uhh is this not a reason to be worried?
couldn't this make operating a node/mining equivalent to possessing child porn?
uhh is this not a reason to be worried?
couldn't this make operating a node/mining equivalent to possessing child porn?
Other urls found in this thread:
Alright I'm predicting bitcoin will fall to about $5000 before end of this week. This shit is spreading like fire.
Thanks just abused 100K
If you read satoshi's white paper you'd know bitcoin was originally designed to host immutable child porn
or moon kek since this type of underground shit is the only reason it became popular in the first place
I don't know about implications, but wasn't the first bitcoin adopters pedos and drive dealers?
>quick, release the child porn fud so we can accumulate more
I don't get it.
I'm a retard, dumb money, not even autistic computer faggot, I suck dick, I should kill myself and cut my balls off. Now: how can a blockchain "contain" images? I thought blockchains were just encrypted pieces of ledgers or sequences, not .jpgs.
So this is how Bitcoin dies... not with a whimper...but with a bang... a degenerate illegal child abusing bang.
it's not that simple apparently but doable
they explain it in this paper published in OP's link:
Images are made of 1s and 0s. There's 1s and 0s on your computer. I'm calling the police.
See pic
Just to clarify, this is different than using bitcoin for illegal things, because this data is literally encoded into the blockchain and apparently there is no way to remove it.
Would a hard fork of some type be able to fix this problem?
That would mean everyone has to stop using bitcoin and and switch to the fork. Do you see that happening?
And I assume because it's decentralized there's no way to just credit everyone for 1:1 exchange to NuBTC
no one cares
>news that g20 won't add new regulations to btc
>news that btc blockchain has cp
because cryptofags hate children.
If it gets to the reddit front page, it will be catastrophic.
*unzips dick*
lets upboat this shit.
The perpetrator was found !
He is canadian and was fucking a horse.
Absolutely normal and legal, everybody back home.
Who gives a shit people didn't even flinch when vitalik posted that juvenile porn wasn't a big deal
i hope it happens, I need some afternoon reading materials and their reactions will probably be funny. Plus, the price won't change because no one with skin in the game actually cares.
I think this hasnt reached most people yet, the price hasnt moved much, but surely it will.
It will be really surprising if it doesnt.
who the fuck even cares about this other than soccer moms and retarded normies? this is literally nothing
Yeah, except that actual verifiable child porn was found on the blockchain. Way different from money skelly just talking about it
>load the CP FUD
It's not even on coindesk yet. Lots of outlets are probably independently verifying the story before releasing it.
I have to say I'm still skeptical this isn't a FUD attack
>you now realise that Vitalik knew about this the whole time and wants to protect miners and blockchain
Ethereum's blockchain must be filled with it.
This is 5 year old FUD (no pun intended)
What will be surprising you fucknut. Do you know what decentralized means you faggot. This isn't even news
It sounded like most of it was links in notes for files hosted elsewhere
its fucking nothing.. people have been putting CP onto the blockchain since 2012, how fucking new are you
cameras are used to film child porn, and computers are used to store and share them to millions of sickos. Trump just announced anyone who uses cameras or computers will be immediately executed
Just wait until John Oliver or some other normie news outlet gets a hold of this
To many ignorant normies. How many tolimes I have to tell you any kind of cp, little girl love in cryptos will make it instantly moon? There are surprising amount of pedoa hat bought in in 2011 and are actual whales on this market. Truths hurts huh normies?
>Just delete your bitcoins man.
>Internet links and a possible image of a “mildly nude” minor
Where's the porn?
>child porn is illegal but pictures of adult rape aren't
I've reported about 5,000 childporn distributing IPs (BTC nodes) to Interpol
>pedos start market buying bitcoin for the cp
>tfw childporn is now unstoppable so we have no choice but to make it legal
Guardian reported it so it's not fud
Welp it’s over, i’m out. Time to cash out my gains while they’re still there.
Anyone got some links to the transactions with some of this embedded content in them and in what manner they were encrypted? You know, just for research purposes.
Enjoy missing the bull run next month then, little girl fud are perfect indicators weeding out weakhands in this market before we moon.
they dont even say which blocks for cross referencing the findings
why are we supposed to take their word for granted again
I see no issue with this
Does this mean that it's in BCH as well since it was a fork?
300 million tethers were printed 20 minutes ago
Yes, fucking newfag.
>all those strange, tiny transactions was someone uploading their folder
Its all so clear now
Jesus this stinks of desperation. Obvious propaganda is just oh so obvious. See how 'government secrets' is slipped into that list of bad (read: meh) things that could hypothetically be inserted into the blockchain?
We knew this was bound to happen one day. Most things on the internet are hard to delete. What happens when it can no longer be removed? This didn't start with just the blockchain though. The same issue didn't stop us from using the internet. Just cause the internet facilitated cp exchange no one seriously thought about shutting it down. So the same goes for the blockchain. How to overcome this on top of the other things that this tech facilitates will be both interesting and concerning
Rest assured that any blockchain that doesn't protect it's metadata will have CP poisoning now that this hits the news.
Wouldn't even be surprised if government or banks that want crypto dead would do this.
How is this propaganda? Literally anything can be embedded into one or several transactions. This won't be solved without changing the protocol itself. CP being posted is literally one of the first things you have to consider when hosting a service that users can contribute to.
