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Independent of ZFC.
1 + 1 -1 = 2 -1 = 1
Well hurr, there's no variable called [math]ZFC[/math] in there.
Where did the / and * go and two of the 1s are missing what are you doing?
1 + 1 = 2
1 - 1 = 0
1 * 0 = 0
2 / 0 is undefined
because there are no parenthesis it can be written as 1 + (1/1) * (1-1) , (1-1) = 0 and multiplication is prioritized over addition so (1/1) * 0 = 0, so we are left with 1 + 0 which is 1.
Is this correct? Idk
The 1+1 expression is clearly above the fraction line and the rest is clearly below it so
\frac{1+1}{1 \cdot (1-1)} \\
= \frac{2}{1 \cdot 0}
= \frac{2}{0}
which is undefined, see
Why do people respond to these bait equations?
bad notation
Why do people respond to obvious bait threads with questions about why people respond to obvious bait threads?
Why do people respond to questions about why people respond to obvious bait threads in obvious bait threads?
If it's above the fraction you must specify by saying (1+1)/(1*(1-1))
You dumb retard/brainlet.
No I don't, it's obvious when you look at the equation, just extend the fraction line and you'll clearly see the left part of the equation is above it and the right part is underneath.
kys kys
X*X/X-X+X=X doesn't matter what order
Thats not how this works user
Kill yourself please
Why does anyone bother posting these when you can just wolfram it for starters.
Second of all, learn order of operations.
Fuck order of operations. If you're doing anything remotely serious with maths, you use fraction lines.
Any questions?
we need to get rid of infix notation already
Wow. Good one, I have to say.
C'mon, this is /b/ level stuff.
How about something new. Like why does google calculator show the following results:
cos pi/2 = -0.5
>He thinks that [math]ZFC[/math] is a variable
kill yourself user
Use better notation and then I'll solve it.
This is literally undefined because of bad notation.
Because you input cos(pi) /2