How do I make beef broth easy as fuck?

How do I make beef broth easy as fuck?

buy bones
blanche for 30 minutes
roast at 450 with coarsly cut carrot and onion halves until dark
dump everything in pressure cooker + pepper corns and a few bay leafs + water to cover and then some
cook at 15lbs for 25minutes
skim fat
strain again with smaller strainer
wa la

Go to the store and buy some beef bones. Boil the bones in water with a small piece of ginger, carrots, onions, and crushed garlic.

beef bones, water, pressure cooker

You don't.

If you want it easy and quick, just use boullion cubes or beef base.

Why the need for the pressure cooker?

Beef Stock + Water for a short time
Beef Junk + Water for a long time
The two ways

To stop it evaporating away

saves time and money

>blanch and roast
You don't need to do both.

put some beef trimmings and bones in a slow cooker and turn on high, revisit situation in two days.


i guess, if you're a pleb

A slow cooker works for sure, but a pressure cooker is the best for this - the higher temperature allows you to extract more flavour and some collagen. The result is tastier, with a better texture, faster and doesn't use as much electricity.

you can't walk away from it for two days though... and there is an excellent chance that anything that goes in a pressure cooker will burn since you can't stir it.

I've used both, I'll stick with a slow cooker on this one.

>i've used both

no you haven't, or you'd know the pressure cooker is the superior choice

>you can't walk away from it for two days though...
>I've used both
Yeah, nah. If you used both, you'd know it takes a hour on the pressure cooker, and you'll only burn it if you don't add enough water.

Jesus fuck. I read that as 'How do I make my brother easy to fuck'

How about beef stock and water?

I'm looking to make this shit real fast. I hate cooking.

Found the /b/tard.

What's the point of blanching if you are roasting it?

I used to make beef stock at out vietnamese.

>Half fill a 136 litre vat
>Add bones and beef fillet(4 if using)
>Bring vat to boil
>Skim the "dirty crap" which comes of the bones
>Add 6 onions, garlic cloves, banana shallots and 800g of ginger.
>3 handfuls or coriander root, 120 cinnamon, 70g star anise and 30g clove

That makes roughly 500 servings

Beef stock is practically worthless. Veal and chicken stocks are worth their time though.

they do two seperate things

blanching removes impurities in the bones that will give the stock a bad bitter flavor and/or a gritty texture

roasting is for flavor and a nice deep colour

>blanching removes impurities in the bones
No it sets the protein to reduce "impurities" that cloud the stock via heat. But this is done when roasting. So again, you don't have to do both.

blanching is also good for making lighter stocks as it draws out blood

the blanching water goes down the drain and takes the nasty shit with it

roasting, not so much

also that's for pressure cooked stock, which isn't skimmed, so blanching is more important