Feels/advice thread

Hi Veeky Forums. I just learned my mom has cancer. She may have a year to live depending on the treatment. My father died when I was a kid and I don't really have contact with my extended family since they're mostly overseas. I'm 21 and school isn't even done yet.
What the fuck do I do? I have a year and half left of school since I spent a full year doing absolutely fuck all and figuring out what I wanted. If my mother dies before I graduate I will go into debt and that'll fuck me up. On top of that I just lost my job at Toys R Us. Lmao.

Anyone have any practical advice so I don't end up homeless? Or stuck in shitty wagey jobs for the rest of my life? I have about .5 ETH and 6k LINK. I am not counting on this to save me.
Worst case scenario I will have to go to Poland to live with my extended senpai. My Polish is broken and I have a strong American accent. I hope teaching English is profitable.

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If any other anons want to share let's have this thread for that. No begging

No idea mate, sounds terrible, maybe you should/could ask your extended family if they could help donate towards the treatment?
Best of luck to you.

>Gay porn.
You will be lucky to not be homeless, you need tighten your belt and make some decisions about what you want to do/ or what you will be doing very soon. You are very much on your own, moreover your mother will need financial help if she ever reached the bed. Get a job. Get some skills and wake yourself up. This could be a good time for you to learn the hardships of being an adult.

Best of luck for your Mother.

Maybe. But they are mostly poorer the standard of living in Poland is different. Thanks though. I'm just stressing

Which city are you in now user

Go all in on REQ and then after mainnet launch put it all back into LINK and ETH

I live near NYC

Yeah thanks for telling me what's already been on my mind since I heard the news. I'm just pissed I didn't take advantage of my relative comfort more while I had it. Should have pursued my goals and dreams with more vigor. I always wanted to write for TV and comedy. It'll be so much harder now

sorry to hear that user. Maybe you can start working and delay the studies. Or find some kind of part time job/micro-job, maybe translating english/polish polish/english for hotels etc? Hold those LINKs btw.

You need to diversify a bit into coins that could
10-100x user. Try, Credits, TAU, a bit of ADA and
GTO. Leave like 10% in Stinky Linky if you really
want to hold some.

I'm also a Polish American. Only speak English also.

I'll pray for your mother, buddy.

Come to scandinavia, if you are willing to work you literally cannot get fucked up. Also education and healthcare is free. if you you lose your job the government got you. America and Poland is practically 2nd world countries because the economy only supports the rich.

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Also, please at least hold onto 1000 LINK. I have 1000 LINK and I sure wish I had 6000! I think it'll be a big deal by 2019, maybe even $1000 but one thing I'm sure of is that it will be at least $10 at some point. That's $60,000 for you.

I need to find a new job anyway. My resume is weak though. Shitty retail and construction jobs while I went to school. Last year I did an internship at a financial firm for 6 months out of sheer luck. That is the one achievement I have so far. I'm doing economics at school I'm just going to rush to finish that and hopefully find a job at a firm in time before my family's savings run so low that I'm buried in a hole I can't climb out of.

Respectfully I think these coins are shit, I also don't have enough money to diversify into more than 3 coins. Thanks tho user

Dzienki stary

Worst case I will think about it. I love America though and I have a lot of opportunity near where I live. You nords however do have a good thing going

And day trading with that .5 ETH?

I’m sorry to hear that. My mom had cancer and beat it. She quite a few surgeries. So, I’m hoping yours will too.

Keep your head up man

Hey buddy, just got similar news about my dad. 1 year left. So I feel your pain. Practically, if you really want a degree, realize that it's hard to go back to school once you stop. I know because I've been there. I'm applying to med school soon, and I've seen people who work 40 hours a week and then take a full class load just to be able to apply. Some of these people are doing well enough to make it. But they work their asses off to do it. Point is if you're not in a favorable situation you gotta work hard to make it. Don't sell yourself short and grind if you need to. If finishing your degree is impossible, develop skills like coding. Maybe look into apprenticeships that your local area offers. The military might not be a terrible option either. Theres options out there. Best of luck to you user

Don't have enough time to do it seriously, I'll end up losing it if I fuck around.

