Gas vs Electricity
What do you prefer to cook on, Veeky Forums?
Gas vs Electricity
gas>electric coil>>>>>>>>>>>>smooth top electric>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>electric induction
Gas. How is this even a question?
electric induction here...just kill me now pham
why does all of europe do this in their appartments?
I prefer hardwood coals over all. it always seems the most forgiving thing for me to use for heat.
if I cannot have wood-fire, then gas. I can see what amount of heat is going into the process. it heats fast and consistently from use to use.
I fucking HATE my electric range-top. mine is old and super-shitty and inconsistent with it's heat outputs. I suspect that it biases me against all other electric stoves...VIOLENTLY
If you really know how to cook, you make any heat source your bitch.
Ive been cooking on gas whole my life, and while i really enjoy the feeling of using fire to cook, i have this weird phobia from gas bottles and explosions.
There were instances where i even woke up at night just to check if i properly turned off the gas bottle.
Im thinking of switching to electricity because of this
the only gas ranges I've been able to use had shit heat output and even low end electric coils will put out a lot of BTUs
a high power gas range would be ideal but I'd take electric coil over weak gas any day
because you were to retarded to keep newspapers and garbage of your stove tops and burning down whole neighborhoods
electric really isn't so bad
i have a really small, cheap electric range and i regularly cook with 10-20 liter full stock pots and it can heat them up and keep them a nice temperature no problem
i keep a bottle torch handy for the odd time when i need an actual flame
Gas - the second I have the option to get my own range I'm getting a fucking gas range
I can't stand glass top electric
Cooking on an electric range might be the worst thing I've ever had to deal with.
Gas is just so much better. Electric stoves do have low/medium/high settings, but really it's just on or off. Good luck cooking anything properly on an electric stove.
I like induction, it's really versatile and easy to handle.
the main reason people hate electric coil is that it can warp/burn the bottom of your cookware
easy fix is not buying shit tier cookware
The one that doesn't literally cause my home insurance rate to go up
gas is quite convenient because, as stated :
-usually can give high power fast (a lot more than standard 2kw ratings of electric methods, be induction,radiative vitroceramic, or simple coils)
you can modulate the power at will, and not only through a thermostat in a on/off manner.
Does not have the "inertia" of electric stoves.
Basically, when you cut gas, there is no energy input from outside the pan itself anymore, useful when you are on the brink of a disaster...
more of a reason to buy shitty cookware if anything since it will ruin nice pans
I've got an electric induction and I constantly wish I had gas. Oh well, I'm just renting for college so it's not that awful.
if a hot stove is ruining your nice pans than they're not nice pans or you don't know how to work a stove
electric coils don't heat evenly
they will cause metal to warp over time
>electric coils don't heat evenly
that makes no sense
if your coils have cold spots they're worn out and dangerous
otherwise the coil is warped or something isn't level
replacing the coils and leveling your shit is the solution
A bunch of idiot NEETS talk about how shity electric is because it's all they've ever known and obviously the reason they ruined all their food/mother's pots and pans wasn't due to any fault of thier own.
This guy gets it
The only real advantage is with gas comes the ability to warm a tortilla to perfection
Stop defending your sub-par appliance. You have a bad case of sour grapes.
>moved into a new house with induction hobs
fucking end it. So shite.
I'd prefer to have gas, but where I live in a rural area there are no natural gas lines and I would have to install a propane tank. Propane is an unregulated industry except for safety and they gouge the hell out of people in terms of price. The gauges on the tanks just have readings like your car gas tank, so when they say they added X number of gallons you can't even verify it. Contractors in the building industry have told me that the drivers routinely short fill and keep the surplus for themselves or friends and family. That's why when I built my house it was designed all electric with a heat pump for the furnace. My utility bill compared to my neighbors on propane ends up being about 1/4 of their bill.
Long story short, I'd like to have gas but I have to make due with electric glasstop.
