only holds wallet addresses and the amount of bitcoin each wallet holds. Also why would they allow storing unnecessary data when they're already struggling with block size increases
Waiting for this news to spread. My shorts are ready.
But the only way to save the poor chillens is to delete the bitcoins
dream on.
we survived the g20. nothing is stopping 5tril now.
I saw it and chuckled
Down to $5000 we go
The short answer is, you can't. You either control a particular blockchain in a centralized way, or you leave it decentralized and up to the users.
Is it 2013 again? The is veryyyy old news.
Yeah but if you add in the ability to arbitrarily remove entries from the ledger doesn't that defeat the whole point?
I member!
There was a theory that was it.
Shhh we'll be fine.
so does this make all the miners and exchanges guilty of possesing child abuse imagery?
This is crazy, wtf
It could kill crypto
Hey man, I’m just musing on his hypothesis, not actually advocating a shutdown! And you know it’s true. The normies are dumb and wont care to defend crypto.
yes, unironically
you can get arrested for simply having a bitcoin wallet installed now
you would probably be able to defend yourself in court and win but you could still get arrested for it
Can't tell if this is bait or not
This shit has been around since the beginning of bitcoin and you fuck sticks only care about it now? Gtfo to your safe spaces
Fucking kikes
Does that not mean it can be traced now? And is't that a good thing?
Sorry but the only way to fix it is to take it all down and start over with a new coin in order to prevent people from slipping hex strings into transaction memos and shit.
why would this event make it any more/less traceable?
Yup that shit was spooky as fuck I remember it too
No worries, it’s probably a nonevent, the price is still steady at 8850 and on track to break 9k. Probably just more fud.
wow cp has been found on a cd in an appartment .. lets burn the whole village .. thats how you idiots are talking rn just delete the links found lol?
We back on schedule for the flippening?
they found links to TOR sites; not actual CP lul. this could happen to any coin
You can't delete the CP in the blockchain. It's a permanent part of the ledger now. The ledger has to be permanent in order to ensure complete accountability. There's literally no way to fix it without shutting down BTC and starting over.
Well poisoning with cp. Never seen that happen before. Who could be behind this.
sold my BTC and am now 7-pass wiping all wallet related files on my PC.
the most retarded comment i've read all week
Thanks, just sold 100k.
Shut up, retard.
yo fagits not the link in the blockchain the stuff where the links are heading to just turn on your brain first maybe?
I'm unironically tethering up right now
>There's literally no way to fix it
Turn it off and restart it.
This thread is full of idiots.
So is there a way that any form of 'content moderation' could be introduced to how a blockchain works without losing every single benefit that blockchain is supposed to offer? Immunability, privacy, etc.
Shorts underwater, let's dig out 5 year old news.
>tfw "blockchain" was a CIA drug money laundering black op test run double cross honeypot that got too profitable to pull
Looks like Tradingview chat doesn't know about this yet. When they find out it's gonna tank.
this is the stupidest FUD ive ever seen
lol you idiots, this shit has been known since 2012. its fucking nothing
Do you english?
Regardless of general brainletness, Veeky Forums has always been on the cutting edge of news, due to weaponised autists with nothing better to do. Once the redditors post this news, all hell will break loose?
thank you OP i will never use bitcoin ever again
News was literally posted two hours ago, brainlet, and it’s potentially destructive.
yes sell now and fuck off already
it destroys nothing you mega retard
I’m strongly considering selling now. Once normies get wind of this it will certainly crash
eli5 how can you write things into btc blockchain? eg can i put pic of my anus and how?
>2 hours ago, bitcoin started mooning
>2 hours ago FUD article appeared
*shorts intensifying*
Mooning = 8800.
Look, let's not let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. The only humane approach going forward is to start again, but this time with full government oversight under UN jurisdiction. This is, after all, the libertarian dream
The bunch is spoiled. That's how the blockchain works. The immutability is necessary in order to maintain the required level of accountability. You literally have to kill BTC and start over. Remove the ability to add special characters to the meta data and shit.
Shut up, retard. Pictures are nothing but numbers. Do you understand?
>it’s potentially destructive.
As far as I’m aware the bitcoin blockchain does not support any type of image file. Wasn’t the supposed “cp on blockchain” just
deep web addresses? Is it illegal to know where something illegal resides without accessing it yourself?
The point is it doesn't matter if BTC is worth 12k, 9k or 8k if you can orchestrate FUD effectively a x100 short position will net you an insane ROI
Why wouldn’t it? An image file is just data, what’s to stop users from storing raw image data and someone can convert it into a jpg?
Images are just hex codes. If you have the hex code, it can reconstruct an image in a hex compiler or whatever the fuck it's called.
>he fomo'd in
>put him to sleep and load the cp fud
>he's awake
>make him think it's the bottom, drop off the volume
>he bought more
>dump it again
>he tethered
>push it sideways
>he's doing research
>print 100mil tether when he goes to sleep, and then pump it
>he's awake
>load a dip
>he bought the dip
>sideways till sleep, then crash it with the exact >same cp fud, get vitalik on the line
>pump ethereum for 2 hours and then wake him up
>load the flippening threads
>he bought
>crash it
>he's trying to kill himself
>activate quantum immortality
>now print 200mil tether
>he thinks we're going up
>we are. let him in
>he's in
>pump it
>he thinks he's about to make it
>now kill him, transfer everything and then find another
There is also child porn on the internet.
You have access to the internet.
Are you arrested yet?
If I had a copy of everything on the internet on a folder in my computer, yes i’d be arrested pretty quickly.
It literally only takes satoshi to delete the files in his block chain file browser
>and someone can convert it into a jpg
exactly. it's just raw data in the blockchain.
just like there's raw data for cheese pizza in the digits of Pi. Should we put a worldwide ban on all uses of the digits of Pi as well?
Why do you care? If it isnt on pearl oyster, its likely to be literally anywhere else.
Japanese sites are full with cp yet no one gives enough fucks.
>There's kiddie porn in Pi
user, randomly appearing digits and deliberately putting images on a chain are two different things. There is technically a version of you encoded inside pi digits who’s not a brainlet, too, maybe he will understand this.
To many ignorant normies. How many times I have to tell you any kind of cp, little girl love in cryptos will make it instantly moon? There are surprising amount of pedos that bought in in 2011 and are actual whales on this market. Truths hurts huh normies?
this is unironically true. we have to thank the pedos for the bullruns
Why are you copying and pasting this shit across threads? You fucking pedo kiddie porn apologist. Enjoy your van ride
I really hope it is some loli stuff, desu!
What was actually found in the blockchain though? Deep web links or actual raw data of cp?
Mathematics are a construct of man. So man deliberately gave cp image data to all men who understand Pi.
You literally have no basis of argument against raw data whether through randomly occurring pattern or not.
arguably both
Then sell faggot . Just like it happened to eth. That is the fud that made it out of $300 in the first place.
>instructing people to sell kiddie porn
>find CP image
>convert it to hex
>send it to Vitalik’s wallet as ETH data attachment
>Vitalik now possesses CP
>report him to authorities