Bananas: Most Dangerous Fruit In The World


Please watch this video:
Health experts from around world agree that we should never eat more than one or two bananas a day
due to the high risks of potassium poisoning, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac standstill, diabetes, and obesity.
Ryan investigates.

and think about how many more myths about different (foods) we are being brain washed with by highly educated doctors and food nutritionist.

The guy in this video smashed through all the bullsh!t that we were fed about danger of eating too many bananas.
Pay attention when he is talking about high level of potassium in bananas.
Who is telling the truth, him or guys like dr.Oz and many others.

Also you can look at this article, (and find others on net)
11 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Bananas.

Would be very interesting to read opinions from those of you anons who eat lot's of bananas on regular basis and if you agree with this guy who calls himself Ryan the Happy Healthy Vegan.

Other urls found in this thread:

Calm down dude. You're pretty much going bananas with that post.

don't be so funny user :)
watch the video and you will get bananas too

I'm not bananas but this guy is

>Health experts from around world

Where's the peer-reviewed Tier 1 or 2 journal published study?

In b4 there isn't one.

Who the fuck eats more than 2 bananas a day?

Who the fuck doesn't? Serious question.

(I'm a girl btw)

Shoving the bananas up your vagina doesn't count as 'eating'

Freelee is still alive

eating any food that looks like a dick is gay

Found the closet gay

About 1 week out of the month I'll eat like 5 bananas a day because the truck stop down the road throws out a shitload of them.

What if it looks like a feminine penis?

Is it ok to insert more than two bananas into my rectum each day?

A benana?

This horse-shit is so old

A banana has like 400mg of potassium, you're SUPPOSED to be getting like 4,000mg. You'd have to eat over 10 bananas just get your RECOMMENDED dose of potassium for the day, so no fucking way is 2 or 3 enough to come anywhere close to a potassium overdose.


Metro and Deborah Arthurs are not legit sources.

Here, faggot.

in a beer and banana race you eat like 8-10 bananas and no one dies so this is bullshit


Here is some real news about god's perfect fruit.

location location location

user you own me 1:05 min of my life. lol

>a beer and banana race

i remember reading that bananas are only like the 27th highest food in potassium

you can eat a ton of them and not worry about potassium poisoning

but they just have too much sugar for me

>have one person drink a beer
>put banana in the ass of another
>get on race track
>see who wins
>loser gets eaten

What's so hard to understand

>loser gets eaten
Fukkin cannibals, man.

OP is warning people about bananas, probably eats shit tier cancer fest McDonalds and Taco Bell from time to time.

OP here,
We have poster here who has zero skills understanding English language as to what was presented by OP.
>OP is warning people about bananas,
Now moron post a quote of the text from my post to support your stupid claim, if you can not do that take a banana and brutally shove it up your ass and STFU