Does anyone else just straight up boil/simmer coffee ground in a pot and then pour it into a cup?
Does anyone else just straight up boil/simmer coffee ground in a pot and then pour it into a cup?
No. Why would anybody do that?
>what is turkish coffee?
1. Extremely quick and easy
2. Stronger/richer taste
I did that one time. Wasn't bad.
I used to do this before i bought a french press
We call it "cowboy coffee" and yes, especially when camping.
i thought cowboy coffee added weed
I thought I was the only one. I've got a fine mesh strainer Ill run it through before I drink it.
Tastes stronger and I feel more of the caffeine.
Is this somehow exotic to some of you? Jesus fucking the Christ.
Get coffee, get water, apply heat, you don't need to fuck around with it.
>Is this somehow exotic to some of you? Jesus fucking the Christ.
>Get coffee, get water, apply heat, you don't need to fuck around with it.
why are you so mad though?
Probably hasn't had his coffee yet
I'm mad because I'm disappointed in coffee culture.
Unironically correct
thanks user, now i have a plan for the weekend
I don't drink coffee very much, a few times a year maybe. So I can't justify buying a coffee pot/maker.
I just boil a few table spoons in a couple of cups of water with a pot then pour it through a funnel with a paper towel in it...
On a related note, this is what coffee does for me
The old fashioned way is to mix the coffee and hot water together first, then crack an egg into the cup, stir it around, then scoop out the egg and discard it. It sucks up most of the coffee grounds for you.
>discarding food
stop putting sugar in your coffee and eat nuts on the side while drinking it. The fats make your body take up caffeine slowly so it releases gradually over time. Bullet coffee does the same if you like butter and don't love your heart.
>what are roach people?
>stop putting sugar in your coffee
I didn't even know that was a thing that people did
>that sugar crash
>m-muh black coffee
come on now
look at that cute little fucker
I get a "sugar crash" from black coffee, what can I say internet stranger?
Your venti caramel latte qirh extra syrup is neither black coffee nor sugar free, amerianon...
Jokes aside, are we talking powdered coffee or brewed coffee? Because powdered and granulated can do some scary stuff depending on the brand and 'quality'.
Who /coffeemate/ here?
>not alternating mocha and peppermint mocha every other week
I'm OP.
That kind of coffee
Fucking sake, rule number one of edible ganja is put it in something that will dissolve cannabinoids such as lipids (fats), alcohols, or other nonpolar (unlike water) solvents. Also rule 0 - Decarboxylate.
coffee ground is not granulated or powdered. It is literally the opposite.
are you drunk
I really don't see what you're getting at.
I seems you're making a lot of wrong assumptions about my coffee habits
Are you or ?
because you're acting like a faggot
both retard
Are you telling me that you make with granulated coffee?
>granulated coffee
then why
don't! this won't work very well.
water is a polar solvent. THC is not very soluble in polar solvents and your coffee/tea won't have much magic in it.
fats are non-polar, which is why making cannabutter/oil works so well and is the best way to eat cannabis.
This is how poor people did it pre-instant. Whodathunk it still works.
So does drinking that turn her into a super human, because her immune system had to work into super human levels to keep her alive?
You are not a clever man