Looking for some input, Veeky Forums. I'm in my last semester of food sci. undergrad and am, therefore, in product development class. My group has been assigned with making pollock roe marketable to millennials. Any ideas?
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Looking for some input, Veeky Forums. I'm in my last semester of food sci. undergrad and am, therefore, in product development class. My group has been assigned with making pollock roe marketable to millennials. Any ideas?
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Play up the weeaboo angle by calling it myeongnan (Korean culture is more popular than Japanese or Chinese atm); make a point of it being rich in 'good fats' and micronutrients; take advantage of its ability to absorb fat-soluble flavours.
Any of these work as a start?
>rename it, pollock is not sexy, in germany its called alaska-salmon for example
>focus on sustainabilty
>basically play on peoples conscience and market it as an innovative new product, completely seperated from pollock
also sriracha, pumpkin spice, bacon, nutella and other foods this board meme shits all over are a good start
Try salting it and making caviar. You can find how to's all over the internet. I know some good ol' boys who do that down here in evangelical land with the eggs from the big ass catfish they pull out of holes along the banks of creeks and small rivers by noodling. Tastes pretty good, although I've never eaten the hifalutin stuff for god knows how much an ounce.
pic is misleading since pollock roe is generally processed, prepared, and eaten in the sac... but nah. too fkn expensive in the states even when bought from the Asian grocer. You gotta market it indirectly through meme chefs as the next trend. it's typically used as a flavor adjunct and not as the focal point of a dish, e.g., just a thing on rice, a thing in soup...thus, it needs to be used sparingly in recipe development by meme chef, but probably more like an accoutrement or as another device on excessive plating, e.g., foie gras chit, pâté shit, pizza shit, etc.
Marketing it will be easy. I'm kind of thinking about incorporating it into a spread or sauce of some kind. It's eaten as a spread in Russia, apparently. I haven't ever had it, though. Any interesting flavor combination ideas?
Bribe BuzzFeed to write an article about how eating pollock roe will help resist Trump
For commercials you could have someone take a bite and then they're transported to this trippy magic world where everything is spherical and bouncy
There'd be like this room where people are sitting on these big soft spheres (obviously representative of the roe) and a DJ playing some shitty song about personal triumph or sex or whatever and some of the spheres would explode into like glitter or fireworks or something. Maybe some of them could even be sentient. But the point is to make it fun and cuh-razy. This has the added advantage of being marketed to party teens AND whimsical children.
Put it under dim lights, call it "house cured" and surround it with things that actually don't taste like shit.
I'm looking for a new product form here, guys. Like I said, marketing isn't the hard part.
Use it like bubble tea in a glass of IPA
put it on a piece of wood
you guys are fucking idiots and clearly dont know anything about marketing. heres your answer OP, make the millennials feel like theyre making a positive change to the world, they eat that shit up, tell them it helps the environment, and that most proceeds go to (enter some gay charity), they eat that shit up. millenials are new age hippies, capitalize on that.
Mention that it can be used in sushi. Shit's trendy.
I'm thinking a put-it-on-everything, super-duper, sustainable 'sauce' of these eggs. Maybe mango/roe/jalapeno? Too complex of a flavor profile?
Aside from sustainability, consider marketing in a way that would mimic the success of prosecco vs champagne amongst young people (in uk at least) in that there is a similar taste profile (to the average joe) but key is easy drinking and status.
Hmm... Yes....
bubble tea
Its gluten free!
There is no such thing as FOOD """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""SCIENCE"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". It's an archive of corruption and vain.
Furthermore, there is no such thing as MILLENNIALS - there's just people who happened to be born after 2000.
I wish you were not beyond help at this point, but jews own your brain.
that's not what millennial means.
>food sci
That's a big meme degree
This shit reminds me that there is no god or higher purpose in life.
That's not the point you fucking autist. It's just an attempt to divide us. And I'm not talking about reptiloids either.
The key is to make this "previously undiscovered" item the next hot thing among experts. Since this isn't alcoholic, that's means trendy chefs. Get some momofuko alum to make a quick rant about its "natural" "funk" or "depth", and how they use it how easily elevate a dish and educate people about a lesser known product, and you'll have accomplished the mission of your assignment.
If you actually want to think beyond marketing (or put a grain of truth in the marketing), assess how it's different from other *popular* fish roes, and make a point out of that. If it fits in with any of the current terms, great. If not, hopefully it's either comparatively cheap or hard to find/ethnic grocer only.
Personally, I'm not sure I've ever had pollock roe, but I can't imagine it's actually that different from most fish roes. I.E. pretty tasty and with a categorically unique texture, but like I said, categorically unique. Since I don't know, I can't speak authoritatively, but unless this is fish roe on a difference of caviar vs toppeko, then this product isn't uniquely viable unless advertised uniquely.
Therefore, you gotta attach this to a trend: easy picks include grain bowls, fermented veggies, drowning yourself in your own bodily fluids once you realize that the worthless bottom feeding scum you are represents the best of the human race, sincerely 5 of 7 billion of the population of the earth.
For you
Oh yeah, it definitely is, what with the food industry being the largest industry in the world and everything.
I've seen it pureed and poured into a dehydrator like a fruit rollup. It was pretty good. Kind of like jerky.
Find the most meme chef in your city. Promote it to him.
The rule of three. If you use 2 ingredients that people are used to, the third ingredient is less challenging to a plebs unrefined tastes. So with millennials or hipsters, you would use something like a sourdough toast wedge. Put some artisanal goat cheese on that, then your roe.
If you prep the roe right, I don't see you having any trouble with getting your target consumer to eat it.
It's more visually stimulating to use the eggs whole. Plus you get the added texture bonus because you can pop them on the roof of your mouth with your tongue
Start by being ethnically russian. Russians love Caviar. I love Caviar with bread and butter, but my american wallet hates it.
That's kind of interesting.... Maybe mixed with some other flavors and dehydrated.
Good advice on dumming it down!
I was thinking whole eggs in the sauce, so you still got the texture, but plebs don't have to eat them plain.