Thanks, gives me some hope

Thank you. Sorry about your dad. Yeah I noticed this trend too so that's I want to finish my school ASAP, especially since I already have credits. I thought about the military too but my eyesight is very poor, I would need LASIK or something

I haven't lost a parent, but my father is on his 7th life I think at this point. Take care of yourself user and best wishes to your mother. It's tough as hell, but "to live is to struggle."

Sorry to say but you'll have to wagecuck, i'm in a similar situation but not as bad. My dad died in cancer when i was 13 and my mother was hit with MS a couple of years back. I couldn't find decent work in my home country (Scandinavia) so i moved abroad. Been fucking clawing myself up the corporate ladder for the past 6 years and now have a comfy salary - been able to support my mother financially and give her sunny vacations several times a year because i live in south of Europe.

Long story short, you do whatever the fuck it takes to support your mother. You can't afford to be picky at this point. I'd probably delay the studies and focus on my family. School will always be there, your mom won't

You say you want to write--how good is your prose?

You could probably get started freelance writing for crypto if you're any good--hell even if you aren't you could still try as there are loads of crypto publications with shit writers on their staffs.

Teaching in poland is always an option, too. Did you go to uni?

Sorry about your loss, bro. Mom died last summer, so all my sympathies, user.

cancer sucks. this is going to force you to grow up fast. that isnt a bad thing. you will be better for it. it is just sad the manner of it.

Just read the bit about school. What degree?

just lost my dad last week from cancer. sorry for the news user, but hang in there. things will work themselves out - if something happens, you're so young, family and friends will certainly help with money. don't worry so much about money right now, focus more on spending time with your family.

It's pretty good. Really good I'd say without gassing myself up, I won a regional scholarship for creative writing when I graduated high school.

Freelance writing for crypto sounds really cool though. Any tips where I could start

If you're just getting a degree in econ and not finance, DO NOT TAKE OUT STUDENT LOANS!!!

Good work on the internship, it's a great thing to have on your resume.
If you do graduate or dropout without debt, you could find an English teaching job in many parts of the world, not just Poland. While the pay isn't great, my understanding is some programs will cover room & board in addition to a stipend while you can explore a new part of the world. My friend did this in Korea and didn't speak much, if any, Korean when he started.

There are plenty of opportunities if you're willing to work to find them! Maybe not every one will be career-making, but you don't have to resign yourself to anything other than being kinda poor for a few years. Just budget, get a place with a couple roommates, and you'll be fine.

Bóg cie pokarał bo ojczyznę opuściłeś

If you go to (most) any site they'll have a submissions email address along with one to inquire about becoming a contributor. Usually, though, they want to see that you've written stuff that's been published before.

I write for a few prominent publications in the space and have written for a few mid-to-low-tier ones to. If you wanted help starting out, I could put you in touch with some.

Lemme know if you're interested and I'll give you an email address where we can talk further.

If for whatever reason this gets archived before you respond, you can reach me here: [email protected]

Bump for user's benefit

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Bump for user's benefit

and because it's a good thread, something rare these days

God bless you user. I hope the best for you and your mother

I'm in a similar boat to the guy in this pic and I'm feeling quite isolated. It's tough enough to make friends as an adult, and networking as a pseudo-NEET is even worse. Is there a place for people like us?

I'm just lost and I sort of need direction. I've been working on turning my life around but I keep stumbling and falling back into my old habits. fuck

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Forgot to say, my condolences OP, I can only imagine being in your situation. I wish you the best

What are you skills/interests?

>Come to scandinavia
Isn't it difficult to get citizenship for Americans?

My skills include basic Linux system administration, some very basic programming, etc. I don't love programming but I do enjoy tinkering with Linux. I'm not sure if that lends itself to a sysadmin career or not—probably not.

My goal in 2016 was to self-teach and get a job as a junior dev but I derailed and fell into NEETdom as usual. I put a solid month of work in and can whip up simple iOS apps with a bit of effort but that's not good enough to land a job as far as I know.

I'm 28 and my clock is ticking, I really need to get my shit together.

What's kept you from applying for jobs and or getting jobs? Tough market, under qualified for the positions you want, or just unmotivated?

I didn't know it at the time, but I believe I was genuinely clinically depressed for a very long time. It's a bad excuse and I can't tell an interviewer that, but it's the truth. I had a dysfunctional home environment as a kid which lead to instability later on and I had nobody to set me on the right path so I just never launched so to speak.

