Did you ever drive by some roadkill, took it home and cooked it? Times can be hard for anyone, we just have to remember the Mailard rules (any meat can be good or at least edible
Did you ever drive by some roadkill, took it home and cooked it? Times can be hard for anyone...
usually only if I hit it or if I saw someone hit it. I'm not just going to leave a nice deer carcass on the road
You really should have been here for the thread where a guy brought home a dead deer and cleaned it in his tub. True classi/ck/
I have always wanted to cook roadkill. Making 'inedible' food edible intrigues me.
Personally the risks of contracting some disease or parasite or eating tainted meat greatly outweigh the benefits of not having to pay money for store bought food that I know is likely to not give me any of those.
is that doggo gonna be alright
Ye he's just doing performance art
Only if it damaged my car. And that would only be for spite
That's an armadillo. While I've not eaten it as road kill, I did shoot one once that was being a real nuisance. I prepared it according to "The Joy of Cooking" instructions. Tasted like a gamey pork, but was a bitch to dress out. It's belly was covered in lice, too, so it wasn't pleasant.
Having said that, my grams did pick up a squirrel that had just been hit by a car one time and stewed it. Tasted perfectly fine.
How do you get away with that without the law fucking you up the butt?
A couple friends of mine tried that and immediately were stopped and asked for licences. Ended up with massive fines too.
Does anyone have that screencap of the user who gave advice for cooking a roadkill fox? I saw it in a humor thread a while back.
roadkill always sounds like small critters to me.
but deer, elk or even occasional boar (IF you even manage to kill the last two, a moose is more likely to fuck up your car and get on with his life as if nothing happened) I'd eat. if can be problematic with the local foresters/rangers, they get notified by the police anyway. but what do they do with freshly killed game? take it home, eat it themselves and share with friends/neighbours. it'd be a shame otherwise.
first of all you report it, just bc you have to around here. then you put it in a blanket in the boot or back seat, take it home and slice and dice it.
I've done that twice. The second time I told the people that did it it was illegal to take the deer. After they left, I tied it to the car and hauled ass
kill yourself
In my neck of the woods (Alaska) DNR has volunteer on-call hunters who will come out, butcher it, and then it gets taken to a food bank.
that's actually pretty gnarly.
No, but I've never seen a roadkill animal that looked fresh enough for me to even consider cooking it. However, I do occasionally pick them up for my animal skull collection if their heads aren't crushed.
absolutely. no laws against it in NZ, the rule is "the nose knows" smells alright it is alright, I'll chuck well gone roadkill in the bed of my truck and use it as bait in my eel traps to catch eels and fresh water crayfish too, or use it as a pig dump to lure wild pigs onto the farm to shoot.
Not exactly a roadkill, but my dog killed a snake that crawled into my garden once. I cooked it and it was alright.
It's actually legal to collect roadkill in my state. Say, you hit a deer and the meat is still salvageable you can take it home and dress it if you want.
>and dress it
D-do you fuck it too?
Oh sorry. You let it fuck you?
While I was a transient worker a hobo told me to walk down a highway and spraypaint all the roadkill you see and then walk down the same stretch the next day and collect anything that isn't spraypainted so you know it's fresh, then share with all your hobo buddies
one time we got a deer it was great
When my dad was younger he and his sailboat racing partner slammed into a deer on the Jersey Turnpike. The car was relatively fine so they threw the deer into the back and split the venison. This isn't really roadkill though, more like accidental hunting with a car.
I live in Texas and game wardens WILL FIND YOU if you take a deer that has been hit by a car. My mom once hit a 15 point buck on the highway in her Ford Focus going 70mph. It flew up into the other lane and went through the cab of a semi, permanently disabling the driver. They wouldn't even let me keep the rack :(
I read somewhere that they can have Lepra like human's ... The only animal who can have it
I believe he has autism.
They can. But I used rubber gloves when I dressed it and threw them away. Dr. Richard Truman, an authority on that strain of leprosy states that 95% of humans are immune from contracting it.
I probably won't ever do it again, mainly because it was disgusting to dress it and the meat was very gamey. I just wanted to try it since Joy of Cooking had the recipe and I had the armadillo.
rip in pieces, user
i thought you couldnt eat meat from road kill something like blunt force trauma causes the guts and shit to get on the meat?
I don't understand why it's illegal in other states. It's not like you're going to suddenly start seeing fleets of pickup trucks flying through the prairie after deer if they make it legal.
It depends on the circumstances. If it's a dead collusion than yeah but if you clip them there's a chance that the meat won't be contaminated.
I hit a turkey that had aready crossed the road and freaked out and ended leqving feathers where the headlight shoild have been
Unfortunately i left it behind
After the owner asked me if i kept it which was something i wouldnt hqve thought to do
I would have wanted any of that battered shit anyhow desu
I was legitimately expecting a gore webm. I thought maybe the thing would rip off from the tree and fuck her up.
This should be an Olympic sports, with mandatory g-string bikinis of course.