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Why is DocuSign IPO relevant to Link?


I love this meme

>loosely related, dubiously potential "partner" has news headline
>link $1000 EOY

>Implying its not a DGB partnership

Theyre gonna tokenize their shares. To do that, they need chainlink.

going beyond tokenization

if the chromosomally deficient don't understand wut this means, don't tell them. They don't deserve it.


lol its so obvious yet brainlets dont see it

Not really. They can tokenize on bitshares for all they care.

>nazarov, boring, gosner

Get used to seeing these names together, soy boy


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Someone please elaborate on whatever delusional rationality is compelling you to infer this is relevant to chainlink.

It's official, linkies are the most deluded shitcoiners out there

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devil's threesome confirmed

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sergey was on a panel with some of the docusign people
the docusign people mentioned that smart contracts are valuable and something about oracles
thats it

>t. someone who didn't watch the SXSW talk

LINK is like reading a good mystery novel. All you get are the clues, but if you're smart enough, you can predict the ending.

Attached: pepe_baller.jpg (900x900, 76K)

How is this related to chainlinn you absolute donkeys.

....even if this doesnt apply to link directly, Docusign guy had a massive hard on for Sergey and Link.

Maybe this explains the high volume lately.

Whatever, bought 5k more.

This has nothing to do with your shitcoin

>LINK is like reading a good mystery novel

I love that this line became a thing. And it's true, full of clues but never a smoking gun.

what is the ending

Dont be delusional

the butler did it, with the maid, in the shed

$5 eoy.

The ending is either good or bad. But it will be the end.

This the new shill? Let's post shit and say it's super bullish but then call everyone brainlets for not understanding thus implying that's it's obvious

being less than 1K EOY defeats the point of clhainlink

Nice subtle fud

You clearly haven't been DYORing have you?

>1k EOY

kek nice fud

Money money money

Again, great tactic. Projecting the other person is clueless implying they're an idiot for not seeing how obvious this is.

man get outta here. nobody cares whether you buy the precious lambo ticket LINK. DYOR if you don't believe us.

My precious linkies will be worth a small fortune in the near future.

imagine being this retarded

You are an idiot though

>filthy no linker lashes out

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what are the chances they use bitbean instead

Just curious...what is the average age of link shills? Is everyone here just buying 1000 link at a time? The order book is so thin on Binance. How can I put $100k into Link?


well that's just it. very few are selling these precious tokens. whales need to be very patient to accumulate.

You don't buy LINK as an investment.
When you buy LINK you're basically buying a hallucinogenic drug that sustains your delusion that you're about to make it.
LINK is basically hope in digital form, it has no intrinsic value whatsoever.

I've been trying to buy it, but I don't want to drive the price up. The biggest sell order is for less than 5000 link. Why isn't anyone putting real money into this project....?

Nice subtle shill

$1000 EOY

Congratulations on being so witty and funny. Really.

It is not the same Chainlink. This was confirmed in August. I remember it well because I had just bought a house and signed the paperwork using docusign. I had a big bag of LINK at the time and actually believed this. Turns out there is another company (non-blockchain) called Chainlink. THIS IS NOT LINK!

Link is dependent on Ether being the “go to crypto”. That’s a bigger mystery

I'm serious. I don't mean to be a dick, but it seems like everyone interested in Link has the mentality of a 13 year old, but I genuinely would like to buy some. Is there somewhere better to find answers about this? I tried the telegram group: same immature people treating this as a lottery ticket.

Wrong. If ETH shits the bed, LINK can easily migrate to another blockchain or be its own blockchain. It doesn't matter.

There's nothing funny about a mental disease, and least of all a mental disease that dishonest shills use to con the victims out of their money.

they did put real money into it. and they are holding it. they aren't selling it cheaply to you, faggot

Adding to my post. This is the company associated with DocuSign, Chainlink Research. It has nothing to do with LINK.

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Stay away from link, shitcoin with toxic community and a 2 members team

and I forgot the link...

