Entropy contradicts evolution



Other urls found in this thread:

fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/~karl/A Free Energy Principle for Biological Systems.pdf


Just another liberal atheist just-so story; they actually cover it in the article i posted. It doesn't have any real weight.


there's a reason it takes millions of years

also this is fucking retarded
the concept of the universe, or any system, breaking down has fuck-all to do with organic life growing more complex (or more accurately, better suiting their environment and dominating other species); it is not a system, it is a body adapting to surroundings

its almost like there is some giant, glowing energy source providing the boost needed to beat entropy...

news flash. Entropy is a meme that physicists came up with because they were butthurt about the laws of thermodynamics being empirical.

This article reflects a misunderstanding of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. The law is restricted to isolated systems. Earth's not isolated; we're constantly being blasted by solar energy.

AKA God.

Atheists will do anything to discredit christianity and the one true Lord.

I think most physicists would disagree with you about organisms not being systems.

all so called "emergent" phenomena contradict entropy.

also, the earth != the universe

and why does it contradict entropy?

I worried about this all night, but then the solution dawned on me

it does so in the way that the article suggest, the emergent properties are not actually contradicting entropy.

No, it doesn't. Read about non-equilibrium thermodynamics and dissipative systems.

just because it isnt in equilibrium doesnt mean its entropy shouldnt increase.

Veeky Forums needs to lock away all its creationists and alt-rights in one room, never to be let out.

>Atheists will do anything to discredit christianity and the one true Lord.
good counterargument, dipshit

Protestantism was a mistake

Pipe dream, user.

The earth is constantly receiving energy from the sun, there's no contradiction anywhere.

a smart catholic is a protestant

then why is it mostly protestants that are creationists?

say what you want, no one has made a convincing explanation as to how organisms disobey the entropic laws

Entropy can and very often is reversed locally. This is not unique to life or unusual in any way

when is entropy reversed locally?

Every time any interesting chemical is formed out in space or on a body from simpler constituents

Or more obviously any atom that isnt hydrogen

the sun supplies energy

wow ? chemicals? really... thats not exactly organisms is it. those small processes. what makes an organism keep its entropy?

fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/~karl/A Free Energy Principle for Biological Systems.pdf

A quantified formulation

Well.... yeah

>Veeky Forums needs to lock away all its creationists and alt-rights in one room

We did. It's called >never to be let out.

They escaped.

Evolution is a byproduct of the most basic laws. It's not the rule, it's the outcome.
Like the shaping of liquid. Some people think it does it because its a liquid, when in reality it's the properties at the atomic level that give this effect.
In short, you cannot always accurately compare two byproducts thinking they can contradict one another alone. You need to compare what causes both at the most basic level.

People who say they have utter certainty either way about the God Hypothesis are the dumbest people.
It's possible god and science can coexist.

The title of the atricle is phrased as a question.
Betteridge's law says the answer is NO.

checkm8 christfag

>thats not exactly organisms is it
You told me to use examples that werent life

>what makes an organism keep its entropy?
Regular addition of energy

>thats not exactly organisms is it
You told me to use nonlife examples

>what makes an organism keep its entropy?
Constantly adding energy

The earth is not a closed energy system, it is supplied with energy from the sun.

Your argument is thusly refuted.

>AKA God.
How about the Sun

yes they have. see

the dumbest people think that the existence of god is purely one of ontological significance.

>constantly adding energy

the grace of god

>The Institute for Creation Research

no religion vs science threads, per board rules
Veeky Forums.org/rules#sci3

despite this, the thread is still on the board after ~14 hours.

the janitor has to literally sleep sometime,
guess we'll find out shortly if he's interested in doing his job or not

>Systems should decay through time, giving less, not more, order
They do, it's called dying.

Nah it really doesn't.

Here's an example: how does a protein spontaneously fold into a high-order structure with no input energy? Because it displaces water molecules out of certain microstates to new ones where they have more degrees of freedom and therefore higher entropy.

Entropy of the Universe always increases, even if a sub-system within seems to lose entropy spontaneously. There's always an entropic driving force.

As far as life and evolution: I believe that entropy is at the heart of life. I like to imagine a tree versus a random pile of its constituent atoms. The pile has no ability to absorb energy and contribute to entropy. The tree on the other hand is perfectly designed to absorb energy, increase the entropy of its environment through metabolic processes and then eventually decay, and proliferate into more identical structures that can accomplish the same goal.

Children can understand this. Why can't these people?

>people are falling or this pol baiter

sorry but this isnt actually relevant.

Guys, seriously just read the bible. I don't know why you think you need this gobodygook

Or just food.

youre thinking about the body aren't you?! i knew i had a supporter. Did you go to mass today?


body of christ. take it and you shall have eternal life.

Entropy and life are enemies though.

Life can't stop entropy, nothing can. But it slows it down. Everyone knows evolution favours more chemically stable environments and systems.

Arguably evolution is the enemy of entropy.