>unregulated industry
>except for safety
>gouge on price
Know how I know you're a retard? Never talk about business or economics because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Oh, great argument. I see nothing that refutes my argument, from firsthand experience, that the propane industry charges whatever they want, whenever they want. That is not the case with regulated utilities like natural gas and electric companies. Why are my neighbors with similar square footage and thermostat settings paying 75% more for their utilities during the winter when the only variable is source of energy?
Calling someone a retard doesn't work. What part of my argument about propane is in error?
>Why are my neighbors with similar square footage and thermostat settings paying 75% more for their utilities during the winter when the only variable is source of energy?
I have no idea. For all we know you're making it up--I have yet to see any bills posted.
Furthermore, there could be all sorts of other variables involved, such as the quality of insulation in the home, number of residents, what temperature the water heater(s) are set to. What temperature the AC or heat is set to, the efficiency of the AC/furnace itself, how often people are opening doors/windows, how many other appliances are in use inside the home, etc. There's a zillion variables to consider for a comparison like that.
Also, it's pretty easy to google the average cost of electricity and gas in your country/state/etc and compare them.
Also, I live in a rural area. My outdoor propane tank has a gauge on it that reads volume in gallons. It's easy to see what's in the tank. Not to mention, you always have the option of watching them fill your tank, then you can see the flow meter and verify exactly how much gas you got. Pretty simple, really.
>Why are my neighbors with similar square footage and thermostat settings paying 75% more for their utilities during the winter when the only variable is source of energy?
Try asking the propane supplier instead of making up your own theory, professor
Got gas here. Pay some flatrate fee, like 125 quid a year. Do use my micro-oven for heating up buns etc.
not true, you cant cook meat well on electric .
it will often overcook the outside regardless of skill.
Glass top electric stove here, bought it before I even tried to cook anything. Knew nothing about stoves and have never tried gas.
It sucks. I have to preheat a burner like you do an oven. Unless I turn it all the way up, it takes 15 minutes to preheat. I have to preheat the pan too. I set the empty pan on the burner, turn it on, and then set a timer for 15 minutes, then I can 'cook'.
modern electricity
Gas for cooking.
Electric for baking.
Even in commercial baking, convection ovens, which are all electric, are preferred.
you're wrong
it will overcook only if you have no skill
You can't use a proper wok on an electric range.
>what is an electric wok?
desu most home ranges don't have the output for a traditional wok no matter what fuels it
Gas stoves are always best, but you cant go cheap with them or else theyll just shit the bed
For a restaurant gas is better.
For home electric is safer and easier on the wallet.
>compare the price of electric to propane
That's what I've been doing. If you're tied into propane and defending the industry, you are unique among men. I've never met anyone that didn't want to switch to an electric heat pump furnace after I showed my electric bills, but cost was prohibitive. And no, I'm not posting my electric bills on a Mississippi goose down plucking forum.
Oh, I forgot to mention, when one of my neighbors tried to switch from the propane company that installed his tank because another one's price was slightly cheaper, they wanted $1200.00 to remove their tank.
Yeah, keep thinking unregulated corporations have the individual's interest at heart. Moron.
Wood stove > both.
found the backwoods hick
True. But you have to have a source of wood you can cut and chop yourself. Otherwise, it isn't cost effective.
it's not true at all!
everyone i know has a wood stove
they also have a normal stove because wood stoves are fucking useless for cooking
For cooking purposes, I wish I was a hick.
True that, but food tastes amazing. And some wood stoves double for smoking meat and cheese, it's amazing.
Have you ever considered just how long homo sapiens existed by cooking over and heating their abode by fire? Compared to our current existence, the ratio is approximately 99.9999 to .0001. You trully aren't locked in to the corporate paradigm, unless you want to be.
have you ever considered that homo erectus had controlled fire for 100 000 years before actually putting food to flame?
progress is good
>technological progress is good
Prove it. Protip, you can't.
>eating raw mastodon blubber while trying to ward off other apes and keeping your wet timber fire alive is good
i'll take technology, thx
Oh, good proof. Suggest a remedial middle school geometry course for you.