Obviously they did...but no one has been for months. The order book looks like an Indian auction for hookers. Is there somewhere that large quantities can be bought? Or do I have to buy 500 at a time?

occasionally you'll see a 50k LINK wall you can buy. other than that, you need to be patient.

The Singularity.
ChainLink will literally link together all living things on Earth, and eventually the Universe.

if you genuinely would like to buy some you would be able to find out wether or not the mere concept of chainlink is a good idea at last, since this is what most projects in the crypto space are.
now try to add some creative thoughts to the information being provided. think about it while youre buying your exit bag online. if you dont know how to buy an exit bag...just ask :)

are you retarded? lol

I'm sorry you have to wait for your wages to accumulate, but I still would like to buy some large quantities. Is ANYONE here helpful and capable of interacting like a real person or am I just going to get a bunch of nonsense?

Thank you

anyone think that ETH+LINK will render most other crypto projects obsolete? with chainlink and eth you can create a DApp that will do anything a lot of these shitcoins are trying to do. I'm a brainlet tho so correct me if i'm wrong. There also needs to be a cryptocurrency that can handle tons of microtxns, maybe BTC with LN?
I just can't see very many of the current projects being around for long, many of them are pointless over-decentralization and/or redundant once link is operational

No, I am distracted right now which is why it took three posts, but I am right. Chainlink Research has nothing to do with the crypto, Chainlink or the LINK token.

I don't know what an exit bag is. I've done a good amount of research. Have had friends tell me this is a great project, this is why I'd like to put a decent amount of money into this project. My friend and I are both looking to buy in, but we'd ideally not like to sit on Binance all day looking at sell orders of 1000 link to fill all day.

hello friend

buy mobius sir, it great coin sir and make you very rich like moonman sir,

you're correct. LINK truly is the last big moon mission. there may be some other one in the distant future, but it's hard to imagine what it would be since EVERY function can be done by ETH / NEO and LINK.

you could try to buy OTC but with only 100k that's not likely, plus where do you even start if you don't have connections.
this is why LINK will moon so hard; once partnership and mainnet news drop, people will be frantic to get in but linkies have diamond armor after months of relentless FUD.
you're just gonna have to bite the bullet and start doing 10k market buys every couple hours, or put up a big buy wall and hope people sell into it.
There is likely a few weeks or months between now and mainnet and news, so you could always take the risky jew route and only buy for a good price at a rate of a few thousand per day

Contact Sergey directly through their site. Say you're interested in an OTC trade.
See what he says.

I think I can guess what this IPO will be about and what Docusign wants to achieve.

In this interview Gonser explains
>Right now, when you go to interact with a transaction, there’s an identity proof that the sender puts you through and we have several tools to do that. But we don’t currently persist any of that to say, ‘Well, you’ve done this 10 times, so now you have this huge trust core.’
>As we look at trying to reduce friction more and more and more, even for transactions of high value, it may make sense for us to do some things that allow people to persist the identities and the authentications that they’ve gone through.
He's talking about having an identity on the blockchain - it's obvious how this would link to an e-signature company. He says the following
>creating a situation where people aren’t re-keying data and they’re not having to prove who they are all the time
Basically it's a way to save time.

He also wants to integrate signing a contract and sending the payment.
>If you think about all the documents out there that talk about a payment, there’s a lot of them. There are so many contracts that contemplate reaching an agreement so that you’ll pay someone to do something. But the [signature] and payment have been two different things. Now you can merge those two together so that by filling out an agreement to have someone come mow your lawn, you are also going to be paid, and have that happen as part of the contract.
>If you think about contracts getting smarter and smarter, some contracts say, “Hey, when we sign this agreement, you’ll owe us 10%. Then when we reach this milestone, you owe us 30%, then when we’re finished, you owe us the balance.”

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It's going to look something like the End of Evangelion but instead of Rei transcending humanity it's going to be Sergey and it's going to look hilarious.

