>open your fridge
>see this
Wat do?
Open your fridge
>inb4 clean up the rice on the top shelf
return the trays of tomatoes I stole from work
Not stolen.
mine are
Remove maggots.
>Wat do?
1) Take them out of the fridge. They'll last longer that way.
2) Eat a few to get a feel for their taste.
3) Think about what to do with a fuckload of tomatoes before they go bad. Decide the best option is to can most of them and figure out a dish or two to use the rest in.
4) Break out the pressure canner and get to work.
>Decide the best option is to can most of them
You think they could burst them in an oven with some garlic and rosemary and then muddle them with a dash of vinegar?
You suggesting to make some kind of sauce out of them? Sure, that's a very valid option.
A pasta sauce is another option. Or perhaps a fermented sauce?
>"Babe, why did you buy all these fucking tomatoes?"
Think to myself
>"Oh great, mom's on another fad diet again."
Eat as many as possible as bruschetta with garlic oil salt pepper basil. Some sea pasta dish too would be wonderful.
Eat them fresh with mozz, basil and balsamic until they start to go, then make and jar sauce all day saturday.
apparently if you store tomatoes in the fridge it breaks down an enzyme in the tomatoes
Call the cops, faggot
Apparently if I store my dick in your mom's ass it breaks down my semen enzymes
diced tomatoes with sour cream and salt
So am I reading this wrong or is it mainly affecting unripe tomatoes?
Go tomato people's houses
you just added that part in on your own
Clearly you have rice.
Put rice in the rice cooker with twice the volume of water. Then put in olive oil, one and a half teaspoons of salt, a teaspoon of pepper, then load it up with a lot of tomatoes. Cook the rice normally.
You will have a delicious meal.
Oh well, it's not like leaving them in there will hurt them more than they already are.
Laugh at whatever idiot just made tomatoes taste like ass and go eat my leftover summer tomatoes on the counter, retaining sweetness
Seriously refrigerating tomatoes kills the sweetness, they did studies on it. I also tested it with my monster tomato harvest this year and its true. Dont refrigerate those fuckers.
make some tomato marmalade
shit is cash
>put em in box
>tape it shut
>make hole
>fuck it
>after cumming eat
i used to like serious eats until i read this garbage just now
I worked in a grocery store as a kid, tomatoes were kept in the coolers until they were put out on the displays.
i devour every last fucking one of them just as they are
These are tomates you fucking idiots
Tomate people's houses then retard
We're talking about tomatoes you fucking knob, get with the conversation
Well, if they are true cherry and pare tomatoes, I would breakin out the big cannin kettle and makin tomatoe jam. Sooo awesome on fresh hot biscuits and oven fresh bread.
Also, make salsa! When I have an unreasonably large tomato harvest, I make salsa, fill gallon freezer bags with it, and then freeze them on their sides. They stack well and don't suffer from freezing.
Pickling the tomatoes is also a very valid option
There's an old-world style of a tomato ferment listed in The Art of Fermentation. You essentially would let all of them sit in a crock or bucket until the liquid has emerged and significant mold can be seen. Then you mash it and wait until the mold re-emerges. Then you strain the juice from the solids and sun dry into a paste. It's supposedly good indefinitely since mold spores have been thoroughly integrated into the paste so the worst case scenario for decomposition has already been realized.
Make a thousand tiny hamburgers
Anybody with a tenth of a tastebud could tell you that storing tomatoes in a fridge ruins their taste.
Stop taking random blog posts at face value and think for yourself.
Fucking hell I hate this place.
Thank christ that the food and milk that has been rotting in there for 2 days has disappeared and the fridge is relatively clean
>wat do?
Cut a whole in the box where boinko the clowns mouth is and fuck the shit out of that box. Smoke cig. Nap. Then make a creamy marinara.
I meant 2 years
become italian
Ayy mambo mambo Italiano
Excuse me, I'm looking for öats for myou brothers and I. Do you have any?
>Make salsa
>Make some pasta sauce
>Put them in salads
>Snack on them
Or you could also get horrifically ill from mystery mold strains. Wtf.
Not him but this was shit. You're a prick, T
eat one
this (vinegar should be balsamic i think, also put olive oil on them), you can make a whole tray of it and then blend it and it on toast, put on a pizza instead of usual tomatoe sauce or just mix it with pasta
this one
this, also put a bit of diced onion in it
don't do that :(
this is ok
salsa sounds great
marinara is a good option
and you could make some del tomatoe soup like this justinka.com
>refrigeration and mold-inhibition solutions have existed forever
Go guzzle big pharmas jew dong you cuck
They haven't, which is why you would have to dry the tomatoes or preserve them using salt, oil, or vinegar. Using sugar would also work but it sounds kind of gross.
Creating edible mold is a crapshoot. That's just how biofauna works. The strongest mold and bacteria get the delicious territory.
I prefer the term "old world style"
the box is suggesting that you send some to mates.
I hate tomates.
>Pasta sauce (pronounced Paste-Ah S-wah-ss)
>tomato salad
>Stuffed tomatoes (everything from baked with meat and cheese to tuna salad)
I prefer the term "playing Russian roulette with the shits unnecessarily when you could buy perfectly serviceable fermentation starters of tasty and optimal biofauna."
>close fridge
Way to disrespect tradition for your own selfish reasons you cunt
I'd order 100 pounds of hot peppers and make a shit load of fermented hotsauce
>the I just bought 50 pounds of habeneroes for exactly this
Fire the god damned butler.
>putting your pre-ketchup in the fridge
i shiggydiggitydoo
Bruschetta and a whole bunch of homemade pasta sauces to store and use later.