I have a Glass-Electric......Jesus Christ, it's so awful; I don't know how I've become a decent cook after it being my only option for 7 years
Are you kidding me, electric is shit! I'd give anything for a gas range.
Time also has a cost, senpai. It takes seconds to turn a dial and have a gas oven light up on demand. But it takes hours to collect the wood, chop it into portions, and when you run out of wood you're out of wood and have to get more. This is why we moved to more convenient methods of heating.
Medicine is technology. Modern medicine can save you from diseases that would have killed you 50 years ago and before. Saving people from a short life and nasty death is a good thing. Therefore, technology is good.
Boom, roasted you fucking Luddite
>an electric wok is a proper wok
gas is objectively superior
i moved into a new apartment that had an electric stone and i had to go buy one of pic related to cook on
Flat top electric because it's easiest to clean.
>short life
Oh great, so you've helped create an overpopulated earth where resources are not distributed to feed everyone so millions starve.
Also, the short life span statistics were due to failure in childbirth and accidents. There was much less profit potential for the medico-pharma bois because cancer, diabetes and heart disease rates were much lower. Nice progress medico-pharma boi. And your supposed progress has kept us from eliminating portions of the gene pool that couldn't fight off disease, thus weakening the human race, the antithesis of progress.
Where the notion that the more and weaker people we can populate the earth with is progress came from, I have a hard time understanding except in terms of profit for you medico-pharma bois.
>all these memes in one post
Well crafted bait. But I ain't biting.
Electric costs more and is worthless when the happening happens
I prefer a supercorroding galvanic cell composed of magnesium and iron particles mixed with salt water.
what kind of posh college dorm are you renting? induction is easily twice the cost of gas
how do you cook on it without suffocating
I moved into my first apartment and the only bad thing is the electric range. Makes me want to kill myself every time I cook.
I've only used induction and electric but I've always wanted gas. I don't get the hate of Induction though. I dislike coils way more.
Electric coil is the best in general.
Gas is immensely overrated unless you have one of those really good ones.
I have smooth top electric right now and I want to kill myself every time I cook.
Haven't tried induction yet.
Electric obviously.
pwm control is God tier.
Also electric heat is directed at the bottom of the pan so you don't get hot handles or heat your kitchen up unnessaccerally.
There's no moisture produced when using electric unlike gas. Don't know about you but I think hot and humid conditions are the worst.
Electric temperature control is much better. Gas flames are all the same temperature, you just reduce how much of the pan you heat ie there is no temperature control with gas.
Why are glass top electric ranges so hated? I'm moving into my own place soon and my apartment only has ever had electric so I've never cooked with a gas range.
Does it heat up faster?
Heat control is shit and heating up takes for fucking ever.
I have glass top in my apartment and I wish for death.
With gas I can guess the temperature by how big the flame is. With electric I have no fucking clue. Even the electric stove has no fucking clue. It's constantly going way over temperature, shutting off, going under temperature, turning back on, overheating, again and again. Just stay at a constant heat.
This is like asking if you want an auto or manual transmission.
I don't understand the hate for induction? For me it's the best because it is as fast as gas and as convenient as electric.
Maybe electric is just slower in America because of 115V.
Le gas is better meme
A classic
I had a gas stove at home and didn't think much of it. When I got to college I realized how much I preferred gas stoves over electric stoves.
Mostly stupid elitist reasons like "you cant fiddle with the heat as precisely or quickly" or "you cant roast peppers right on the stove" or other unimportant things
Can't just use any pan on induction
And gas has the added benefit of live flame which is handy as fuck
>Can't just use any pan on induction
Just buy a pan for induction. Even some copper pan work with induction, so, I don't get why people say that you can't use any pan.
Any shit and cheap pan, maybe. But if you want to use a cheap pan, it won't be a copper one and will work on it.
>I don't get why people say that you can't use any pan.
because you can't