Didn't see a beer thread going on so here we go.
I brought this today and just placed it on my refrigerator, what's Veeky Forums take on Delirium's?
Pic related is my GOAT beer. Big tangy round malt and bitter berries/warm aromatic hop notes.
The tremens is a lot lighter on nose/palate/colour and the crisp leafy notes pair well with white meat.
Christmas Ed. is tasty, but nothing mind blowing and little repeat value.
Drink it out of a brandy snifter if you have one. It's an amazing beer, just be aware of it's high alcohol content.
bet your GOAT movie is "pretty woman"
working from home today and I got a sixer of these guys waiting for me once the clock hits 5. Gonna drink them with some crispy sliders with onion swiss and mustard
As for the nocturnum, the depth pairs excellently with stews, curries, and the like.
Dr Strangelove
I think it's a good beer, but extremely unremarkable. Not worth the upcharge in the states.
So I have a question. I have tried really hard to get into beer and tried just shit tons, but none of them really do it for me
is there any recommendation? I just went full cider after trying about 50 different brands and type and none of them were any good
the cook the thief his wife & her love
just drink pisswater until you get really used to it to the point you want to buy more, and from then you don't buy more but get real decent beer instead
of the beers you've tried, what qualities have you actually liked? Or what beers were you closest to liking? Kind of hard to make a suggestion with literally no context
Stop trying shitty beer
let me go see if I can pull up my list
so Einstock(toasted, pale, and white)
Landshark(was ok I guess but won't drink it normally)
Red Stripe(I guess this is the closest to anything I like but I got it from Jamaica not the american version)
Rasputin(made me want to barf)
Happy Buddha(ok but just ok)
Lucky Buddha(they are close so they show up in all the shops)
a couple of french ones I don't remember the name of (1664?)
a couple of Italian ones in different varieties
pretty much all the German ones that get imported
and that is all that comes to mind but there is probs more
Oh and a SHIT TON of micro breweries that I cannot name them all
if you like red stripe try asian or mexican beers. Tsingtao, modelo especial, etc
Some good Jap beers: Kirin Ichiban, Asahi Super Dry, Sapporo
I just want these to come back into season bros
Kirin Ichiban imho tastes like regular cheap beer but with notes of rice
been meaning to try out this reddit beer for a while
how is it opie?
Why? It's pretty mediocre and overpriced
OP here
I'll drink it tomorrow, i brought a Bernard Celebration Lager so i'm drinking that atm
Pic related is nice.
good lad
i'd kill a man for a 6er of the tall boy nitro versions of that shit right now
These are my go to at the moment.
mah nigga, u jelly
Place I work next to has sixers for $9, the rest of their craft is $11+. I swear it's a pricing error but I aint complaining. Literally my favorite scotch ale.
How does that taste?
Coffee and milk on a beer sound really interesting if not a bit disgusting at least
Is that one a hard pour one? I like those for the novelty
They use the lactase as a sweetener for the beer. Its sweet, but its not sweet in the sense that you think someone added sugar to it. It balances out the bitterness of the coffee.
Also, nitro bubbles are much smaller or whatever and makes any beer feel velvety and smooth. Even bitter IPAs lose their bite with nitro.
My liquor store started getting them months ago. The peppermint variety too.
>mfw coconut victory at sea at the bar the other night
I liked tremens. I expected more fruit ester notes from nocturnum. Still good though
Drinking a standard lager tonight because I'm boring
I actually enjoy having the bubbles/cream on my beers usually.
Funny shit, i worked at an event a couple months ago and my job was basically serve draft beer and shit, most people didn't want any bubbles/cream at all.
The $17 12 pack of that stuff is my go to 12er aside from Bass.
Though my store has had pic related in 12 packs for the same price lately. Can't be beat.
>not liking Old Rasputin
>likes RedSripe
Dude. What?!
>We want our beer to be like Guinness
Shit taste
Why post in a beer thread if you know nothing about beer
Why post in a beer thread when you think nitro beer is anything but shit.
Lol whats wrong with that, they are two completely different styles.
Having another one of these tonight.
i have a beer super store and they only have the regular style. I really want to try the coconut and peppermint.
Yes I fucking am
>i want my stout to be like Guinness
How big is your vagina?
Good choice.
Delirium Tremens is my fuckin favorite. Like someone else mentioned though, very high alcohol content.
One of my favorites, their Hop Harvest is even better
I can't tell if I'm allergic to beer or not. So I had 1 and 1/2 beers and I had a pretty big headache. But after having another it went away and I felt good, so I drank another. I understanding that drinking more can make it seem like nothing;s wrong, but only after drinking 2? Something's not adding up. How can I have a headache after just 1, but after 3 it goes away? Am I allergic, or is it mostly in my head?
