How does Veeky Forums rate my omelette?

How does Veeky Forums rate my omelette?

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whats in it, you drunk FAGGOT

Too much fat
Too brown
Really good roll
Keep going, I'm sure it tastes great despite these mostly aesthetic nitpicks

Did you even try you utter faggot?



>drunk FAGGOT


Never mind, that's gross you fag

Like the other user said, it's surprising you had such a good roll but cooked it so badly with the browning. Usually, the roll is the difficult part to get right. Must have been too high a temp for too long.

Nah I just wanted it brown. What people got against browning eggs?

nice, i like you

It's pretty good. Browning is fine for a country omelette, but I think you did a little too much. Probably too much fat added before you rolled it, in the process it overcooked and fried a little. Looks a little greasy. I never understood why people roll omelettes like that, either.



If you're using butter that browning is actually doing a service for your taste receptors.

Butter all the way.

ITT: People get triggered by browning on an omelette

You guys prefer your eggs slimey and gooey and disgusting then, I take it? Slurped down any omelettes lately? Oh wait, you haven't, because the cook wasn't bad and made sure the eggs were fine.

Don't see why people are complaining, that browning actually looks very good.

It's burnt

bit soggy, bit burnt
7/10 would eat and moderately enjoy

You cooked it like you're under 6 feet tall or something. Other than that it looks good. Have a drink on me, alcky.

Can't say I like caviar in those quantities (if much at all), or the typically cold rice used with sushi/sashimi rolls, but the entirety of that plate looks fairly nice, especially sliced like that.

Fuck me, an omelette with ketchup or something just as disgusting on it.

And he criticises the OP.

An omelette is already moist, and tomato really just doesn't fit with fried egg as a flavor (or in texture/consistency).

I don't get ketchupfags.

Would ask for more/10


>paper plate
holy shit, kill yourself

It's decided, westerners must not partake in Asian cuisine from this point on, it's forbidden and 'cringey'.

Easy there, Rando.

that's a tube

The shape is fine, but it's too brown for my tastes.