You guys ready to become millionaires?
You guys ready to become millionaires?
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Where's your REQ and RLC stack?
What a ridiculously garbage portfolio you should be ashamed
Nice shitcoins. Now fuck off.
Absolute larp no way you making money with thise shitcoins
Remember when your Portfolio was actually worth something?
A week before this image ShallowBrainlets were worth $0.60 - you could have already been a millionaire, but you got greedy
48k in DBC LMAO
Your shitcoin portfolio made me fucking vomit.
why would I want to own shit coins?
This portfolio will be worth over 2MM by the years end. Watch and learn.
I started with 30k and have cashed out over 180k already. I know what I'm doing.
Yeah I peaked around 980k, but that only held for a few hours. I don't care though, I run my own small business which supports me well even if I didn't have crypto. As I mentioned previously, this portfolio will be worth over 2MM by the end of year, with DBC, TRX, AE leading the way.
I am ashamed of buying so much AIG though, fucking shitcoin with a CEO who looks like he's permanently on shrooms.
we'll see who is laughing in 6 months.
yeah, what a fucking idiot, he actually didnt sell at ath (almost $1M)
What shitcoin you think will be 10~100x gains this year?
>Holding XBY and all those memes.
You are either very lucky or very rich.
Man that is one ballsy fucking portfolio. It's like a vaporware master list. Good luck op.
yeah I'm a real fucking idiot, I have a net worth around 4MM without crypto.
Cashing out at 1MM wasn't worth it for me. That's only like 550k after taxes. You can't even buy a parking space in SF with that money.
As unlikely as it is, if you ever move out of your mom's moldy basement and get a real job and become successful, you'll learn how to invest. Why take 550k when I can take 1-2MM post tax.
this is hands down the single worst portfolio i've ever seen. enjoy bleeding out for the next couple years and then selling everything for 25K total
>I know what I'm doing.
No, you really don't.
I've accumulated 1 million DBC while it was in the 650-750 vitalik range.
I'm ready
lol? THIS is the worst portfolio you've ever seen?
TRX has a 10 year road map, it's back by a real corporation run by a CEO who is rich, smart, and ALL IN. He has literally talked too much shit to lose. If he fucks up, he will be murdered in China probably. I'm betting that I'll make over 1MM within 5 months on TRX alone, and if I don't, Justin Sun will be humiliated and probably commit harakiri, so at least I'll get to see that.
DBC is the same, huge company run by respected business professionals, you can't lose with it.
Also DBC just broke 5.5 cents, get ready.
I wont read your shit but you are still an idiot because you didnt sell at top kek
My body is ready.
My only regret is not reaching 30k LINK. I was sooo close.
lmao one hundred percent chance you're a poor loser who lives in a basement, but thanks for the advice, I forgot this time but next time I'll make sure to check my crystal ball to figure out when the top is. fucking idiot.
>he can't just tell
>>Dump it.
>RLC a shitcoin
your portfolio is literally full of shitcoins
you will not make it, enjoy losing all of your money within 2 years
Not bad OP.
I will also be hopping on xvg and trx ultimate shitscamcoins soon. They will run hard in bull market.
Dont hate normies, use them
Nice one. Aiming for the moon are we?
Id honestly drop link. Its overmemed.
Easyily millionaire eoy if bitcoin doesnt fuck it up.
What the fuck are you doing user...
Youd be retarded to think he wont go big.
Most people here stay poor because they follow the sheeps.
sell deadbrainchain and trashx and get more ETP
Ok, explain to me how Tron and DBC are shit coins?
I'll do it for you. Trx is a digital currency that also serves as a decentralized web. Major partnerships will be announced this year, and it'll go over a dollar for sure. They have built an amazing company and TRX is my strongest bet.
DBC is decentralized AI cloud computing run by an actual corporation. Partnerships imminent, we'll see a dollar as well. Highly connected team.
What does RLC do again? Please remind me you humongous faggot.
I'm already up 8k since I made this thread.
satan confirmed... DBC price prediction for July?
will probably be 50-60 cents by then. Expect announcements throughout the year
cheers user. nice portfolio btw.. I myself have 35k DBC (poorfag) and 50k LINK. Hope I make it to the top like you
This has to be the normie scamcoin starterpack.
How did a brainlet downer like you ever get to 200K
>90% shit token
>10% coins
not gonna make it.
just missing JNT to complete the shitcoin portfolio
You already own shitcoins.
There's the MM fag again.
Your portfolio does not contain a single non-shitcoin dude...
>have $4-5mm networth
>keep bumping your own thread cause you got nothing else to do
Whats your motive
to show biz the light, as it has always been.
I think your portfolio is fine.
Remember, always opposite of what Veeky Forums says.
How's VEN, LINK, JNT, PowH, Req, Nano, etc etc working out boys?
wtf do you guys do for a living? or is this just your savings?
I thought DBC was a scam team that just used a bunch of AI buzzwords to make themselves look like a legit project?
No fucking way anyone has 30k+ in tron. Go fuck your fake ass profile.
I'm an adult and have investing experience. 30k is not a lot of money to me. I mean yeah it would suck to lose it, but as I said I'm going for millions, not flipping shit coins
I hate saying this but DOYR, there's so much available about this coin and the team behind it.
I'll read the whitepaper
But do you know of any article/discussion or copypasta that summarizes why it is such a big deal?
Not asking to be spoonfed, just need some leads to follow
>dumping that much money into shitcoins
I sure hope that was all disposable income and not savings.
In order for the team to not vanish in the night, it must have some tacit approval from the Chinese government. Maybe it'll see some wide adoption there. I have a little bit but i'm knowingly speculating. I also used the amount that I have to practice day trading since I don't care about it that much.
This portfolio will be at least 2x whatever your shitcoin stack is worth EOY.
Im onto you
doubters read this:
I'm an engineer at a fortune 10 company.
I make 100k+.
An interview can resurrect a dead shitcoin? Those days are gone.
You realize smart money has been accumulating tron for the last few months...right user?
Test net in a 10 days buddy
no smart money sold tron at the top and now they are banging chicks in hawaii.
Ok well the market says otherwise.
Better than fucking DBC you moron
Tron at 3 cents omg!! Moon!!111!1!1
1/10 bait literally the worst shitfolio you could possibly have there is 0% chance anyone is holding these coins
Post your portfolio
This is the worst larp ive ever seen. Why do you entertain these retards, Veeky Forums?
>You can't even buy a parking space in SF with that money.
>living in SF
You're never going to make it even with all the money in the world.
You have all that cheddar and don't own a single BBN coin? Come on user.
PoWH is 2 times in the last few days dude
Dump DBC, AE and ETP(LOL why do you still hold this)
Buy some more REQ and possibly OMG.
Increase your LINK as well and you're solid as fuck
Sir, Can I borrow a dolla?
Hahah you lost so much money; I remember you. If you actually held through all that, you legitimately are retarded.
Not believing in ICON