It's not the point of it, but it's possible.
You know how the first few blocks have ''banks bailed out again'' or some shit in them? Same thing, only with pictures.
This is the best way to kill crypto. Put illegal shit in there and then spread it all over the news. Normies will be disgusted and outraged.
no. having a url link to child porn and having the picture are two completely different things.
>it will never hold up in court.
>Oh and inb4 this is not fake
I have no doubt that during its first few years there were plenty unsavoury souls who fucked around with the blockchain like that just for shits and giggles, but with current and future trading volumes, with blocksize already an issue, what is the scope for using Bitcoin's blockchain for any impactful shit like that?
This is just another desperate attempt to spread fear.
i'd put up 1000 ETH that the kikes are behind this obvious sabotage attempt on the blockchain. and i bet it isnt just bitcoin, i bet its basically all of them where its possible.
Whoever it is one can hardly expect those in power to just roll over and fade away.
The entire block chain is required for bitcoin to work.
If one image is embedded in the block chain anywhere that’s free reign for the government to come in and regulate it, or possibly even shut it down completely
If I had any BTC I'd be embedding illegal shit in transactions all day long. Safer to store it there than on my PC.
It’s stored on your pc you retard. That’s where the block chain is
This guy has spent 8.5 ether over the last 150 days in transaction fees sending 0 eth transactions to himself with 0.0004744 tx fee and input data starting with CP110500 in ascii on every transaction. Wanna crack his code? while I open my x100 short on ETH.
Remember the last time Vital ilk did something similar to this? The price pumped instead.
so how does this work?
asking for a friend
>but think of the children!
Kill yourself
You think I store the entire blockchain on my PC? I'd just delete it and look up individual transactions when needed.
>This is the kind of retards we have in crypto.
Seriously only tech literate people should be allowed to sell crypto.
How am I tech illiterate? I'm a software engineer, so you can explain it to be with big boy words.
What a coincidence. The market is starting to have an uptrend and we "just happen" to find out about this.
Especially old 2012 news resurfacing, this does not reeks of market manipulation by FUD AT ALL guys !!
Next step, Department of Homeland Security finds terrorist shit in the blockchain, and it's banned.
You know it's coming.
>Plus, the price won't change because no one with skin in the game actually cares.
this. everyone in crypto understands there is no controlling content or being offended by content.
If you’re embedding things on transactions you have to be mining, and if you’re mining you have the entire block chain downloaded because you have to
It’s not about being offended, it’s about giving the government the right to shut it down because it’s illegal
Here is my question: SO FUCKING WHAT?
next question: as far as the average normie or guardian "journalist" is concerned, how is this different from the knowledge that child porn is stored on the internet?
Or murders occur in cities where people live?
Or accidents happen on roads where people drive?
Read the white paper. The found links, AND images.
This is extremely troublesome. You degenerates here think "Oh, it's no big deal, I fap to it all the time", but the governments of the first world are going to freak the fuck out over this. Even if the images and links are hard to find and get to, they can just blanket ban all of them.
This is the kind of shit, in the old days, that could cause bank runs - rumors are all you need. The Guardian in the UK has the story, I'd bet Vice will have it soon, if they don't already, and it's only a matter of time before the MSM runs with it, and the governments HAVE to address it.
the offended run to the governemnt and ask them to help. crypto doesnt need that.
Gov representatives are already FUDing about terrorism funding in some countries.
You guys are all retarded. It is a felony to possess child porn. If there is child porn on the block chain, every single miner would be guilty of a felony
So what is in the Ethereum blockchain then?
>((((((((them)))))))) don't know what to do anymore to keep the price down.
Are you literally retarded? Knowing that child porn exists is not the same as having it on your hard drive.
I can't believe this has to be explained.
Oh, wait, Veeky Forums. Half of you guaranteed fap to cp, and that's being conservative.
Well they delete the webpages who have CP and the files on the server , how you delete a entry of a block chain ?
>government shutting down bitcoin
It doesn't work that way.
>it contains links
so does google
>Anyone suspected of mining bitcoin is now prosecutable for possessing child porn
>Implying this wouldn’t shut down bitcoin
You are retarded.
Hey look finally a reason for the government to ban crypto!
oh sheet
guise this could be serious
You can remove links from google.
You cannot remove anything from the blockchain. You guys need to do some fucking research holy shit. This is a major fucking issue because in order to mine, you need the blockchain. The blockchain is designed to not be editable, meaning past transactions are permanent. Removing them or editing them would destroy the integrity of the blockchain, destroying exactly what bitcoin is.
So if there’s child porn in the block chain, it cannot be removed, and all miners have it on their hard drive, which means all miners are guilty of possession of child porn. The government probably would not convict them, but they could force you to delete the block chain and cease mining.
Being able to edit the blockchain goes against everything it was invented for.
If this is "old news", then the founders and early devs fucked up, knowing about it, and not doing anything about it.
If it gets into the heads of liberals, SJWs, and normal people that Bitcoin = child porn, it's over. You have two choices: ban the blockchain, or allow it to be edited. Would you hold a coin that can have it's blockchain edited? I wouldn't.
How do we know it’s not Wikileaks posting compromising pics of Hillary and Pedosta eating children with George Soros in a pope hat masturbating?