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Can anyone recommend further resources for this project also? Have gone through the white paper, watched all of Sergey's presentations on youtube, have met talked with developers who are interested in this project (btw, there's another interesting location oracle provider called XYO). But it seems like every discussion community for Link is people who don't really want to discuss the project and would rather try to be funny.

Thanks. Has anyone heard a rumor that main net has been audited by outside devs and is ahead of schedule. This is not a shill, this is just what my friend has mentioned and I wanted to verify whether anyone else has heard similar news (I know it is a small team so I'm not sure how much insider info could be leaked)

I can feel your desperation, you already own link let It out

who is this friend of yours? is he in tech?

why are you not in the slack?

go buy OXO OXO then

And, yes, Docusign WILL be using LINK as its oracle provider.
>You’ll see contracts get smarter and smarter and smarter, and be able to do things more and more autonomously. That’s a humongous opportunity. Some of it is machine learning, and a lot of it is around data. In order for a contract to be smart, it has to get data from the outside world.
We already know he loves and understands decentralized oracles from SXSW. and get this, I think he also wants to take the SaaS approach with Docusign:
> It’s really hard to build it — someone had to custom code that specifically for the bank. If you can imagine a system that will allow you to go into DocuSign and it’s as easy as creating a template, and make that same kind of logic happen for anything in the business, you know it changes everything
I'm betting they'll create "templates" that utilise LINK. They have millions and millions of users. That will be millions and millions of people/companies using LINK as the oracle for their smart contracts via Docusign templates.

Their aim is to make shit faster.
>The other thing that’s interesting is businesses that use Docusign are improving something that’s really fundamental to their business, as opposed to sort of a side thing. If I’m in business and I’m competing against somebody that takes three weeks to do a transaction, and I now can do it in one day, I’m going to win. We can fundamentally improve the core transaction speed of a business — that’s so impactful, and we’re just getting started
Tell me what's the fastest oracle? LINK?

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heard that as well. literally have no clue id have to check with the telegram groups, slacks, discords, both reddits and if they all confirm then id be confident

dunno man you already seem well informed enough, maybe thomas' channel?

It is two friends. One is working on a blockchain project for IBM (I don't know much about the specific details since I'm not sure he's supposed to be giving them) and another is just a wealthy friend who has been very successful with crypto/tech investments and is well connected (the latter is the one from whom I got the rumor)

LINK is seriously, not even meming, going to change the world.

it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Sergey and Co. are ahead of schedule. The rumor is probably coming from those tech autists who monitor the Github 24/7.

when does that article come out?


Thank you. Will browse through these tonight.

They probably are, they launched testnet a month before it was scheduled.

I get your pain. There's a place that's been pretty helpful about how to setup a node and work on external adapters but you have to find it because I don't want to direct people there.

dude what are you even doing lol you should already be in the slack and have contacted rory etc. about possible OTC trades or how to go about purchasing a large amount/honestly putting up small buys walls on binance will be fine. in here telling everyone they are fucking dumb when you havent done shit on your own kek

did he die

DocuSign is not going to use Chainlink/LINK token. Docusign is associated with ChainLink Research, which has absolutely nothing to do with the LINK token. ChainLink Research was founded in 2003. This DocuSign IPO has nothing to do with LINK.

For sure, his left leg and right arm seem like jelly now.

do you realize docusign was on the same panel as Sergey a week ago

Well you can survive without arms. In the immediate sense you mostly need your heart to pump blood, and the central part of your brain that manages stuff like breathing.

I haven't told anyone they are dumb except for people who are objectively acting dumb. I haven't used Slack, but will look into it. Thanks.

Brainlet, Chainlink Research is completely irrelevant to the point I just made, which is that Docusign wants to be using smart contracts, which integrate payments and identity, an obvious next step in the evolution of an e-signature company. For their smart contracts, which oracle will they use? They will be using an oracle because he talks about it extensively in this interview. They will be using LINK, it's obvious from SXSW

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