For real, is this guy abusing amphetamines or what?

For real, is this guy abusing amphetamines or what?

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he is abusing autism

tbqh he would be a 9/10 if he gained some weight and got fit

that jawline could grate cheese

spotted the Veeky Forums faggot

his brain requires unfathomable amounts of energy, draining his body.

i have never been on Veeky Forums, too lazy to even consider working out

i've just been on /r9k/ enough to tell what a defined jawline looks like with the countless
chad / loser comparison infographs

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just a hard working miner

Attached: vitalik mining.gif (358x270, 1.51M)

You cant abuse amphetamines if you are productive on them long term .

Tweakers who who pump amps just so they can enjoy anal abuse amphetamines.

Our guy.

he is such a role model for all of us who live in our parents basements, wagecucking shit-jobs and collecting shit-coins like chainlink

how can you not be to grateful who needs /fit when there is /biz

worst comes to worst you can join the trap threads on /b

keep telling yourself that bud. how are those bags under ur eyes? ur nails still intact ?

>You cant abuse amphetamines if you are productive on them long term
Spotted the deluded addict

Anal on amp is GOAT though let's be honest.
No wonder all the gays are tweaking on meth while having latex leather bondage orgies

Met him personally.

You just can't stop him from thinking, that's all.

>Faces of ETH

Nha he is only a degenereted pedo affected by strong autism

Same and agreed. His brain definitely doesn't stop. Can't imagine what it would be like being in school with him.

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it's the result of 72-hour amphetamine-fueled cpfap binge sessions that have been going on for a decade now. he'll probably die soon.

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Glorious creator ate food once in his life and never again glorious creator does not defecate he re asorbs his fecal matter for energy until the ends of time

>You just can't stop his autism, that's all
Fixed that for you.


so they take viagra additionally to get their dicks hard?
or is the erectile dysfunction while high on amphetamines a meme?

Only thing he is abusing is CP on the blockchain

I see what you did there

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You don't need to have a hard dick to get fucked in the ass. I'm not sure what the top does, I've never been to such a party but I have heard of people using MDMA and viagra at the same time, can't be healthy for sure.

Looks like Brady


>he's such a weakling that his cock can be impeded by mere chemicals
Amphetamine does sometimes fuck with the staying rock solid though especially if you lose concentration. I've often ended up with my cock pulsing and purple yet somehow not entirely turgid so it's like having a comically large flaccid dick.

no, hes just ugly
its the pencil-neck that gives him the methhead look

Linkies have the answer

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well..he looks somewhat of a chad desu

literally (more) autistic Tom Brady
I honestly think Brady is a little bit autistic desu

>You cant abuse amphetamines if you are productive on them long term .
This is a lie. You are a liar.

He just have a severe case of melon head and auschwitz physique (if auschwitz wasn’t a resort camp)

Hahaha your /pol/ is showing

You kiddo.

was going to say same




You mean a Pyotr

I literally asked him on twitter if he smoked weed or preferred other "things". He replied with this where he explicitly states he just drinks a lot of green tea. Look at any article about him or interview and you'll see firsthand accounts of him always having a cup of green tea pretty much.

Honestly tea in large quantities is something of an amphetamine lite.
>t. amphetamine abuser
I should know. Some people are just amp-level productive, without the amp. Like me - I just like shooting it in my arse hole for the rush :) I'm actually more productive off of it.

Attached: dogdonut.jpg (1200x1124, 557K)

I met him on a few occasions, each time I felt like he could see right through me, like I was in the presence of some socially awkward savant.
I knew his parents very well, Dmitry, his father was an Adonis of a man. He was very muscular with masculine features, the complete opposite of Vitalik. Vitalik took after his mother who was smaller and very frail. Too bad he couldn’t have taken his fathers physique, he’d be unstoppable.

You sir, are a saint of Veeky Forums. Keep posting!

Uh thanks? I'm just a noob that does a lot of drugs lel. But I only wish I was as autistic as the skelly himself

>a little paranoid tho
heheheh that's ok.


It does, especially if you don't take them often, but if you're prescribed amps or you take take them every day your body should get used to it and then you can stay hard for a long time. It's pretty easy to spend a few hours jacking off when you're high on amps.

Do you crash with amph/methylphenidate if you only use it responsibly?