I was in school on and off until about 2012, but I had a lot of unexplained anxiety about situations that I couldn't control, had no direction etc. I worked shitty jobs on and off—mostly Burger King type stuff. After 2012 I just did nothing basically until 2016 when I decided to turn things around (I've had a number of these wake ups or personal revelations or whatever, each more significant than the last.) When I say "nothing" I mean I either played video games for 16 hours a day or tinkered with Linux and did stupid shit that ultimately didn't matter, like setting up a VM system with GPU pass-through so I could run a Windows VM with almost-native performance and play my manchild games at full framerates.

This year I worked on a project which ended up paying out a little bit, I can't go into detail but basically it involved a combination of leveraging a niche market and my mediocre coding skills. I have $xx,xxx in the bank from this.

Today I am very unmotivated and feeling crushed by all of these obligations that I know are looming. I'm still with my long-term gf but given that we're in our late 20's everyone else I know is mature and has sort of left me in the dust—kids, career, whatever—and I'm still here with my 16-year-old mentality.

I never had a father figure which I think is part of it

sorry for the blog post / wall of text

So to answer you more directly, I have no work history, few skills, nobody to say "if you do x y and z I WILL get you hired" (I realize that's too much to ask, just suggesting that I have no clear path), so I'm in this big hole I've dug for myself

I'm just a late 20's bum. My assets include a little nest egg, a loyal gf, good health

But I have no friends, no network, nothing, and I just have no idea what to do from here. I think a degree isn't in the cards for me anymore or may not be worth it from a cost-benefit standpoint but I have no clue. Again I just have no direction

Just not Denmark, the speaking language is fucking impossible to learn. I'd recommend Norway.

Isn't this the case?

idk about US citizens, I'm from EU, so I have no problem moving anywhere in EU.

Hey man I am sorry about your situation. I lost my mother when I was 15 and it still affects me in various ways over 10 years later. Just remember that life is a marathon not a sprint, don't give up on the world you will make it.

Nah dog, don't apologize.

Do you work out regularly? Great for keeping your mood stable and to give you the energy to not sit on your ass, browse Veeky Forums, and play vidjya.

If you've got a portfolio with developing, why not use that to try to freelance/get more projects? Certainly that's something that you could pursue, yes?

>If you've got a portfolio with developing, why not use that to try to freelance/get more projects? Certainly that's something that you could pursue, yes?
I don't have a portfolio but I think I could create one rather easily, it's just been an issue of motivation mostly. I suppose the problem is that I have to take that first step just to get somewhere that still won't be where I need to be, so it's like I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I end up stalling out as a result

I do work out although lately it's been spotty. My goal is to hit the gym 5 days a week but over the last few months it's been not at all (due partly to that project I mentioned) or 1-2 days/week

I guess in a sense I know what I need to do in the short term, I'm just having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as I mentioned above, and that's a very soul crushing perspective

>a loyal gf
I'd trade all my current assets for one ;_;

Having her comes at a cost: there is so much more weight on my shoulders to succeed and make something of myself and provide for her. Without her I would be lonely and miserable but I'd only have to meet my own standards which would be rock bottom—I'd be happy to work a McJob and work my way up slowly in life.

As it is I have to worry about the fact that we need to start having kids within the next few years if we want to avoid things like autism/etc.

Of course I wouldn't trade it for the alternative but I'm starting to burst at the seams with anxiety

go back to your own country

She may live longer. Two people in my family have had cancer. Both ended up in remission and are alive today a decade after. God bless user. Do not move to Poland, live there is surprisingly harsh compared to the US and wages are terrifyingly low, there is no real social security net under you..finish school and do the best you can because that is what your mother would like

You are everything that has gone wrong with Veeky Forums. The post. You are not edgy and you do not belong

I get that, man. This past summer after my mom passed I spent all my time smoking pot and trying to figure out tf to do with my life. Applied to shit tier writing jobs for pajeet-run content mills and could barely get a footing in the industry.

Then I finally landed a gig at a crypto site and things snowballed from there. Sometimes, it really does just take one good opening to come into opportunity.

