Why do we have minus numbers?

Why do we have minus numbers?

Because closure is a useful property.

I like to think of the number line like a time line, minus is past, 0 is present and regular numbers are the future. The past goes on and it obviously exists. Also there is the concept of debt. You can owe someone cash but you wouldn't say I have 0 dollars when in debt, you would say I have negative x dollars. As soon as you get x amount you have 0 dollars, where as if you begin with 0 dollars and receive x amount...you have x amount of dollars.

You owe me ten dollars and at this moment you are broke.

You have -10 dollars in your account.

4 is fuzzy and 10 feet tall.

Debt is a useful concept

>minus numbers
you mean "negative" numbers, Euler

Here's your (Eu)

not having negative numbers would be like not having a car that can go in reverse.

or you could just turn the wheel fuckface

Wait, but the future doesn't exist yet.

Why do we have plus numbers?


Because they represent a change in quantity.

Because we're no longer in danger of getting murdered by stocky bearded pederasts.

"Negative numbers" are anti "positive numbers". Similar "pairs" exist in nature.

Why do we have fractions?

-1 is equivalent to 0-1 denotes the inverse of 0+1 which is equivalent to +1

Analgously, you could also say /1 is equivalent to 1/1 which is the opposite of 1*1 but though they are their opposites they are also equivalent because the multiplicative identity is 1.

but /2 makes more sense as a number( equal to 1/2 ) and *2 would equal 1*2.

In the same way as we have things like 3+-4 = 3-+4 = 3-4 we could have 3 */4 = 3 /* 4 = 3 / 4

Generally /x = 1/x and -x = 0-x and *x = 1*x and +x = 0+x

/1 is like -0 and *1 is like +0 I should also note.

I should also note that we don't see things like

4 +/-*/*-*+5 because we'd also have to account for parenthesis which would be confusing.

This would be 4 + ( 1/(-1*(1/.... Fuck it's confusing.

So we allow a little of it for plus and minus but even then it's clearer to get rid of as much as possible rather than talking about what you don't not not not want for dinner today.

Welcome to discrete math....
We literally talked about this shit for 2 classes. I just need to take calculus and other calculus based classes. I literally find this shit super stupid and useless. But im the guy who just needs to be shown how to do it, and I could care less why, as long as I understand.

If you like lots of operations strung together with no parens and like the idea of them being numbers maybe you would like programming in the Joy programming language..

Négatives were invented by the Jews to create the notion of debt

>tfw "-5" is correctly pronounced "minus five"

>not saying "neggy five"

because of physics

I would say mainly because they have a lot of utility for deceitful purposes.

Debt doesn't physically exist, it's not a real physical thing, it only exists collectively in peoples heads. The common sense notion of "past-present-future" you're getting at just arises because of the feeling of time in our physiology... of course humans are going to think in those terms but if that is what "time" really is I highly doubt it

Negative quantities don't really physically exist... any notion like "negative mass", "negative energy", etc just demonstrates for us the retardation of those that believe in such physics

This goy gets it

Omg I can't believe I really have to explain this haha. Negatives make sense, understanding of the world would fail If we didn't have them. Numbers don't even exist but we created the 'language' of numbers and math to interpret the world. There's below sea level, underground, forwards-reverse. If you have a trampoline and it's at rest (0) you bounce down and it decreases your height, bounce up and it increases your height. Negative numbers help us with real world calculations.

It's an assumption that cannot be proved. So negative numbers could very possible be some made up concept like flat earth and heliocentrism.

Literally all of math is a made up concept

Don't you dare pronounce Euler wrong ever again. I know your IP, kiddo.

Physical quantities really exist if we discuss them or not, quantity isn't "made up", it's out there, negative quantities don't exist however kek

Negative numbers have worked for us so far. Math helps us with so many things... inventions, engineering, all of science. Math has proven to be beneficial and correct where as a theory like the earth being flat is debunked when you take a picture of the earth from space or take a ship across the ocean. You can say, I'm going to use numbers to find out the velocity of an object using vector diagrams, which includes MINUS numbers and you will find the correct velocity of that object. If you were to say I'm going to sail across the ocean and since I think the earth is flat I am going to fall to my death and leave the face of the earth...guess what? you go to sea and that doesn't happen.

Negative numbers represent moving to the left, while positive numbers represent moving to the right.
Signed numbers represent change, unsigned numbers represent magnitude.
Natural numbers represent counts, signed integers represent change in count.

Because it let's us undo boo-boos.