School lunches from around the world

How did the US drop the ball on something as basic as providing non-shitty food for kids?

I'm so jealous at what others get.

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France looks worse

Everywhere else in the world has MUCH MUCH smaller school populations, they're MUCH MUCH more densely packed, and they generally receive more state funding.

Also, state funding. It's up to individual states to figure out their education budget and because the fed has started enforcing "healthy diet options" for school lunch instead of figuring out a way to curb HFCS consumption (the real reason kids are fat), the state is basically forced to find the absolute cheapest slop to meet the nutritional requirements.

Basically the answer is "federal government shoving its nose into other peoples business" as usual.


Same reason Aramark serves Ramen for $1 apiece to prisoners.

why is school lunch even a thing?

i went to school all over canada and school lunch was never a thing

we just bring a lunch from home

it seems like something kids whose parents hate them get

yeah, that place isn't providing any food to anyone.

>pay denbts

I went to public school growing up and I couldn't ever really complain about the food. We had chili and cinnamon rolls on Thursdays, that was actually pretty cool

could be worse.

Top kek, I was just about to post this

I was absolutely flabbergasted when I saw schools on television with fully decked cafeterias and such

Our standard was always tyropita (cheese pastry) and koulouri (sesame donut) for lunch, bought from the canteen.

French here, and the school lunches when I was below 10 were absolutely abhorrent. Everything brought in massive alu containers, reheated in a giant oven. Disgusting.

What I got from 10 to 14 was roughly what I could've done myself if I was taught the basics of cooking

14-16 was a few cuts below what my mother could make and more than acceptable

Then I moved to uni and I mostly ate sandwiches, which were fine.

We have no school lunches at all in Bulgaria.

Lunches in kindergarten are pretty meh.

Everything was made from scratch at my school. The days they baked apple crisp the entire school smelled heavenly and I couldn't wait for lunch.

When I was a kid in the rural Midwest we had sausage, sauerkraut and au gratin potatoes at school twice a week, and it came from local farms. Wtf has happened to America?

A wonderful thing called corporate freedom where corporations receive tax money to provide your kids' prison food for a tidy profit. But corporations are people too, so how can we complain?

I was born in '90 in Canada and I never had school lunches. We had a pizza, Subway or KFC day every month but that was about it. In high school we had a cafeteria where you could buy shit.

I graduated HS in the US in '97. We had a cafeteria with a salad bar and two different lines serving two different entrées. It was basically prepackaged items from GFS/Sysco.

what country?

I went to a shit public high school, it was pretty much just welfare tendies for poor kids.

That isn't real. That is just them putting national dishes in fucking lunch trays, dude.

If your parents loved you, you got a packed lunch filled with marginally healthier things and maybe some unhealthy things that were at least stuff you liked.

Only parents who didn't give a shit or who made excuses consented their kids to school lunch knowing damn well what they were getting.

I can't blame poor or underfunded urban schools for taking the subsidy payouts to make up the lack of state budget. But I can judge shitty parents who demand government feed their kids.

School lunch was so fucking bad that I started preparing my own.

What the fuck France? An entire fucking piece of brie?

Beet or carrot salad aren't even national dishes here. Also that is absolutely not what our pea soup looks like.
This is what we had.

In Poland we always got a bowl of soup, and after that some easily-made 1/2 piece meal (borscht+pancakes with jam, tomato soup+pierogi with cabbage and mushrooms...)
Oh, and kompot to drink (basically a not sweet watered down juice made from fruits)

>But corporations are people too

Corporations are not people, that's the key reason for their existence. That's why they can steal, bribe and do illegal shit, because no single person will be responsible.
I'm sorry for being a dick and correcting you on such a minute detail.

>I'm sorry for being a dick and correcting you on such a minute detail.

Kek. I was really being facetious, so I'm pretty sure we're in agreement.

I grew up in America, but I was homeschooled, so I never had any school lunches aside from the prison food I sometimes ate at college.

Now I teach English in Japan and have Japanese middle school lunch every day. It's usually pretty good, and usually pretty high quality. This is a more boring one. I hate squid and fish day.

Yeah but they wouldn't put moose head on a lunch tray for a news article so beet salad would have to do.

Is that potatoes, konnyaku and cauliflower in the soup? What a weird mix

Eh, moose is pretty niche protein here. Even reindeer is more common.

absolutely disgusting.
Whatever is in the bowl looks like the dishwater after a proper meal

Is that just rice? nothing else? fucking white people food on steroids. Did they at least use salt?

that entree looks like its been steamed to hell and back. Do white people know about maillard? I could understand something with this steamed to mush texture if it was being served to geriatrics.

I don't know what that shaved Parmesan cheese looking stuff is.

Probably daikon, konnyaku, and potatoes, though cauliflower would be good if they ate it much here. The soup they serve is usually pretty bland, but the salads are awesome.

you are cute user.

Yes, the soup is almost always bland as fuck, but they never steam stuff. Everything has lots of texture and they process it very little.

And the Japanese get a giant erection for rice. I don't know why. I like when we get it because it is filling as fuck.

>white people food

What are you on about?

desu it's a lack of cooking culture and an appreciation thereof

my mother grew up in the 50s and all her school lunches were made from scratch by women who knew what the fuck they were doing

my lunch ladies were all minimum wage employees who could operate a microwave


If your parents gave a fuck about you they would have packed you something.

>school food from scratch

Yeah, in the 1950's. You get corporate contracted prison food now, son. In a way it's good. They've prepared you to eat all your food like a good boy after you get incarcerated.

>made from scratch
Out of a can. the 50's were the highlight of industrialized food. They thought it was futuristic and cool.