>he buys onions more then once
If you leave them in your refrigerator long enough they regenerate
>he buys onions more then once
If you leave them in your refrigerator long enough they regenerate
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I can not imagine how long you need to leave an onion in a cold fridge for it to sprout.
I cleaned out my fridge the only day and found a black mass in the crisper drawer which I assumed was an onion
They are less than $0.50 though
Anyone else put their green onions in a glass of water once it starts running out?
It grows.
Free green onions
about a year
On one hand, I'm impressed.
I have almost daycare like patience
Now you've written it down and announced the result it's science, so it's okay.
I planted some garlics and they grew up big and tall, but then suddenly got floppy and died
I Don't know where I went wrong!
you hurt their feefees
on my 18th birthday me and my boyfriend had to clean my brother's kitchen because he's a fat fuck and despite inviting me over for a birthday meal he literally refused to clean when he had mouldy dishes on the counter
he had a crate of onions under his sink which had grown sprouts so long we had to snap them to get the basket out
oh no! D: ;_;
They were ready to harvest, numbnuts.
t. Grower of 200 bulbs a year for personal use.
"personal use"
Yea ok,
not that guy but i dunno man, i probably go through a couple hundred onions a year too... at least 5 in a week... growin 'em seems smart...
You've never done this? It's a few months, like 9ish maybe? Pretty good.
I have never left a shop-bought onion in my fridge for 9 months.
you shouldnt put onions in your refrigerator
When it gets light out tomorrow I'll take a pic of the plot with a timestamp, you insufferable faggot. Check back at 8 AM central, asshat. And if you're man enough, apologize.
Prove me wrong you illegal onion grower.
You just sell untaxed onions like the rest of the criminals
>more then once
OP is clearly a genius.
I'm fucking hyped!
I set an alarm. On my day off
How do you manage to hide the heat signature from the popo? My mama always used to bring onions for the children over the boarder in her hub caps.
>This thread
It'll be on here by 8 AM central, I fucking promise.
Because they're for eating.
Try it user
Are you the guy on out trying to get them to produce viable seeds?
No, but I see no reason why that wouldn't work. I've had onion plants produce a seed pod at the top of the stalk before.
I said I'd post pics by 8AM central. Here it is, faggots. 3 rows of 200 garlic plants for personal use planted in Sept. Will be harvested in late May.
Here's a pic of half of what we harvested last May. We've eaten the other half.
Garlic had been cloned for so long it reaaly hard to get viable seeds. Even when you get it to seed most will be duds.
looking good garlic man
You mean sold
why do americans put onions in the fridge
Good luck with your vampire hunting sempai
>200 plants
Sure pal. Going to need to see proof.
Also where's that timestamp?
I do. Learned that from the brothers green.
>Where's that timestamp
Duh, idk, certainly not the fileame, hurr durr. The 200 plants are in those three rows, numbnuts. Also the tray showing what's left of our harvest from three rows last year, also timestamped, is additional verification.
I can't help it that you live in a concrete jungle, have never seen vegetables growing, and think vegetables spontaneously generate on store shelves.
>>you mean sold
You fuckers are toxic. We pickle some, I roast it all the time as a spread for bread, dressings and potatoes in addition to cooking with it all the time.
What ungodly reason would I have for lying about it on an anonymous Bavarian butter churning forum?
I planted a sprouted onion last year. It grew into this big weird flower that shit out onion seeds everywhere. So now I have an onion problem.
How's your body odor?
Hard to smell yourself. Here, why don't you have a sniff and tell me.
Jesus christ that is nightmarish
I buy an onion every week, do they keep longer in the refrigerator? I thought they go bad quicker. I eat about one a week, afraid to buy a 10 ton bag in bulk though, thought they'd go bad.
How the hell do I grow garlic or onions inside if I don't have huge windows in my apartment? Do they need THAT much sun? Would a grow set up work? What if my cat eats them?
I do believe onions and garlic are really bad for cats.
They need full sun, but I would think a grow light setup will work. Try it. Just buy a bulb of garlic and plant a few cloves. It's not like you'll be out anything if it doesn't work.
I wouldn't buy 10 tons of onions, but fresh, dry onions keep for weeks to months at room temperature.
Outstanding thread as per usual