hey anons, grill and I made our first attempt at eggs benedict this morning.
Came out really good, just a touch too much of lemon in the hollandaise
Pic very much related
hey anons, grill and I made our first attempt at eggs benedict this morning.
Came out really good, just a touch too much of lemon in the hollandaise
Pic very much related
Looks great, but needs more hash brown.
grill is monitoring thread, she knows for next time lmao.
is that good American bacon? Then it's not eggs benny.
Is that musterd on eggs?
would eat 8/10 no sides
Needs better plating though with that giant empty portion of the plate. Maybe some fruit or something. I guess I was wrong that it needed has browns because I now notice the english muffins. But something needs to be in that gigantic turbo void in the plate...anything.
You need a better bread/egg ratio, and the hollandaise seems a bit thick, but otherwise you've done more than most posters on Veeky Forums will ever manage so good job user.
looks tasty would eat
no it's holiday sauce
>no it's holiday sauce
What did you mean by this
you know what he meant by this
err, it should be ham, not bacon :( It's a texture thing when you cut down, probably too chewy with that undercooked streaky bacon, which will slide out and shift that lovely topping and egg around. Too much lemon? Can't be possible. The texture looks nice and thick though. Bun should be a little more golden in the toasting process too, I think.
A cross cut would show how you did, really, the yolk should be a little oozy liquidy still which isn't shown (or not!).
In my opinion, I find eggs florentine even that much better. Put the bacon on the side. Roast some tomatoes too.
>What did you mean by this
Eggs Benedict are served with hollandaise sauce, user. It even says so in the OP post.
Looks dank after OP
Roastie detected
Why the fuck would you use bacon?
Why the fuck would you not use bacon.
Looks good OP
This is such a cringy pic. You know how you see quintessential pics summing up the 80s? This pic sums up circa 2013 for me.
There's already a thread for this you fucking asshole. Check the catalog and stop shitting up the board.
No that's clearly holiday sauce
>Needs better plating though with that giant empty portion of the plate
Fucking amateur.
Well done on the 'daise but it looks pretty short on the Ham - that's more like a Lady's Benny than a Full Benedict
Or just use a smaller dish. Plating is shit-tier.
op here. sorry m8 but that ham looks a bit thick for me
thats a fucking ridiculous amount of ham
im sorry youre fat user
Here was my first attempt turned out pretty good but I would agree that the sauce is too thick.
Did you cut it with water or was our butter/yolk ratio wrong?