ITT: Some of the most degenerate things you've done with food

ITT: Some of the most degenerate things you've done with food

I made hot cheeto pie once.

Except I used the big bag and a pound of ground beef and ate it all in one sitting.


That sound fucking delicious and agonizing m8

Were your shits cherry red the next day?

Oh, you bet.

I cooked a bag of frozen shrimp, but since I don't know how to cook I melted a whole stick of butter and added soy sauce until it was sort of like a broth in the pan
then I added curry powder until it was orange

it wasn't that bad actually.

I cooked an egg
Until the yolk was well done

>but why user?

Put that shit over some white rice and you got yourself a comfy meal

Did you eat it with ketchup?

>Until the yolk was well done
How sad.

what the fuck is wrong with you

It's ok user.
>you'll be cooked well done in hell

I got really high and ate an entire loaf of white bread toasted with peanut butter and chocolate syrup. I thought it was the best thing I ever tasted. I tried it again not high and realized it was not the best thing I ever tasted...

I put the gari on top of my sushi

Fucking savage

Took a dry aged piece of kobe/wagyu I was gifted and made a cook along in/ck where I boiled (via microwave) it in a mixture of water, mayo, a1, catsup, and offbrand velveeta

this is what I want to do

expensive beef steamed with milk and jellybean reduction


>ITT: Some of the most degenerate things you've done with food

About once a month I'll order $100 worth of sushi and soft shell crab to go. Bring it home, eat everything with my hands and watch wolf of wall street while I binge like a fucking slob and get high as fuck.

I take a can of tomato soup, add 2 bulbs of minced garlic, a ton of paprika and chopped pickled sausage and revel in the pungent stench.

lol this is something I'd eat

This was me, I was drunk and had leftover pizza and mcdonalds and went for it. was pretty good actually

There is really no culinary merit to this act. What you are left with is essentially a died carcass of sorts. The egg never hatched, so that opportunity is gone, yet you have taken to to great lengths to further mock the egg. It's basically eating cooked mud. There's is zero potential for any flavor, seasoning wouldn't penetrate that deep ,unless we're talking scrambled, which I assume is not the case. If it is, you're an even bigger masochist than I. No texture and no flavor? Not only that, it looks like shit. It's smells bland and a terrible shade of yellow.

Only a fucking masochist would cook this way. There is absolutely no possible reason to do this other than to show people how illiterate you are to even elementary levels of cooking. Fuckin' trash.

I always do this to my ovoid tendies. Runny yolks are fucking disgusting

I fried aubergine in water under a pan roof. The result made me want to puke, so I had to throw it in the trash bin.