Start building a portfolio and applying to shit loads of jobs. Eventually, you'll get your break and the light ill shine so fucking bright you'll be blinded to all the anxieties that held you back

I appreciate the kind words. Part of my problem is that I'm full of self-doubt at every step of the way. I've taken a few chances in life and some have actually paid off big time, including my recent endeavor, but somehow I still doubt that things are doable and that totally crushes my motivation. I like to imagine that discipline > motivation but I've got all of these underlying issues (manchild) so of course I have no discipline. I'm working on it but it's tough

Glad to hear you're doing well, I hope to have a similar breakthrough, however modest.

One thing I can't decide on right now is whether or not I should stay the course and do what I originally set out to do (self-study mobile development) or take a job as an IT intern at a school that I might be able to get because I know the superintendent. I don't need the money but I think the stability and just getting out of the house might help me... I am not sure. It might also be a waste of time as I could leverage that time into self-study, so it's tough to decide

1.5 years isn't all bad OP. You are going to be completely wrecked if your mom passes while you're in school. If your degree program is the kind where you can take a year off, prepare to do that. Sit down with an academic advisor so they know what's going on. If tragedy happens and it takes you out of the classroom its better that the school know beforehand instead of after.

If you're drug free and you are worried about your mom's medical bills join the Air Force reserves and immediately adopt your mom as a dependent. Insurance is like $150 a month.

This is bad, but it can be better.

No close friends, no sign of relationship, desired career looking unlikely as it stands.

Dad got sick so forced to take over family business but my dad is still acting as if hes running it so im struggling to make any real money. Ive got it to a stituation where my wage from the business is pretty much passive income, I barely work. But this isnt as great as it sounds as it makes me feel even more empty, Id rather be working hard on something I enjoy doing and I cant go on holiday because I cant leave the business.

Both parents are loners and moan all the time and put all problems on me and pretty much depend on me so I feel like im stuck.

BAsically everything seems to be working against me and no matter what I try I cant break the circle. Even if I did 'make it' leaving home and leaving my parents alone would make me feel hella guilty and uneasy.


>Today I am very unmotivated and feeling crushed by all of these obligations that I know are looming. I'm still with my long-term gf but given that we're in our late 20's everyone else I know is mature and has sort of left me in the dust—kids, career, whatever—and I'm still here with my 16-year-old mentality.

Feel you on this, im in the same situation apart from the long term gf thing. I still feel like a teenager, a lot of my friends are (late) teenagers (18+). I cant relate to people my own age no matter how hard I try, this still feel like 'grown ups' to me its a fucking weird situation.

The IT internship might be worth looking into. What have you got to lose? Experience, money, and stability.

Also, you can still develop on the side. Your dream to become a self taught mobile dev isn't mutually exclusive with an internship/job that will give you a leg up if you decide to go into a different career

>What have you got to lose? Experience, money, and stability.

Lol just realized that this reads like the things that you could lose. Definitely not loss there--only gains

>Your dream to become a self taught mobile dev isn't mutually exclusive with an internship/job that will give you a leg up if you decide to go into a different career
That's true, the only thing that is mutually exclusive is the time I have right now. Since I have no need to work for the next 6 months or even more, I could conceivably deliver on what I wanted to do and fast-track myself to greater success, so to give that up in the interest of stability and a $10/hour job (not disparaging it, I just don't need it at the moment) is a big decision

I'm honestly desperate for social interaction / friends. And tying it in with the gf thing, how the fuck am I going to get married with no groomsmen? Who will be my best man? I have literally nobody

I did this to myself and it's extremely stressful and frankly scary. I feel like a little kid still.

How old are you?

We're all just a bunch of scared kids learning how to doggy paddle to keep from drowning bro

What city are you in?

Wyandotte, Michigan

same as you late 20's but im a manlet with floppy hair I look like and get treated like a kid. Maybe deep down I enjoy it I dont know.

Damn, it was a longshot but if you were near Nashville I was gonna say we should chill

Thanks, yeah, wasn't likely but I appreciate it. I have no clue how to begin making actual IRL friends. Online friends are fine but I know by now that they're not real unless you meet up at some point and solidify it a bit.

