>when your chef waifu is still in the competition
Shame to see Andrew go though. He was bro-tier.
Hells Kitchen
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But Kimberly is a cunt. Ryan is the hottie even though her voice sucks.
This show is over dramatized bullshit. I love how everytime they make it sound like the grand prize is some life changing hot shot career even though every single time the winner is treated like shit and if they are lucky they are given like 6 months-1 year of being head chef at one of Ramsay's restaurants and then they are told to fuck off.
This shit has been unwatchable for the past 5 seasons. They gave up any semblance that it was a competition and not a reality show.
Nah, Kimberley is qt. Ive seen nothing cuntish - she gives good bants.
Ryans face looks like burnt salmon. Having said that I like her as a chef and I hope its her Ryan vs Heidi in the final show.
>american editing
I'd love to watch the raw footage of Hells Kitchen.
Brit versions of Ramsay's shows are infinitely better especially Kitchen Nightmares.
Wrong. The Brit version is specifically catered toward a low energy audience.
>Kitchen Nightmares.
Thats american
Why are most of the winners women?
>Kitchen Nightmares is American
Oh you poor thing.
It is. Feel free to check yourself and prove yourself wrong. I'll be waiting
>I'm going to pretend there is any actual factual difference between the titles "Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares" and "Kitchen Nightmares"
>Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares
Congrats, you found the British one that is actually. And in doing so proved yourself wrong. Feel free to admit it anytime :) [spoiler]but lets be real here.. your too proud for that[/spoiler]
I'm sorry I don't have the autism levels necessary to split hairs over "Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares" v's "Kitchen Nightmares" to win an internet argument.
You probably even giggled to yourself when you posted you sad balloon.
>that pride tho
I mean... youre anonymous mate. this is pathetic how defensive your getting.
the non-autistic thing to do would be to laugh it off and call me cheeky.
seriously though how red is your face right now? lmao
This isn't Facebook, user.
>This isn't Facebook, user.
lmao ur tryin 2 hard to fit in m8y.
cringe XD
no u
Kitchen Nightmares UK is a thing dumb ass
>Country of origin United Kingdom
read the thread friendo.
Are you really that autistic?
lol. what i am is correct
WHOA you self declare VICTORY over the internet you are a champion.
thanks user. didnt mean to upset anyone in the process. but i guess thats your own fault ;_;