Ah yes, there's no greater way to spend a Friday night... wandering around Philadelphia by myself drinking gin...

Ah yes, there's no greater way to spend a Friday night... wandering around Philadelphia by myself drinking gin. Nothing beats it.

I was under the impression that it was always sunny in Philadelphia.


should be drinking rum

Bro you're like a 2 minute walk from Monks

Holler at the next bitch you see


shoot heroin at least

Isn't that where Tom hanks got aids? What an awful city

trust the process

>wanted to spend my day off walking around downtown Miami
>didn't feel like driving 30 minutes there or getting stabbed

Considering I haven't done shit today, I sorta regret not doing it.

I will

center city is nice. Its a much les annoying NYC with decent shit around there. You ever been to Tria? My girlfriend took me there. very nice. di Bruno Bros is also a nice little shop

I don't have any friends I don't want to go to a place like that by myself

I did that in Montréal for countless years. Walking around drinking with music.

All the shit I saw, all the beauty I passe dby, the people I've met. Best time of my life.

I almost drowned one day because I slipped into the Saint-Laurence river (same thing as the Delaware River).

Out of my al/ck/days it's what I miss the most. Long drunk walks.

Cheap rhum was my go to drink, but I the end I'd prefer bourbon.

Say hello to Nick Braun from me

Sounds beautiful. Cheers

Who's that

Sadposter on fb. Nvm

Oh ok. Merry Christmas


more pics
i'm drunk too but its freezing here

Where are you?

Get a bike

cheboygan mi
- 4 F
sitting with my space heater

I have one

Damn this thread is comfy as fuck. I live in the philly area. So thanks op

No problem bud


sounds scary to be honest

How stoned are you? Are we on the same wavelenght? feel me

How so?


except your posting on Veeky Forums

Dude, cut the digital leash and go live.

Well I see blue now but I might see pink later. So I'm not really stoned and I just had some pasta with meat sauce. but the philly stuff really connects to me because I have been there recently.

>fucking user wandering around when he could be going to Monks
>I'm stuck on my bed drinking wine
>this is like 2 mins before I spill the whole glass

We should be philly friend

>Dude, cut the digital leash and go live.

You can't even be by yourself, you have to post online and pretend you are the star of your very own reality show and everyone is watching.


Go ride it drunk

What do you think you're doing right now



That looks pretty close to the place I used to get subs when I was shit faced and wasn't getting pussy after the club

Yet here you guys are posting and bitching about it you sound like some insecure losers

Truly, drunk bicycling is the sport of kings

And the deceased

I was under the impression everyone had AIDS


Lol yeah thanks dude but I've lived here my whole life and that hasn't happened yet