People have suggested meet-ups so I guess I'll try that next, I just dunno where to start. I wish there were a "losers who aren't crazy/weirdos" group. I don't think I'm better than anyone but I'd love to network with people who are trying to claw their way up like I'd like to rather than random interest groups and such

That's the other thing, I have no adult hobbies. Playing vidya doesn't even interest me anymore, nor does it interest any other functional adults, so I've got very little to connect with people on

I wish scandinavia hadnt been flooded with sand rapists. I've always wanted to move there but i'm a shitskin too, except not of the bombing/raping muslim type, i'm the soccer-playing/naked-dancing moderate christian absolutely harmless type

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Not sure if you said you have a job but if you dont already then get one in a place where other losers/weirdos would work.

Life insurance

I have an opportunity to get a low-tier IT gig basically flashing iPads all day long and I think I might be able to make friends with the guy who runs that, but I think it'd be pretty much limited to the one person lol

I really done goofed up my life

try australia

sorry to hear, user. Use the toys r us experience to bullshit ur way into a restaurant job. Often you make more money working better hours. Bullshit your experience, say u also work part time at denny's or something. Since we are in our feelings, might as well drop myself into the fray.
>me, 24
>half assed an associates degree
>failed a bunch of shit
>cant really transfer into a program I want because of low GPA
>was in a super tough rut from 18-20 (still hits me sometimes desu)
>dont even know if i want the program (comp sci, maybe nursing idk)
>never felt strongly about anything in my life
>dont know what i like
>not passionate about anything, but im super empathetic
>most of my "friends" moved on with their lives, got married, graduated, etc
>people i thought gave a shit about me turned out to never talk/respond to me
>work an absurd amount of hours at 2 different restaurants to pass the time and keep my brain from wandering off
>social interaction in my shitty job helps a lot with my mental health (srs)
>i just work to distract myself from the fact that i'll wake up in a few weeks and all of the sudden be 30 with no real skills
>every day off I have I just get stuck in my feelings

user I love you man. We are all in this together Veeky Forums. Nobody knows the answer, but we can at least give one another positive feedback. There's already too much negativity in the world


Are you 'strayan yourself? I've considered aus too, i speak very decent chinese and i know you guys do a lot of trade with the chinks.

No I just know they have a decent shitskin community over there, never hear about rapes or terrorism from aussie sand niggers.

join the military? after you are done become a PMC make over 100k+

Wtf /bizraelis are actuslly nice, decent, empathic human beings? I thought everyone was an empty,basement dweller all-hating neet here. Refreshing.

OP wish you lots of strength and courage for the coming times.

>Come to scandinavia, if you are willing to work you literally cannot get fucked up
every single other place on earth as well
>Also education and healthcare is free
you mean 1/2 of your paycheck "free"
>America and Poland is practically 2nd world countries because the economy only supports the rich
puts Poland and USA into the same basket

Load her up on polyphenols. They used to be considered the vitamin P group until the 40's.


Why did you not discover her cancer until now?

You wouldn't have been in the situation you're in now if the cancer was discovered much earlier

What kind of a shithole is the US that you don't get any benefits after your late dad? Over here you get monthly allowance if you're still studying (up to your 26th year) so you can focus on your studies instead of worrying about your shit and ending up homeless. This is if you lose 1 parent, if you lose both you're given an allowance higher than average salary and adopted if under 18 (people are literally lining up to adopt children).

What kind of a 3rd world shithole is the US that you go homeless if both your parents die? Fucking hell OP, my condolences

Wtf is wrong with you

Brah. My dad died when I was 2. My mom died of cancer when I was 28

It sucks man... but fuck, do I feel better now. 4 years later, I have no stupid ass “family” shit to do during the holidays, after my moms death, I found out she spent most of my “inheritance” on her debts. I no longer get along with my step family due to me being successful and them being plebs who have no motivation

In closing, it sucks brah..... I’m honestly in a better place now responsibility wise and mentality wise than I ever would be

You are your own god, you control your future. Embrace your own spirituality, don’t cry to organized religion and you will be fine brother!!!

Hang in there OP and the other anons who are struggling. Ive noticed that those who are forced to grow up from these situations at young ages and actually make it through can become very successful.

Truth. I was honestly raised by the “streets”. By 21 I never had to borrow money from anybody, had my own spot with my now wife, and had amazing credit.

Dealing with real life in your early 20s, gives you a huge leap over These basement dwelling fags

I’m now 32, have 2 cars, 0 debt, and 2 houses, both of which I have 50% or so equity already.