4 year old VaS reporting in.
Damn that looks comfy
This guy has it right. It's pretty much like bitter coffee with sweet cream in it, or something. Like a Russian Imperial Stout, but with a bit less bitter bite and some sweetness.
Eh, I'm not even a big fan of Guinness and I like it. They're almost like Guinness as if it was good.
Not a huge Nitro guy in generally, just found myself enjoying these as something new somehow.
stout & porter master race
nth for IPA's being overrated ( still good though)
Post canadian beers
If you don't drink this, then you're a fag
I saw someone pick up a 12 pack of this ( all white case ) but never had it myself.
...went with Sulpin ( ballast point )
I like Guinness in the winter. It's nice
I haven't had it for years, bit hot at the moment but it might be time to hit the Belgiums again.
Belgian here, the Delirium is one of my favourite beer, then the Tripel Karmeliet.
>I haven't had it for years
Same. I seem to remember liking it though.
I'll go with that, as well as this
as far as i know allergies would do something else to you rather than a small headache. it's probably in your head, are you used to drinking alcohol?
>shit corn ambev beer
>longneck bottle comes with less beer than every other shit peasant ambev beer
It bothers me how expensive Deliriums are here, like, 9 USD for the longneck and it costs like 3 euro on europe or something
OP here, i really enjoyed the Delirium (I gotta take a few more but it's already probably my fav beer).
Even though it has a high ABV it doesn't taste or smell like it, the bubbles are good although i think it's too much. It smells really nice, reminds me of candied fruits.
I don't think it would fit with hot summer days (I'd choose any Summer Ale instead) but i like the velvety feeling it has.
Overall a very nice beer if not a bit too expensive to the point i couldn't afford more than one longneck/month tho.
When I was in college I drank a lot. But now (I'm 23) when I have a few beers I tend to get a pretty bad headache. I don't understand why this happens now, and it didn't happen in college. In college I drank mostly shitty light beers from parties, and now I drink more high quality craft brews. Could that have something to do with it?
yeah maybe you like pisswater
Best cheap beer around.
>trumpcuck likes piss
fucking pottery
If I ain't with the Yueng Imma hit up my boy SN Otra Vez.
>beer snob gets triggered by cheap beer, a trump hat, and a pair of work boots
Inb4 ur a fly over or some other hipster insult.
Is Delerium Tremens less malty? I wanted to try one of these Delerium beers but I don't like the way malt liquor tastes.
I don't prefer it, but its weird how my body is more tolerant of it. Could I be allergic to hops?
Im a huge Stone fanboy and I picked this up last night along side a 6pack of Ripper.
The Ripper did not make it through the night.
Has anyone her had Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA? That shit is delicious, so much better than those hop bomb West Coast IPAs.
I hate Trump, but Yuengling is pretty damn good for a cheap Macrobrew.
I had Sculpin last night, it was pretty good. I wish I had a glass for it though.
>work boots
Is that what pinterest told you duck boots were?
I like Guinness Extra Stout way more than Draught partly because Draught tastes almost completely flat, I don't see the appeal to that
Never tried that, I want to now
Bean boots are the true Aryan boot.
Good taste user
First beer i liked was blue moon, it's inoffensive while still having a decent flavor that isn't as "beery" as most beer. Still one of my favorite witbiers. If you can find it otra vez from sierra nevada is light, sort of tart, mildly sweet and tangy so if you like cider id suggest it
Im having a dorado rn. I love ballast point
Oh m8, I had this once . it was freaking amazing
I saw the 4 pack of the Delerium, but i passed it up to get Cisco's Grey Lady. Good af witbier. Kind of got a subtle pine flavor going on.
had a nice draft saint arnold white noise
Drinking some of this. Also just drank their citra version earlier, but very good
Bought a six pack of these, had one with dinner- wasn't as good as I was expecting, was quite hoppy, and didn't have any head to it at all. Don't know if it's expired or what, expiration date is February, so it could be. Even says on the box that they almost stopped importing because it turned bad too quickly...
>green bottle
Its pretty hard not to be disappointed when drinking european lager
I had Krombacher the other day and it was pretty good.
And I had a Belgian beer when I was in France that was really good, named Floreffe, but I forget which variety. I'm pretty sure it was a lager.
The ones I bought are actually in brown bottles. Still, I am assuming it's gone bad, but it's drinkable at least.
Belgian beer if often good, most are not lagers though